Purpose • The Purpose of J and J’s is to be a community hang out for gamers and collectors to make friends and socialize out of their parents basements, all joking aside J and J’s is a fantastic place for people to come and hang out, no one is judged and everyone is willing to help anyone. On occasion some people order food to bring in during one of our tournements.
products • We sell a wide variety of merchandise from plushys and comic books to the latest video games , the newest cards and card sleeves; we also sell an assortment of requested items such as espurr dolls and Pet rocks
Location and ads • We’re trying to save money on advertisements so we’re having our business in downtown Ottawa to allow more people to see our signs on the sidewalk and be in walking distance of malls and big attractions, we’re only putting up signs because the cost to have a billboard up is too high and we only a small business so we don’t need to spend that kind of money, We are going to rely on our costumers telling their friends and so on and so forth to get our customers. J&js
Start up costs • For costs the building we have found costs $2,000 and the monthly cost is negotiable, we would need to buy counter space for people to play games on and counter space for the retail section, the tables we will be buying cost $35.00 each and we will need about 5, the chairs are $26.00 and we 30 of them, the shelf we have chosen is 20 dollars and we need 5 of them, We also must have glass tables like those in jewelry stores to hold cards so people can’t steal rare cards but they can still be on display, These will cost $120 each and we need 5.