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The region SolunskaGlava-Kadina Reka-Katlanovska Banja is situated southeastern of city Skopje in the Republic of Macedonia at the distance of 25 to 32 kilometers (aerial). This large region consists of following micro regions ,described with next major toponyms :The mountain Mokra ( Jakupica )
1. Project-proposalfor multidisciplinary planning in the region Solunska Glava Kadina Reka-Katlanovska Banja in the Republic of Macedonia Mr Dimitar Velev, dipl. sanitary and civil ingeneer
Janevski Jordan, dipl civil and specialist hydrotechnical
Republic institut for health protection
Skopje Republic of Macedonia
2. The region SolunskaGlava-Kadina Reka-Katlanovska Banja is situated southeastern of city Skopje in the Republic of Macedonia at the distance of 25 to 32 kilometers (aerial). This large region consists of following micro regions ,described with next major toponyms :
The mountain Mokra ( Jakupica ) ,with the greatest peak Solunska Glava ( 2589 m. above sea ) , the mountain Goleshnica ,the mountain Kitka with the pick (1569), the Taors gorge on the river Vardar ,the swamp of Katlanovo ,between the v. Katlanovo and the village Taor , the river Ptchinya by v. Katlanovo and the spa of Katlanovo with theirs thermal and mineral springs.
- In relation to hydro geological and from aspect to water supply , this region dispose with water resources very significant for the south-eastern region near Skopje ,also these resources are the most relevant options for water supply of Skopje and it's surroundings , including the industry.
3. Agricultural, stockbreeding and forest aspect :
This region is rich with the agricultural surfaces in its downstream part as well as the good pastures on the descents of the mountains Kitka and Karajica and on the hills around the villages Katlanovo and Oreshani.
The mountains Kitka and Karajica are plenty with the rich forests ,that is possible to enrich and expand them , how as in the quality , so as in the quantity. The terrain of these regions , close to the rivers Vardar and Ptchinya and on the lower inclines of the hills and the mountains are suitable for the diverse fruitage , as for example the peaches , pears , nuts , hazelnuts and others .
Upper in the mountains it is possible to develop the natural herbage ,id est collecting the medical herbs and the teas.
4. The contents of the multidisciplinary project Katlanovska Banya ( the spa Katlanovo) and it's close surrounding.
2.The swamp of Katlanovo and the space between v.Oreshani on the river Vardar and v.Katlanovo by the river Ptchinya .
3.The gorge of Taor from v.Taor to the village Bashino Selo.
4.The basin of (Kadina Reka ) the river of Kadina with the mountains Kitka and Goleshnica ,and beyond the hill Grohot.
5.The mountain Mokra ,known as Jakupitsa with the peaks Ubava , Solunska Glava and the spots Kadino Pole ,Shatkovitsa ,Babuna ,Oster Breg and Boryc .
The planning tasks should have been adapt with the topographical,orographical ,hydro graphics and other characteristics of the spaces with the clearly entirely exposure to the principal functions ,that ought to be proceeded with the tested sub-region.
5. The micro region Katlanovska Banya In the environment of Katlanovska Banya has the abundance springs of cold mineral and thermo mineral waters . The most known of them are Peshterska Glava , Stara Banya , Katlanovka, Savina Cheshma , Otchna,Nervna,Fontana , Konyarka and others .The higher parts of this space are forested with the specific mixed wood , characteristic for the moderate Mediterranean and continental climate and with the numberless lawns and meadows for recreation of workers and other persons. The previous function of this region should be remain , but it is necessary that it will better to stay further . It is necessary of professional detailing ,elaborating and to be protected ,how an priceless treasure to the natural ambiance .
6. The morass of Katlanovo and the strokefrom v. Oreshani to v. Katlanovo on the river Ptchinya very important from hydrological ,water economical, agricultural,ornithological, sport and traffic aspect. In the past the unique interest was to be drought up the morass of Katlanovo in any case and to be formed one mini natural park for wild animals, used from one privileged group of men .
The second channel should be constructed how navigable .It should been preceding of the ensuing navigable artery Donau- Morava- Vardar- the bay of Salonique . The erection of this short navigable waterway it is necessary because the height above sea by Katlanovo and Taor are identical (224 m.a.s.) With this act should be initiated European Union .
two essential infra structural aspects; construction of the round road way between Taor and Katlanovo and also the new bridge over river Vardar by v. Oreshani , also of the aspect to be protecting all the waters in region , it should to be erected complete sewerage , including the stations for refinement of the used waters .
7. The microregion the gorge of Taor from v. Taor to v. Bashino Does not exist the good local motor way on the right bank of the river Vardar
it is necessary to exist the common public ardor , that the waters in the river Vardar on this stroke , should been exceptionally pure from the reason , that the gorge of Taor shall be used for the kayak races and for other water sports on the pure and rash water flows.
On the stroke the gorge of Taor it is not necessary to be constructed big accumulations . In this context of the traffic connection of v.Zelenikovo with the town Veles ( the motor and railway traffic) on the right side , it ought to be erected only two smaller accumulations , which should be use also to the recreation , sport a little for melioration and also for power supply. Due to construction of the future accumulation and for the save of the promising development of this microregion it is necessary partly retraced the railway Zelenikovo -Veles .
8. The microregion the basin of the river Kadina Reka , with the mountains Kitka and Goleshnica The superficial waters of this accumulation will give a potable water for the eastern part of Skopje and his villages ,also too for the eastern industrial zone.
The reservoir (accumulation) , who should be constructed on the river Kadina Reka , between the mountains Kitka and Goleshnica ,enormously will ennoble this beautiful mountainous landscape and should be build the additional conditions for the development of the tourism, the recreational mountaineering , walking , collection of plants , amateurish fishing and so on .
9. The microregion of the mountain Mokra or Jakupica The mountain Mokra encompass the central part of the Republic and together with mountains Karajica and Dautica present the principal source spot for many rivers and confluences of the river Treska ( Belitchka Reka , Creshnevska Reka , Krapska Reka ) of the river Vardar ( Markova Reka , Kadina Reka , Topolka and Babuna ) , of the river Crna Reka ( Strovijanska Reka , Ribnitshka Reka and Blato ) , also as of many springs and springlets,
The mountainous microregion Mokra Planina is exceptionally rich with different forests ( oaks, beech and conifers) and with multifarious meadows and lawns , who in spring and summer beam with his blooming and riches of natural colours. The exploitation of the forests ought to be rationally and on schedule , with the aim to be saved and other distinctions and beauties of the mountain.
10. Conclusions The all theses and proposals gift for the five microregions order to make of more main projects for the final treatment of the space in the suitable microregion
After the making of the projects it is need to pass to safeguard of the financial frame , analogously with the importance of the project for the municipalities of Skopje and for the Republic of Macedonia .
The realization should to be continuous just long enough to realize the all plans.
The construction of the hydro- water power system Kadina Reka ought to have primacy , because of the gains , who will come at once and due to that so the imaniged and constructed system,wich will hasten the development of the whole region and the realization of the all ideas and the projects .
11. Because all these proposals and conclusions are multidisciplinary and complex , whose essence for the greater part of the public are less clear or unknown, it is necessary to be carried out the overt promotion of the proposal-project.
This promotion will contain two parts ; the promotion for the whole public and promotion for the suitable republic institutions .Before the make of the projects it is necessary to be effected the promotion of the proposal -project for the multidisciplinary planning of the region Solunska Glava - Kadina Reka -Katlanovska Banya under the patronage of the suitable ministries ( the Ministry for the planning of the space and natural surroundings and Ministry for transport and connections ) , to be brought the proposal decision for the financing of the all suggested projects and to be gift the proposal for the insertion of this region in the Spatial plan of the Republic , how one very exceptionally significant and specific space.