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Categories of Processes. Process: program in execution. Independent process do not affect others Cooperating process affect each other Share memory and/or resources. Overlap I/O and processing Communicate via message passing. I/O- bound – Short CPU bursts between I/O
Categories of Processes Process: program in execution • Independent process do not affect others • Cooperating process affect each other • Share memory and/or resources. • Overlap I/O and processing • Communicate via message passing. • I/O-bound – Short CPU bursts between I/O • CPU-bound process – Long CPU bursts, little I/O Note: The term, job, normally refers to a batch system process
Process States • As a process executes, it changes state • new: The process is being created • running: Instructions are being executed • waiting: The process is waiting for some event to occur • ready: The process is waiting to be assigned to a process • terminated: The process has finished execution
What makes up a process? • Process Control Block • Process Id • Process State • Scheduling Information • Child and Parent data • Per Thread • Program Counter • CPU Registers • Stack • Allocated resources (file list) • Accounting information • I/O or wait status information • Memory-management data • Program Instructions (text area) • Program Data and Heap Process States
Processing ManagementInvolves migrating processes between queues • Job queue – All system processes • Ready queue – All processes in memory and ready execute • Device queues – All processes waiting for an I/O request completes • Process migrate between the various queues depending on their state Doubly Linked Lists Goal: Mix of I/O bound (filling I/O queues) and CPU bound (filling ready queue)
Process Schedulers • Long-term (What multiprogramming degree?) • Slow; runs infrequently in the background, when processes terminate • Medium-term (Which to swap?) • Efficient; runs roughly every second, when a process needs memory • Short-Term (which to dispatch next?) • Must be fast; runs often (i.e. every 100 ms), after every interrupt
Context Switches Taking control from one process and giving it to another • Save the old process state and load the saved new process state • Context-switch time • pure overhead, no useful work done • Cost dependent on hardware support • Time slicing gives CPU cycles in a round-robin manner
Process Creation • Parent spawn children, children spawn others • Resource sharing options • Parent and children share all resources • Children share some parent resources • No sharing • Execution options • Parent and children execute concurrently • Parent waits until children terminate • Address space options • Child is a duplicate of the parent • Child space has a program loaded into it
A Solaris process spawning tree Root of all user processes File management Support Remote Telnet/FTP Memory management X Windows
POSIX Example fork: Child is a clone of the parent exec: replace memory with new program
Java Example Runs separate process, which could be a separate JVM Get Process System.out.println output Note A JVM is a separate application, supporting multiple threads Only one process resides within a single JVM
Process Termination • Process tells OS that is done (exit(0) or System.exit(0)) • Resources are de-allocated • Status value (usually an integer) is returned • Parent may terminate child processes (abort()) • Child has exceeded allocated resources • Child is no longer needed • Some operating system perform cascading termination, (automatic child process termination if a parent terminates) • Parent may wait for child to terminate (wait()) • The child's pid is returned, facilitating process management • Solaris: if a parent terminates, init becomes the parent
Cooperating Processes Definition: Processes that affect each other's state • Reasons • Share Data • Speedup: Breaking a task into pieces and execute in parallel • Increase modularity of a complex application • Enhance user convenience: Pipeline a series of algorithmic steps • Modes of Communication • Shared Memory: • System call maps shared memory into logical space of each process • Mutual exclusion techniques required • Faster; Processes directly access shared memory without OS help • Message Passing: • Easier to program: No critical sections or locking mechanisms needed • Slower: System calls required for send/receive operations
Inter-process Communication Message PassingShared Memory
Producer-Consumer Problem Example: Cooperating processes • unbounded-buffer: No practical buffer size limit • bounded-buffer: A limited fixed-sized buffer Note: Java can share memory between threads, but not among separate JVM processes
Shared-Memory Solution public interface Buffer { public abstract void produce(Object item); public abstract Object consume(); } public class BoundedBuffer implements Buffer { private int count, in, out; private Object[] buffer; public BoundedBuffer(int size) { count = in = out = 0; buffer = new Object(size); } public void produce(Object item) { while (count == buffer.length) ; buffer[in] = item; in = (in + 1)%buffer.length; count++; } public Object consume() { while (count == 0) ; Object item = buffer[out]; out = (out + 1)%buffer.length; count--; return item; } }
Message Passing • Message system – processes send and receive to communicate • send(P, message) // Send to process P • receive(Q, message) // Receive from process Q • To communicate, P and Q must: • establish a communicationlink between them • exchange messages via send/receive • Communication link can be: • physical (e.g., shared memory, hardware bus) • logical (e.g., logical properties)
Implementation Questions • How to establish links? Network, memory, hardware, etc.? • Number of processes sharing a link? • Number of links per process? • Capacity? 0-length (no buffering), bounded queue length, unbounded? • Variable or fixed sized messages? • Unidirectional or bi-directional? • Synchronous/asynchronous? Blocking/non-blocking send/receive • Symmetry/Asymmetry? Sender and receivers name each other or not? • Direct/indirect communication? By hard-coded pid, or mailbox/port? • Copy message data or remap memory? • Communication standard? Protocol? • Persistent or transient? Messges lost after owner terminates?
Direct Communication • Processes name each other explicitly: • send (P, message) – send to process P • receive(Q, message) – receive from process Q • Properties of communication link • Links are established automatically • A link connects exactly one pair processes • Between each pair there exists exactly one link • Links are usually bi-directional
Indirect Communication • Messages sent/received using ports (mailboxes or ports) • A mailbox has a unique id; processes communicate using the id • Mailboxes may or may not persist when a processer terminates • Mailboxes can be owned by a process or by the OS. • Properties of communication links • Processes share common mailbox links • A link may be associated with many processes • Processes may share many communication links • Link may be unidirectional or bi-directional • Operations or OS system calls • create or destroy mailboxes • send and receive messages through mailbox • Delegate send and receive privileges • send(A, message) – send a message to mailbox A • receive(A, message) – receive a message from mailbox A
Indirect Communication Issue • Mailbox sharing • P1, P2, and P3 share mailbox A • P1, sends; P2and P3 receive • Who gets the message? • Possible Solutions • Links shared by at most two processes • Only one process can receive messages • Arbitrarily select the receiver and notify sender
Synchronization • Blocking: Synchronous • Blocking send: The sender block until the message is received • Blocking receive:The receiver block until a message is available • Non-blocking: Asynchronous • Non-blocking send has the sender send the message and continue • Non-blocking receive has the receiver receive a valid message or null
Buffering • Buffering: The link queues messages • Queue length1.Zero capacity – queue length = 0Sender waits for receiver (rendezvous)2.Bounded capacity – queue length=nSender must wait if the link is full 3. Unbounded capacity – infinite lengthSender never waits
public class Unbounded { private Vector queue; public Unbounded() { queue = new Vector(); } public void send(Object item) { queue.addElement(item); } public Object receive() { if (queue.size() == 0) return null; else return queue.removeElementAt(0); } } // Producer while(true) { send(new Date()); } // Consumer while(true) { Date msg = (Date)receive(); if (msg != null) System.out.println(msg); } Message Passing Solution
Message Passing in Windows XP Server establishes a port When client wants to communicate, a handle is sent to server and client Shared memory if >256 bytes Small messages copied, larger messages use memory mapping
Socket Communication Definition: A socket is an endpoint for communication • Concatenation of IP address and port (ex: • Local host for loopback: • Socket port numbers below 1024 are considered well-known • Socket class for Connection-oriented (TCP) sockets, DatagramSocket class or MulticastSocket class for connectionless (UDP) sockets, Note: Communication occurs between a pair of sockets
Java Socket Server Establish a listening port number Accept a client connection Get the connection's output stream Write the data Close the connection Continue listening for requests
Java Socket Client Establish a connection to the server Get the connection's output stream Read the data Close the connection
Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) • Remote procedure call (RPC) abstracts procedure calls between processes on networked systems • Higher level abstraction on top of socket communication • The data is very structured (function/method calling data) • Implementation • Client Side (issues an RPC call as if it were local) • Calls a stub (a proxy for the server side procedure) • The stub marshalls the parameters for communication • The message is sent to the server • The stub receives the result and returns to the caller • Server-side (listens on a designated RPC port) • A stub receives request, un-marshalls data and calls procedure • The returned data is sent back to a waiting client
RPC Considerations • Reliability: What happens when the server fails? Possible solution: provide redundant servers • Multiple calls: Retries trigger duplicate processing. Solution: Time stamp messages/process duplicate requests "at most once" • Port binding:Solution: Use fixed port numbers or provide a rendezview operation to establish port connections • Data representation • Big endian (most significant byte first) versus little endian (least significant byte first) • Size and format of various data types • Serializing memory addresses • Solution: Machine independent external data representation (XDR) • Disadvantage:Overhead compared to local procedure calls. • Advantage:Flexibility and single-point hosting of data
Remote Method Invocation (RMI) • Remote Method Invocation: Java-based mechanism • Difference from RPC: Links to remote Objects, passing serialized (java.io.Serializable) objects as parameters
Server Side: Define Remote Objects • Declare an interface to: • Specify the signatures for the accessible methods • The interface extends java.rmi.RemoteException • Implement a program that listens for RMI requests • A main method creates an instance of the remote object and registers it with an appropriate name so it can listen for RMI requests through Java's socket scheme • The main class implements the RMI interface and extends java.rmi.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject • A default constructor is necessary, throwing a RemoteException if a network failure occurs
RMI Server // The RMI interface // The implementation
RMI Client // The same interface as on the server Client RMI Call Lookup and connect to the host Call the method as if it were local
Implementation Steps • Compile the source files • Generate the stub • Before Java 1.5, rmic RemoteDateImpl • After Java 1.5, this is done automatically • Start the RMI registry in the background • Unix: rmiregistry & • Windows: start rmiregistry • Connects server RMI objects to registry: java RemoteDateImpl • Reference remote objects from client: java RMIClient Advantages compared to Socket Programming RMI is a high level implementation; the registry abstracts socket management Clients do not have to package the data and deal with data representation issues
Threads (Linux: tasks) A path of execution through a process
Motivation for Threads • Responsiveness:An application continues executing when a blocking call occurs • Resource Sharing: All threads can share an application's resources • Economy:Creating new heavyweight processes is expensive time wise and consumes extra memory • Parallel Processing: Threads can simultaneously execute on different cores Note: Internal kernel threads concurrently perform OS functions. Servers use threads to efficiently handle client requests
User and Kernel Threads • User threads - Thread management done by user-level threads library without OS support. Less system calls – more efficient • Kernel threads – Thread management directly supported by the kernel. More OS overhead • Tradeoffs: Kernel thread handling incurs more overhead. User threads stops the application on every blocking call. • Most modern operating systems support kernel threads (Windows, Solaris, Linux, UNIX, Mac OS).
Many-to-One Model Thread managed by a run time library (more efficient) • A blocking call will suspend the application • All threads run on a single core • Examples: Green threads (on a virtual machine) and GNU portable threads (OS is not aware of the threads)
One to One Thread management is done in the kernel • Disadvantages • Increased overhead • Upper limit on the total number of threads • Advantage: Maximum concurrency; blocking OS calls don't suspend applications • Examples: Windows XP, Linux, Solaris
Many-to-Many Thread management shared by kernel and user level libraries • Kernel thread pool assigned to an application and managed by a thread library • Advantages • Eliminates user thread number limit • Applications don't suspend on blocking OS calls • Increased thread efficiency while maintaining concurrency • Disadvantage: Up calls from the kernel to the thread library • Example:Windows XP Thread Fiber library Two level threads: A many-to-many model. The kernel maps threads onto processors, and the run-time thread library maps user threads onto kernel threads
Many-to-many Thread Scheduling Issue: How many kernel threads? • Too many means extra OS overhead • Too few means processes block • The kernel assigns a group of kernel threads to a process • Up-calls: kernel -> thread library • If the process is about to block • If a blocked kernel thread becomes ready • Thread allocations to be released (freed) Note: A Kernel process sitting between user and kernel threads assist with thread management. These are often called light weight processes (LWP)
Threading Issues • Does spawning a new process spawn all threads or only the one that is executing? Example: fork() duplicates all threads, exec() replaces the process with a single thread • How do we cancel a thread? What if it is working with system resources? Approaches: asynchronous or Synchronous cancellation • How do we minimize overhead of continually creating threads? Answer: Thread pools • How do threads communicate? Linux: Signals to notify a thread of an event, Windows: Asynchronous procedure calls that function like callbacks. Linux: clone() options determine which resources are shared between threads. • How do we create data that is local to a specific thread? Answer: Thread specific data • How are threads scheduled for execution? One possibility: Light weight processes
Pthreads Example (Sum numbers) void main ( intargc , char argv[] ) { thread_t[] handles; int t, threads=strtoi(argv[1],NULL,10); pthread_mutex_tmtx = pthread_mutex_init(&mtx, NULL); handles = malloc(threads*sizeof(pthread_t )); for (t=0;t<threads;t++) pthread_create(&handles[t], NULL, addThem, (void*)&t); for ( t= 0 ; t < threads; t ++) pthread_join(handles[t],NULL); printf ( "Total = %d\n", sum); free(handles) ; pthread_mutex_destroy(&mtx); } void* addThem( void *rank ) { int myRank = (int) (*rank) ; double mySum = 0; int i, myN = 10000/threads; int first = myN*myRank; int last = first+myN; f o r (i=first; i<last ; i++) { mySum += i; } pthread_mutex_lock(&mtx) sum += mySum; pthread_mutex_unlock(&mtx); }
openMP Example (Sum numbers) int main ( int argc , char argv[] ) { double sum = 0.0 , int threads = strtoi(argv[1], NULL, 10); #pragma omp parallel num_threads(threads) reduction(+:sum) f o r (i=0; i<last ; i++) { sum+= i; } printf ( "Total = %d\n", sum); } Note:openMP is a popular industry-wide thread standard
Java Threads • Java threads are managed by the JVM and generally utilize an OS provided thread-based library • Java threads may be created by: • Implementing the Runnable interface • Extending the Thread class • Java threads start by calling the start method • Allocate memory for the thread • Call the start method • Java threads terminate when they leave the run method
Java Thread States • The isAlive() method returns true if a thread is not dead. • Note: The getState() method returns values of DONE, PENDING, STARTED