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“Running Line” mode

A humorous encounter between two individuals discussing the difference in home heating systems, reflecting on cultural perceptions and expectations regarding warmth and comfort.

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“Running Line” mode

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Presentation Transcript

  1. “Running Line” mode

  2. I cou..... see ....at Wallis wa.. not ....eling very we....  She ....d a b.... cold ..nd her ey.... were ....d. " I'm afr...... that ..ur English hou...... aren't ....ry warm," I sa....  .  'We ....n't have Amer...... Central ....ating here.' The.... was .. long .......ence.  Mrs. Simpson tur..... her ....ce and loo...... out ..f the win.......  .  Then ..he said: 'Y.... have ........pointed me, Si..  .''And ...hy is th....?' I ....ked. 'Because every.........  is ......ing me ab...... American .......tral heating.   .. thought th.... the ......nce of Wales wo...... talk .....out something mo.... interesting.'.. began ..o laugh. '.....at's th.. matter, ..ir?' Wallis ask....  . 'Have .. said   some.........   wrong?''..o,' I repl......  . I'm .......ghing because y.... told ...e the tru....  . Double-click here to check

  3. Check I could see that Wallis was not feeling very well.  She had a bad cold and her eyes were red. " I'm afraid that our English houses aren't very warm," I said. 'We don't have American Central heating here.' There was a long silence. Mrs. Simpson turned her face and looked out of the window.  Then she said: 'You have disappointed me, Sir.' 'And why is that?' I asked. 'Because everybody is asking me about American central heating. I thought that the Prince of Wales would talk about something more interesting.' I began to laugh. 'What's the matter, Sir?' Wallis asked. 'Have I said something wrong?' 'No,' I replied. I'm laughing because you told me the truth. END OF TASK

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