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AISD Secondary Student Anti-Bullying Training. Allen Independent School District Fall 2012. Texas Legislative Updates/Mandates. House Bill 1942 – Updates to 2005 anti-bullying law Title IX– Sexual Harassment & Sexual Violence Senate Bill 407 - Sexting House Bill 121 - Teen Dating Violence
AISD Secondary Student Anti-Bullying Training Allen Independent School District Fall 2012
Texas Legislative Updates/Mandates • House Bill 1942 – Updates to 2005 anti-bullying law • Title IX– Sexual Harassment & Sexual Violence • Senate Bill 407 - Sexting • House Bill 121 - Teen Dating Violence • House Bill 1386 - Suicide • Senate Bill 471 - Abuse and Maltreatment of Children
Definition of Bullying • Engaging in written or verbal expression, expression through electronic means, or physical conduct that occurs on school property, at a school-sponsored or school-related activity, or in a vehicle operated by the district and that: • 1. has the effect or will have the effect of physically harming a student, damaging a student’s property, or placing a student in reasonable fear of harm to the student’s person or of damage to the student’s property; OR • 2. is sufficiently severe, persistent, and pervasive enough that the action or threat creates an intimidating, threatening, or abusive educational environment for a student.
Definition of Bullying To be considered bullying, the conduct described above must: • (1) exploit an imbalance of power between the student perpetrator and the student victim through written or verbal expression or physical conduct; and • (2) interfere with a student’s education or substantially disrupt the operation of a school.
Effects of Bullying Kids who are bullied are more likely to miss, skip, or drop out of school and experience the following: • Depression and anxiety • Increased feelings of sadness and loneliness • Changes in sleep and eating patterns, • Lose interest in activities they used to enjoy • Health complaints – headaches, stomach aches • Drop in grades
Bullycide Bullycide is defined as the act of purposely killing oneself as a result of bullying. Bullied students are at greater risk of attempting or committing suicide if they are depressed, have problems at home, or have experienced trauma (ex: abuse, assault, or natural disaster). This risk can also be greater when the bullied student is not supported by parents, peers, and schools.
Aggressive Bullies • Physical aggression • Impulsive, hot-tempered • Angry, belligerent, quick to use force • Fearless • Motivated by power • Sees hostility when none • Little empathy • Have more family problems than usual • May suffer physical and emotional abuse at home • Create resentment and frustration in peer group
Passive Bully • Insecure • Less popular • Less aggressive • Low self-esteem • Unhappy home lives • Difficulty focusing at school • Violent temper tantrums or outbursts • Tend to hang back and wait for a bullying situation to present itself rather than initiate one • Align themselves with a more aggressive bully
Bystanders The majority of students fall into the category of Bystanders. This group includes everyone (other than the bully and the victim/target) who is present during the bullying incident. What can you do to help? • Distract the bully or person being bullied by changing the subject or asking him/her a question. • Discourage others from feeding into the bullying behavior - do not laugh at the bully’s jokes if they are humiliating someone and do not promote or attend a fight. • Let an adult know what you have witnessed and fill out a bully/harassment form
What would you do? Bystander Video • If you were the boy who got on the bus, what would you have done? • What are the options you have to help the boy being bullied?
Student Responsibilities • Students who observe the act of bullying or who have reasonable grounds to believe that bullying is taking placeare obligated to report the bullying to school authorities. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action. The victim of the bullying shall however, not be subject to discipline for failure to report the bullying. • So…if you are a bystander and choose to do nothing, you may receive a consequence from your principal.
Physical Bullying Examples • Biting • Hitting/Kicking • Punching • Scratching • Spitting at/on • Tripping/pushing • Hair pulling
Types of Verbal Bullying • Abusive phone calls • Threatening to cause harm • Name-Calling • Racist remarks • Spiteful teasing/taunting • Sexually suggestive or abusive language • Making cruel comments • Spreading false/malicious rumors • Embarrassing someone in public
Types of Non-Verbal Bullying • Rude gestures • Ignoring • Excluding • Isolating • Sending hurtful or mean texts, messages or notes • Encouraging other students to dislike someone • Making faces for the purpose of intimidation or control
Other Types of Bullying Damage to property • Ripping clothes • Damaging books • Destroying property • Taking property • Hiding property • Playing “keep away”
Cyberbullying “Using the Internet or other mobile devices to send or post harmful or cruel texts or images to bully others.” (Nancy Willard, Director, Center for Safe and Responsible Internet Use)
Common Forms of Cyberbullying • Harassing text messages • Creating fake profiles • Spreading rumors or gossip online • "Sexting" • Posting mean or hurtful messages online (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube) • Forwarding hurtful messages to others
Reporting Bullying The person(s) responsible for reporting bullying are: • The victim of the bullying • Anyone who witnessed the bullying • Anyone with credible information that an act of bullying is taking place AISD Bullying/Harassment Incident Report
Allen ISD Class Code of Conduct All Allen ISD students treat others with kindness and respect at all times. Bullying behaviors will not be tolerated. Poster - AISD Class Code of Conduct
AISD Secondary Student Sexual Harassment & Sexual Violence Training Allen Independent School District Fall 2012
Sexual Harassment • Sexual harassment is the most common form of harassment in schools – 48% of students surveyed in a national study say they were sexually harassed during the 2010-2011 school year • It violates school rules • It’s a violation of civil law • It’s demeaning and disrespectful of others
What is Sexual Harassment? Sexual harassment is any unwelcomed or unwanted sexual pressure or verbal, visual, or physical contact of a sexual nature. It may happen once or many times. It can make you feel threatened, offended, embarrassed, or uncomfortable.
So…What’s the difference between bullying and sexual harassment? • Bullying is confrontational and often involves physical threats and intimidation. The bully regularly relies on the target’s fear of physical pain or reluctance to fight back. • Sexual harassment is an ongoing series of mental, sexual or physical abuse. The harasser will rely on the victim's fear of public embarrassment or exposureas a way to intimidate them.
Forms of Verbal Sexual Harassment • Sexual or gender based jokes or teasing • Words such as “honey”, “sweetie” or “babe” used in a way to degrade another person • Wolf whistles or other derogatory noises • Rumors about a person’s sex life • Comments about a person’s body • Derogatory comments based on gender
Non-Verbal Forms of Sexual Harassment • Obscene posters or cartoons • Sexual graffiti on a bathroom wall or locker room • Flashing or mooning • Showing, giving, or leaving sexually graphic notes or photographs • Physical gestures that have a sexual meaning • Suggestive looks and facial expressions that have sexual implications • Blocking the pathway of another to make a sexual advance
Physical Forms of Sexual Harassment • Inappropriately touching another person • Grabbing and/or fondling • Rubbing up against a person • Massaging or stroking another person • Stalking • Pulling an individual’s clothes down • Forced kissing
What is Sexual Violence? • Anytime you are forced to do something sexual against your will, the act is considered sexual violence. This also includes acts done to someone who is unable to give consent due to his/her use of drugs and/or alcohol or if the individual has an intellectual or physical disability. If you or someone you know has been a victim of sexual violence, it is important that you report it to an adult you trust.
Consequences • Sexual harassment will result in severe discipline measures at school which may include , but is not limited to, the following: • In school suspension (ISS) • Removal from school bus • Out of school suspension (OSS) • Placement at alternative school • Beyond the school discipline, in severe cases you and/or your parents may be subject to a civil lawsuit from the victim.
How to Report It • Anyone who witnesses or is told about an incident of sexual harassment or sexual violence is REQUIRED to complete a bullying/harassment form • The reporting form can be found on the district counselor webpage at www.allenisd.org or from any adult on campus. Allen ISD Bullying/Harassment Report Form