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Social Structure: Insights on Homelessness

Explore the importance of social structure, differentiating relative vs. absolute homelessness, debunking stereotypes, and insights into homelessness through functionalist and conflict perspectives.

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Social Structure: Insights on Homelessness

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Society, Social Structure, Social Interaction

  2. Social Interaction: is the process by which people act toward or respond to other people and is the foundation for all relationships and groups within society. • Social Structure: is the stable pattern of social relationships that exists within a particular group of society

  3. Why is “social structure” important?? “It is essential for the survival of society and well being of individuals…it connects us to the larger society.”

  4. Homelessness • How do we define homelessness? • Who are the homeless? • What are some stereotypes associated with homelessness?

  5. Relative Homelessnessvs.Absolute Homelessness • Relative Homelessness: describes the condition of those who have a physical shelter, but one that does not meet basic standards of health and safety (protection from elements, safe water, sanitation etc…) • Absolute Homelessness: describes the condition of people without physical shelter who sleep outdoors, in vehicles, abandoned buildings etc…

  6. How Much Do you Know about Homelessness? • Most people choose to be homeless. • The number of homeless persons in Canada has gradually declined over the past 30 years. • Homelessness is often caused by racism and discrimination. • Most homeless people are mentally ill. • Men over the age of 50 make up most of Canada’s homeless population. • The number of homeless adolescents has increased in the past decade. • One out of every 4 homeless persons are children. • There are approximately 20 000 homeless persons in Canada.

  7. Answers • Most people choose to be homeless. F • The number of homeless persons in Canada has gradually declined over the past 30 years. F • Homelessness is often caused by racism and discrimination.T • Most homeless people are mentally ill. F • Men over the age of 50 make up most of Canada’s homeless population. F • The number of homeless adolescents has increased in the past decade. T • One out of every 4 homeless persons are children. T • There are approximately 20 000 homeless persons in Canada. F

  8. FUNCTIONALIST PERSPECTIVE ON SOCIAL STRUCTURE: Essential because it creates order and predictability in a society Important for human development as we develop a self concept when we learn attitudes, values, and behaviours of the people around us Gives us the ability to interpret the social situations we encounter Social structure helps people make sense of their surroundings…ie. homeless

  9. CONFLICT PERSPECTIVE ON SOCIAL STRUCTURE: Limits our options and places us in arbitrary categories not of our own choosing There is more to the social structure than is readily visible Reflects a system of relationships of domination of categories of people Creates boundaries that define which persons or groups will be the “insiders” and which will be the “outsiders”

  10. What would you do?Homeless

  11. SOCIAL MARGINALITY: • is the state of being part insider and part outsider in the social structure. • Immigrants simultaneously share the life and traditions of two distinct groups.

  12. STIGMA: • is any physical or social attribute or sign that so devalues a person’s social identity that disqualifies that person from full social acceptance. • Criminal- prison uniform

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