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RV function Prognostic implications in heart failure

RV function Prognostic implications in heart failure. Efthimios Anagnostou M.D. No disclosures . The prognostic value of RV function in cardiovascular disease. . After AMI Congestive HF Valvular HD Congenital HD After HT Pulmonary Embolism Pulmonary HTN HFpEF.

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RV function Prognostic implications in heart failure

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  1. RV function Prognostic implications in heart failure Efthimios Anagnostou M.D.

  2. No disclosures

  3. The prognostic value of RV function in cardiovascular disease. • After AMI • Congestive HF • Valvular HD • Congenital HD • After HT • Pulmonary Embolism • Pulmonary HTN • HFpEF

  4. reduced RVEF is an independent prognostic factor in moderate to severe CHF. Courtesy C.Celton-Saty

  5. RVEF predicts prognosis in CHF

  6. Larose RVEF: Prognostic impact late after AMI • Pts, late after MI , RVEF<40% • CMRRVEF and survival @ 17 months RVEF≥40% RVEF<40% Larose JACC 2007

  7. Better survival & Better exercise capacity

  8. RV function + PH predict survival in CHF 379 CHF pts, LVEF<35% ,DCM & IHD, optimized Rx RHC with thermodilution RVEF Normal PAP +Normal RVEF High PAP +Low RVEF Ghio, JACC 2001

  9. RV dilatation predicts survival in CHF 380 CHF pts, LVEF<45% VS controls DILATED RV IN 25% of pts RVESVi: independent predictor of mortality Bourantas EJHF 2011

  10. Despite… • variations in study populations, • severity and substrates of disease, • methodologies of assessment. RV dysfunction portends an inferior survival.

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  12. distribution of RVEF in CHF 2008 pts, from the BEST study, LVEF<35%,NYHA III/IV RadionuclideRVEF and mortality @ 24 months Mortality 47% Mortality 27% =63% =37% Meyer et al, Circulation 2012

  13. What is RV failure ? an Increased Preload (RA pressure) is required to maintain adequate CO Inability of the RV to maintain cardiac output through the pulmonary vascular bed at normal central venous pressures.

  14. The commonest cause of RV Dysfunction is Left Heart Disease • LV Systolic Dysfunction • CAD • Valve Disease • LV Diastolic Dysfunction Hypertension • Restrictive Cardiomyopathy • HCM HFrEF HFpEF

  15. CHF causes Pulmonary Hypertension leading to Right Ventricular Failure Group 2 PH mPA>25mmHg PCWP >15mmHg CO normal or low MV disease PAP HTN PCWP LA pressure AoV disease HFpEF HFrEF

  16. Mechanism of PH in CHF 1000 CHF pts undergoing transplant evaluation Drazner J Heart Lung Transplant 1999 Correlation nice and straight and fairly tight indicating therefore that PAP is driven passively by PCWP

  17. Mechanism of PH in CHF intimal Fibrosis PCWP PAP This may or may not result in rise in the PAP with a consequent rise in the TPG or PVR

  18. Different Hemodynamic Stages in GROUP 2 PH

  19. Mechanism of PH in CHF 1000 CHF pts undergoing transplant evaluation Out of proportion PH Drazner J Heart Lung Transplant 1999 because of vascular changes in the arterial side of pulmonary circulation

  20. CHF, PH- CHF, PH+ This is NOT, however, idiopathic PAH (a vascular proliferative disease) but rather a secondary medial hypertrophy of the pulmonary arteries A RESPONSE TO PREVENT ALVEOLAR EDEMA FROM HAPPENING Marked medial hypertrophy of a muscular pulmonary artery in a patient with CHF, compared to another of similar size with minimal medial thickening in a patient with CHF but not pulmonary hypertension

  21. Mechanism of PH in CHF PCWP PAP As a consequence of rise in PAP, PVR and PVH, the RV runs into trouble

  22. PH and impaired Exercise capacity in CHF 320 pts Di Salvo JACC 1995 a consequence of rise in PVR is the dramatic decrease in CO both at rest and during exercise

  23. ADULT HEART TRANSPLANTATION Kaplan Meyer estimates of mortality 1999-2007 stratified by PVR < 2 WU 2- 4 WU > 4 WU

  24. Ventricular Interdependence

  25. RV stroke volume predicts prognosis in PAH 64 pts, CMR, RHC, 6MWT Wolferen, EHJ 2007

  26. RV failure RVH RV dilatation RA dilatation D-shaped LV Tricuspid Regurgitation

  27. The shrinking LV… This is the beginning This is the end, my friend

  28. HFpEF

  29. PASP estimates are a risk factor for death.

  30. Markers of RV Dysfunction associated with clinical status and prognosis • Systolic Performance • RVEF • RVFAC • TAPSE • RV MPI • Hemodynamics • RA pressure • CI • Maximal dP/dT • Pressure–volume Measurements • Ventricular elastance • Preload recruitable stroke work • Diastolic Filling • Tissue Doppler indices • Isovolumic acceleration • Syst/Diast myocardial velocities • Right-sided Dilation • RV dilation absolute/ relative to LV • RA size • TR Which?

  31. We would be poorly served by buying into the concept that an RVEF is the only ‘‘reference standard,’’ without recognition of its shortcomings.

  32. However, our results also showed that RV volume measurements are not interchangeable between modalities and, therefore, serial evaluations should be performed using the same modality. Multimodality Comparison of Quantitative Volumetric Analysis of the Right Ventricle Sugeng, J A C C i m g 2 0 1 0

  33. When grappling with what measure should be adopted to evaluate RV systolic function, we are left with the classic answer: it depends!

  34. Conclusions • RV dysfunction is a strong parameter of functional capacity • RV dysfunction is prognostically superior to LV parameters of systolic/diastolic function • RV dysfunction is present in about two-thirds of patients with CCF and doubles mortality • RV dilatation has the worst prognosis • RV assessment is a must of the diagnostic work-up in CCF patients

  35. Thank you

  36. The  myocardium of the  entire heart is now known to be a single sheet of muscle rolled into different chambers  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mih37LLv6IQ&feature=plcp

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