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Injuries in Emerging Sports

Injuries in Emerging Sports. Leah Concannon , MD. Case 1. Competitive cheerleader Pedicle stress fracture. Competitive Cheerleading. Lower overall injury rate than gymnastics, but higher catastrophic injury rate

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Injuries in Emerging Sports

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Injuries in Emerging Sports Leah Concannon, MD

  2. Case 1 • Competitive cheerleader • Pedicle stress fracture

  3. Competitive Cheerleading • Lower overall injury rate than gymnastics, but higher catastrophic injury rate • Approximately 66% of all catastrophic injuries in high school girl athletes over the past 25 years were from cheerleading LaBella CR, Mjaanes J; Council on Sports Medicine and Fitness. Cheerleading injuries: epidemiology and recommendations for prevention. Pediatrics. 2012 Nov;130(5):966-71.

  4. Pedicle stress fractures • Many cases of pedicle fracture are associated with osteoporosis, trauma or prior surgery • May be more common in cases with contralateral unilateral spondylolysis, or may just have pedicle sclerosis

  5. Imaging • X-rays insensitive • Bone scan with SPECT is sensitive, but radiation concerns especially for young athletes • MRI may be equally sensitive, and can identify bony edema • CT may be better to follow fracture healing, if needed

  6. Treatment • Similar to pars fracture, but even longer rest is likely required (up to 6 months)

  7. Case 2 • Parkour • Hip flexor tendonitis

  8. Parkour • Free running, art of movement, urban gymnastics, obstacle coursing

  9. Parkour • Injuries • German survey: 70% skin abrasions, muscle injury 13% • Few case reports • Clavicle fx, bilat distal radius fx, distal tib/fib fracture, bilateral calcaneal fracture, multiple midfoot fractures • C4/5 subluxation and locked facets resulting in death • Beginners may try moves they have seen in videos, without proper training

  10. Parkour • Landings • Traditional: toe-heel landing • Parkour precision: forefoot only, arms counterbalance movement • Parkour roll: shoulder roll in the direction of travel • Both parkour landings have shown decreased maximum ground reaction force, increased time to maximum force and lower landing rates than traditional landings • This may decrease risk for injury Puddle DL, Maulder PS. Ground reaction forces and loading rates associated with parkour and traditional drop landing techniques. J Sports Sci Med. 2013 Mar 1;12(1):122-9.

  11. Traditional landing

  12. Parkour precision technique

  13. Parkour roll technique

  14. Parkour • Athletes should master moves in a controlled environment with padded landings before trialing outside • Many professionals have training in gymnastics or martial arts • Amateurs should not attempt high level acrobatics • Fractures are the most common reported injury in the literature, but more serious injuries can occur

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