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Electricity . No lame joke, I know shocking isn’t it? …DANG IT!. What is electricity . Google defines it as A form of energy resulting from the existence of charged particles (such as electrons or protons), either statically as an accumulation of charge or dynamically as a current.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Electricity No lame joke, I know shocking isn’t it? …DANG IT!

  2. What is electricity • Google defines it as • A form of energy resulting from the existence of charged particles (such as electrons or protons), either statically as an accumulation of charge or dynamically as a current.

  3. So basically you have 2 types • Static electricity and current or flowing electricity.

  4. Static • Static means to stay still. This is when we build up an imbalance of charges but they are not flowing yet. • (Charging by friction)

  5. Current • This is when the charged particles are flowing, they move from one point to another causing current. • (the shock when you near metal)

  6. But Why? • Why would the electricity suddenly start moving? • Well lets look at a bolder on a hill. Why does it start to move?

  7. Energy is Energy • Electrical energy just like mechanical energy follow the same rules. • They can store energy by having a high potential • And they wish to go to a lower potential energy state.

  8. Different types different labels • For potential energy mechanical we used PE • but for electricity we use Volts • Variable V, unit V.

  9. But this is limited • Once the static electricity jumps to the knob it stops flowing. So how can we keep the electricity flowing? • We put in a pump

  10. Now what? • So now we have electricity continually flowing because of that pump. • The pump pushes the charged partials through the wire, this is sometimes called a generator. • So what do you think will happen if we increase the amount of electricity that we pump?

  11. More terms • The amount of electricity that passes by is called the Current. • The variable of current is I and the units are q/t • To make the units easier to state, we use the term Ampere • An ampere (A) is 1 C/s (1 coulomb per sec, or 1 charge per sec) • So on your list it would look like • I = 20A.

  12. POWER!!! • Well if we take the distance a charged partical can move (V) and how fast it flows past a point (A) you can find out how much power is flowing through a wire • Power: Variable P Units: J/s or W (Watts)

  13. After all that… • Lets try it out • The current through a motor is 3 A and the potential difference is 120 V. How much power is flowing through the motor?

  14. You try • A 120 V motor operates at 12 A. Determine the power flowing

  15. One last bit of information • When you turn in a light switch you are charged for the amount of energy you use. • Well how much are you using? • The equation to find out is based not on just how much is flowing but for how long. • E =Pt (Energy =Power X time)

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