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NYS Middle Level Liaisons. Thursday, March 29, 2012. A New Place In History….
NYS Middle Level Liaisons Thursday, March 29, 2012
A New Place In History… “Our once unchallenged preeminence in commerce, industry, science and technological innovation is being taken over by competitors throughout the world. The educational foundations of our society are presently being eroded by a rising tide of mediocrity that threatens our very future as a nation and a people”
Which Requires a New Set of Remedies… Increased aid to low wealth school districts Setting of standards and increasing math and science requirements Lengthening the school day and year Increase in compensation for teachers Salary, tenure, retention and promotion should be tied to an effective evaluation system that rewards superior teachers, encourages average teachers and improves or terminates poor performing teachers
A Nation at Risk….. April 26, 1983
Increasing Demands of Economic Competitiveness • The global economy is changing the nature of work and the kinds of jobs our young people will enter. • Jobs that once required a high school degree and paid a family-sustaining-wage and included retirement and health benefits are disappearing, and new jobs require more knowledge and skills than ever before. • Today, roughly two-thirds of all new jobs require some form of postsecondary education. • Experts say this percentage only will increase in the future.
Higher education degree holders earn more and contribute more to economic growth Source: Current Population Survey, 2008
NAEP Reading Source: Nationally representative samples of about 213,000 fourth-graders and 168,000 eighth-graders participated in the 2011 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) in reading. www.nationsreportcard.gov 7
NAEP Math Source: Nationally representative samples of about 213,000 fourth-graders and 168,000 eighth-graders participated in the 2011 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) in reading. www.nationsreportcard.gov 8
Competing Globally – Adapting Locally 2009 PISA Results: PISA is a widely respected international assessment which measures student performance in Reading, Math, and Science Source: OECD PISA Database
Our Challenge Graduating All Students College & Career Ready New York's 4-year high school graduation rate is 73.4% for All Students However, the gaps are disturbing. June 2010 Graduation Rate Calculated College and Career Ready* Graduation under Current Requirements *Students graduating with at least a score of 75 on Regents English and 80 on a Math Regents, which correlates with success in first-year college courses. Source: NYSED Office of Information and Reporting Services 10
Highly Effective School Leaders Fair & Rigorous Accountability Statewide Standards-based Curriculum Demanding Assessments College and Career Ready Students Highly Effective Teachers Regents Reform Agenda • Implementing Common Core standards and developing curriculum and assessments aligned to these standards to prepare students for success in college and the workplace • Building instructional data systems that measure student success and inform teachers and principals how they can improve their practice in real time • Recruiting, developing, retaining, and rewarding effective teachers and principals • Turning around the lowest-achieving schools
6 Shifts in Mathematics 6 Shifts in ELA/Literacy Focus Coherence Fluency Deep Understanding Applications Dual Intensity Balancing Informational and Literary Text Building Knowledge in the Disciplines Staircase of Complexity Text-based Answers Writing from Sources Academic Vocabulary What is the Work? Implementing the Common Core Instructional Shifts Demanded by the Core 12
PARCC Assessment DesignEnglish Language Arts/Literacy and Mathematics, Grades 3-11 Optional Assessments/Flexible Administration • Diagnostic Assessment • Early indicator of student knowledge and skills to inform instruction, supports, and PD • Mid-Year Assessment • Performance-based • Emphasis on hard-to-measure standards • Potentially summative • Performance-Based • Assessment (PBA) • Extended tasks • Applications of concepts and skills • End-of-Year • Assessment • Innovative, computer-based items • ELA - Speaking And Listening • Assessment • Locally scored • Non-summative, required Summative, Required assessment Interim, optional assessment
PARCC Timeline SY 2010-11 Launch and design phase SY 2011-12 Development begins SY 2012-13 Field testing SY 2013-14 Field testing SY 2014-15 First year administration Spri ng 2015 Set achievement levels New York Transition to the Common Core NY 3-8 First year admin Regents Field Testing NY First year admin: Regents NY 3-8 field testing
Computer-based testing ~Development of the PARCC Readiness Survey tool ~Seeking funding for small scale pilot for 12-13 ~Potential larger pilot for 13-14 ~PARCC will be computer-based if approved by BOR 14-15 17
Tri-State Rubrics – Math & ELA/ Literacy collaboratively built tools informed and approved by the authors of the CCSS, which evaluate the Common Core alignment of curricular materials
as of 3/5/12; subject to revision Modules: ELA & Math • NYSED is delivering Curricular Modules Aligned to the Core in ELA & Math • Scope and Sequence available in July 2012 • P-8 Modules begin arriving in quarter-length chunks beginning in August. • 9-12 Modules begin arriving in quarter-length chunks beginning in October.
Video Exemplars as of 3/5/12; subject to revision • NYSED is delivering more than 500 videos to: • Exemplify CCSS aligned instruction from NYS teachers • Use for calibration of teacher and principal evaluation • Model data driven instruction cycles • Instruct and Inform regarding CCSS, DDI, TLE • Videos delivery begins Summer 2012, Continues in Fall 2012 21
What is the Work?Implementing Data Driven Instruction “ Tito ate one fourth of a cheese pizza. Tito ate three eighths of a pepperoni pizza… All pizzas were the same size. Luis thinks he ate more than Tito because h didn’t eat any pepperoni pizza…Luis thinks he ate more. Who is correct? Show your mathematical thinking…” 22
DDI for Impact • Common Assessments • Transparent Starting Point for Teachers • Immediate Turnaround of Interim Results • Deep, Concept by Concept Assessment-in-Hand Data Analysis • Teacher Action Plans/ Revised Lesson Plans built on Data Analysis • Principals facilitate effective Data Analysis Meetings • Principals hold teachers accountable for changes in practice
The DDI Implementation Rubric Informs & Supports
What is the Work?Principals Driving Teacher Effectiveness • The Reflective Teacher Shifts her practice so that more students learn more. • The Principal Collects Objective Evidence • The Principal Gives “Evidence-based Feedback” to the Teacher
as of 3/5/12; subject to revision Components of the New APPR 20 15% 20 25% Teacher: Other points:Individual/Peer Observation*, Student/Parent Feedback*,Student Work*,Teacher Artifacts* * Please refer to the Summary of Revised APPR Revisions 2012-13:http://engageny.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/nys-evaluation-plans-guidance-memo.pdf
Additional APPR Highlights • Scoring bands established in legislation • Ineffective on growth and local leads to ineffective overall • Timely and expeditious appeals provision • APPRs, in prescribed form, must be approved by Commissioner for rigorous adherence to law and regulation • Preserves district discretion around probationary teachers and tenure
The Need for Guidance SLO’s on EngageNY http://engageny.org/network-teamsntes/ 29
What are the Comparable Growth Measures Used as the Basis for SLO’s? http://engageny.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/nys-evaluation-plans-guidance-memo.pdf
The Need for Rigor and ComparabilityVerified To the Extent Practicable http://engageny.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/nys-evaluation-plans-guidance-memo.pdf 31
The Role of the Regents ExamIn the Establishment of an SLO http://engageny.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/Assessment-Options-for-SLOs.pdf 32
What Does My District need to Know…District Roadmap on EngageNY http://engageny.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/slo-roadmap.pdf 33
Who Gets An SLO? Required SLO’s Reference Guide on EngageNY http://engageny.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/Required-SLOs-Reference-Guide.pdf 34
Which Assessment do I chooseFor my youngest learners? http://engageny.org/resource/student-learning-objectives-webinar-ii/ 35
So many choicesWhy Won’t SED Limit Our Choices? • 700 different Contexts • Tight-Loose Management Philosophy • Task Force Recommendations • A Negotiated Settlement 36
Changing Teacher and Leader PracticeCompliance without quality assurance cannot bring about change…..