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CHAPTER 8 Workshop Session - Hexagonal Steel Plate -. 40. t1. fil. 100. Description.
CHAPTER 8 Workshop Session - Hexagonal Steel Plate - Written by Changhyun, SON
40 t1 fil 100 Description • An overdesigned steel plate under tension loading of 50 MPa needs to be optimized for minimum weight subject to a maximum von Mises stress limit of 150 MPa. You are allowed to vary the thickness t1 and fillet radius fil. • Properties: • Thickness = 10 mm • E = 2.07e5 MPa • n = 0.3 Written by Changhyun, SON
HEXPLATE.INP ! GEOMETRY (in mm) !----------------- *afun,deg ! Degree units for trig. functions inrad=200*cos(30)-20 ! Inner radius t1=30 ! Thickness fil=10 ! Fillet radius /prep7 ! Create the three bounding annuli cyl4,-200,,inrad,-30,inrad+t1,30 cyl4,200*cos(60),200*sin(60),inrad,-90,inrad+t1,-150 cyl4,200*cos(60),200*sin(-60),inrad,90,inrad+t1,150 aplot aadd,all adele,all ! Delete area, keep lines lplot ! Fillets on inner slot lsel,,radius,,inrad+t1 ! Select inner arcs Written by Changhyun, SON
l1 = lsnext(0) ! Get their line numbers l2 = lsnext(l1) l3 = lsnext(l2) lfillet,l1,l2,fil ! Fillets lfillet,l2,l3,fil lfillet,l3,l1,fil lsel,all lplot ! Keep only symmetric portion wprot,,90 lsbw,all wprot,,,60 lsbw,all csys,1 lsel,u,loc,y,0,60 ldele,all,,,1 lsel,all ksll ksel,inve kdele,all ! Delete unnecessary keypoints ksel,all Written by Changhyun, SON
! Create missing lines and combine right edge lines csys,0 ksel,,loc,y,0 lstr,kpnext(0),kpnext(kpnext(0)) ! Bottom symmetry edge ksel,all csys,1 ksel,,loc,y,60 lstr,kpnext(0),kpnext(kpnext(0)) ! 60-deg. symm. edge ksel,all csys,0 lsel,,loc,x,100 lcomb,all ! Add lines at the right edge lsel,all ! Create the area al,all aplot Written by Changhyun, SON
! MESHING ! ------- et,1,82,,,3 ! Plane stress with thickness r,1,10 ! Thickness mp,ex,1,2.07e5 ! Young's modulus of steel, MPa mp,nuxy,1,0.3 ! Poisson's ratio smrt,3 amesh,all eplot finish ! LOADING ! ------- /solu csys,1 lsel,u,loc,y,1,59 dl,all,,symm ! Symmetry b.c. csys,0 lsel,,loc,x,100 sfl,all,pres,-50 ! Pressure load (MPa) lsel,all Written by Changhyun, SON
! SOLUTION ! -------- eqslv,pcg solve ! POSTPROCESSING ! -------------- /post1 plnsol,s,eqv ! Equivalent stress contours /dscale,,off ! Displacement scaling off /expand,6,polar,half,,60 ! Symmetry expansion /replot /expand ! Retrieve maximum equivalent stress and volume nsort,s,eqv *get,smax,sort,,max ! smax = max. equivalent stress etable,evol,volu ssum *get,vtot,ssum,,item,evol ! vtot = total volume finish Written by Changhyun, SON
Results of the Initial Step Written by Changhyun, SON
HEXPLATE_OPT.INP anfile='hexplate' anext='inp' ! ENTER OPT AND IDENTIFY ANALYSIS FILE /opt opanl,anfile,anext ! IDENTIFY OPTIMIZATION VARIABLES opvar,t1,dv,20.5,40 ! DVs: Thickness opvar,fil,dv,5,15 ! Fillet radius opvar,smax,sv,,150 ! SV: Maximum equivalent stress opvar,vtot,obj,,,1 ! OBJ: Total volume, tolerance = 1.0 ! RUN THE OPTIMIZATION opkeep,on ! Save best design optype,subp ! Subproblem approximation method opsave,anfile,opt0 ! Save the current opt database opexe ! REVIEW RESULTS oplist,all,,,1 ! List all design sets plvaropt,t1,fil ! DVs t1 & fil vs. set number plvaropt,smax ! SV smax vs. set number plvaropt,vtot ! OBJ vtot vs. set number finish Written by Changhyun, SON
Design Sets Written by Changhyun, SON
Optimized Model & Analysis Results Written by Changhyun, SON
40 t1 fil 100 Exploring the Design Domain Description • Run a Gradient and Sweep study of the hexagonal steel plate from earlier workshop exercises. Written by Changhyun, SON
Exploring the Design DomainHexagonal Steel Plate 1. Enter ANSYS (or clear the database) and change the jobname to hex2. 2. Resume the best database file from the optimization run, hexplate.bdb. 3. Enter the optimizer and resume the optimization database file, hexplate.opt1. 4. Run the Gradient Tool with the best design as the reference point and check the sensitivity of the design to DVs t1 andfil. Which DV has more effect on the design? 5. Repeat Step 3. 6. Run the Sweep Tool with 3 sweeps per DV using the best design as the reference point. Now find the global sensitivity of the design. 7. If time permits, run the sweep tool again, this time with 4 or 5 sweeps per DV. Is there any difference in the global sensitivity curves? Written by Changhyun, SON