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GARVEYISM And Those Who Helped Shape it. By: Terry L. Smith, Sr. Marcus Mosiah Garvey 1887-1940. Socioeconomic and Political Traditions. Jamaicans like other foreign ethic groups had valuable trade skills.
GARVEYISMAnd Those Who Helped Shape it. By: Terry L. Smith, Sr.
Socioeconomic and Political Traditions • Jamaicans like other foreign ethic groups had valuable trade skills. • Jamaicans built a dynamic agricultural economy during Reconstruction in the United States. • Jamaicans had Black role models not White.
Creationof GARVEYISM • Garvey launched, on August 1, 1914, the Universal Negro Improvement and Conservation Association and African Communities League. • He was President of the Association . With the motto "One God! One Aim! One Destiny!", • the association sought to unite "all the people of African ancestry of the world into one great body to establish a country and Government absolutely their own."
Creation of GARVEYISM • Among the objectives of the association, which became known as the UNIA, were: • to promote the spirit of race, pride and love; • to administer to and assist the needy; • to reclaim the fallen of the race; • to establish universities, colleges and secondary schools for the further education and culture of the boys and girls of the race; • to conduct a worldwide commercial and industrial intercourse. • The first headquarters of the association was located at 30 Charles Street
Climate in America • The Great Black Migration is underway in America . • World War I is underway in Europe and the Lusitania was sunk. • In 1915, D.W. Griffith’s Birth of a Nation was released in theaters in America.
Garveyism • In 1916, Garvey tried to start the modern Garvey movement in Jamaica. • Dr. Booker T. Washington Invited him to the United States in the hopes of establishing an industrial training school. • Tragedy struck, just after Garvey arrived in America Washington died.
Woodrow Wilson vies for the White House. • a Southern Democrat, his slogan was he would keep the U.S. out of the war. • Enlisted the help of William Monroe Trotter, a journalist and The First Black Phi Beta Kappa and W.E.B. Dubois the first Black Harvard graduate. • Wilson was a fellow Ivy Leaguer.
Woodrow Wilson Was now in the White House. • Dubois double crossed Blacks when he supported Woodrow Wilson’s request that Blacks be encouraged to go to war against Germany. He said in July 1918 issue of ” The Crisis ““Let us while this war last, forget our grievances and close ranks, shoulder to shoulder, with our white fellow citizens.” • Military units and Trade Unions segregated. • Garvey supported Trotter. He added that Blacks should move north and go to work in the plants.
Wilson travels to the Paris Peace Conference • In 1919 Wilson travels to Europe to attend the Paris Peace Conference. • The State Department denied Trotter and Garvey a passport to attend. • Blacks as a whole were being denied Visas to travel abroad.
Wilson travels to the Paris Peace Conference • Trotter had returned to school to become a cook. • He reached France by having himself hired as a cook on a ship. • He then surprised Woodrow Wilson at the meeting and embarrassed him .
Pan African Conference • The Pan African Conference took place in France for 3 days during the Paris Peace Conference. • 58 delegates from 16 nations attended • They took a serious interest in the fifth point of the 14 of the League of Nations. • A, free, opened minded and absolutely impartial adjustment of all colonial claims based upon a strict observance of the principles…the interest of the populations concerned must have equal weight with the equitable claims of government …
The Roaring Twenties • The Jazz Age is underway. • F. Scott Fitzgerald declares 1922 “The Peak of the Younger Generation.
Garvey meets with The Klan • Edward Young Clarke, the leader of the Ku Klux Klan, in June 1922. He told him he is also “100% American”. This was the code words used by the Klan at the time. • Garvey made the point he is not an intergrationalist. He also told them that blacks want their own flag. Moreover, they do not wish to compete with their sons and daughters for jobs. In addition, we only wish to take advantage of this country as any other ethic group that comes off the boat. This is where his Bookerite philosophy was evident referring to blacks being able to compete on a level playing field with their learned skills. • He also said that the Klan was fighting to make America a White man’s land and he was fighting to make Africa a Black man’s country.
Garvey meets with The Klan • This was counter the argument of Bookerites. • They advanced the idea that Blacks should be used in manufacturing companies instead of immigrant labor . • Immigrants did not understand the culture or the language.
Garvey’s Economic Plan Revealed • Garvey introduced the idea of creating a Banking System and Shipping. • Garvey knew his history. He told them that Negroes were a Seafaring people and therefore needed ships. • Since Whites had The White Star Line, I will create The Black Star Line, Since Whites have the Red Cross, I will create the Black Cross, (a Black Nurse Corp.)
Theoretical vs. Real World Application • Meanwhile, our friend Dubois had returned to the academic world. • He was writing papers and editorials. Moreover, He was making flowery speeches and attacking Garvey’s success. • Meanwhile, our friend Garvey is out in the real world mixing it up. He was out raising the unheard of sum of 10 million dollars to realize his dream of owning an all black shipping fleet.
Garvey’s Economic Plan in Action • Garvey helped build this 10 Million Dollar war chest by starting a simple burial fund. Blacks did not have access in some areas to a funeral home. Whites refused Blacks service period. • He devised an economic plan where 10 cents would be collected from all church members. These monies would go into a funeral home coffer. • When it was time to collect these funds, fans were distributed to the church congregation. • The fans had the name of the funeral home on the fan. Which was the Garveyvite Funeral Home printed on it. • The tradition still continues. Observe the fans in church and the distribution time is always during collection.
LIBERTY HALL WAS ESTABLISHED. • Liberty Hall was established on August 1, 1920 to fill the void of Blacks not having a meeting hall of their own. • Great social organizations had one such as Masons and Elks. Different ethnic groups had their own as well such as Croatians, Serbians, Poles and Hungarians. • Liberty Hall would double as a meeting place and community center. Their popularity rose quickly and sprang up in just about every major city and small black town. • The Pioneers (Blacks version of the Boy Scouts) met in the hall. Their uniforms were olive green and they wore a Sam Brown belt. They were given new shoes a rarity during the time. Blacks were not permitted to use the YMCA OR YWCA and the pool was definitely off limits. • Liberty Hall had some of their amenities such as a library and pool. They also sponsored crafts and sporting events such as mush ball and basketball. Moreover it served as a dancehall for adults and children.
Garvey Betrayed and Jailed • Meanwhile, our friend W.E.B Dubois and Dishonored NAIA members met in secret with J. Edgar Hoover. A plan was devised to charge Garvey with mail fraud when he raised his funds through the issuance of stocks. • Dishonored former NAIA members such as J. W. H. Eason, Garvey's former deputy, who was expelled at the August 1922 Convention on charges of personal misconduct agreed to be a witness against him. • Garvey represented himself in court and was convicted in 1923 and sent to the Atlanta Penitentiary. • He was pardoned by Calvin Coolidge in 1927 and deported to his native Jamaica.
Flags are Equal Before Garvey • The NAIA flag and American flag the are to be flown at equal height. • The American flag is usually flown above most. A carryover from colonial times and the1936 Olympics. • Garvey believed every people should have a flag and he does not worship the American flag. • Blacks and Africa predate America.