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Caponi - Epoxy grout sealer

Are you looking for a quality epoxy grout sealer? Caponi is the only pigmented sealer to seal grout. Easy to apply and 40 different colors to choose from.

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Caponi - Epoxy grout sealer

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  1. Caponi 1. Caponi is an epoxy grout sealer available in 40 different colors. These colors are mostly earthy and neutral tones found in tiles. 2. Caponi has a durable titanium base which does its work in just a single coat. It is a pigmented grout sealing system that is built on a rock-solid 2-part solvent titanium resin/epoxy foundation. 3. It is made in such a way that it can cover all grout in just one coat. It is suitable for sealing both sanded and unsanded grout and hence is the best grout sealer for natural stone.This epoxy resin sealer is not bulky like other silicone sealers. 4. Caponi also used as pool grout sealer as it can make the grout waterproof. 5. Sentura is generally used for repairing cracks and gaps in grout. But it is available only in white color which can be a problem if you have different colored grout. But with Caponi, you can color match Sentura to get the natural color of the stones. It can be blended with any of the 40 shades of Caponi to get the desired color. 6. But before you apply Caponi, the grout has to thoroughly cleaned and prepped using a deep- penetrating cleaner like Imperia Deep Clean. 7. Next, you should check the grout for possible gaps or cracks to repair them with Sentura. 8. After the grout has dried properly after cleaning, you can apply the epoxy grout sealer. Experts use an Italian made grout painting brush to apply Caponi. 9. It can be easily applied over the grout lines using a paint brush, whether you are using Caponi alone or Sentura with Caponi. 10. After applying Caponi on the grout lines, you can wipe off the excess build-up using Alco - a paint thinner.

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