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SMOCS. SOUTHERN MARYLAND OYSTER CULTIVATION SOCIETY. Design by Kent Forest Virginia Institute of Marine Science. Who Are We?. New Group: Founded in May 2007. Members : Residents, business owners, watermen, and scientists committed to reducing local water pollution. Goals :

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Presentation Transcript

  1. SMOCS SOUTHERN MARYLAND OYSTER CULTIVATION SOCIETY Design by Kent ForestVirginiaInstituteof Marine Science

  2. Who Are We? • New Group: Founded in May 2007. • Members: Residents, business owners, watermen, and scientists committed to reducing local water pollution. • Goals: • Improve local water quality by raising as many native oysters as possible in selected locations. • Promote scientific study of oysters and their habitat. • Disseminate information on benefits of restoring oyster habitat.

  3. Unique Program • Uses oysters to restore water quality in small creeks and coves of the Patuxent. • Committed to accumulating oysters in selected creeks and coves. • Cooperates with, but distinct from: • Chesapeake Bay Foundation. • Chesapeake Biological Laboratory. • Morgan State/ERC • Commercial aquaculture operations.

  4. Concrete Goals • Raise as many spat as possible off of docks and piers using off-bottom techniques. • Deposit year-old oysters on reefs in: • Restored beds. • New beds • Under docks. • Accumulate enough oysters to filter water periodically (once a month).

  5. SMOCS Adopt-a-Dock • Water-front property owners (private and commercial) allow SMOCS members who do not live on the water to raise oysters from their docks. • Valuable alternative for non-waterfront owners.

  6. Innovative Reef Management SMOCS will deposit yearling oysters to optimize their viability: • Accumulate large numbers. • Concentrate in selected creeks and coves. • Put reefs: • In mounds. • On hard bottoms. • At medium depth. • Monitor environmental impact scientifically.

  7. Key to Success Concentrate enough oysters in selected creeks to filter water once a month.

  8. Pipedream or Plan? • Program informally coordinated with CBL, CBF, and Morgan State/ERC. • Individuals have been raising oysters successfully in Solomons for years. • Preliminary support from watermen and local businesses.

  9. SMOCS Adopt-a-Dock • Water-front property owners (private and commercial) allow SMOCS members who do not live on the water to raise oysters from their docks. • Valuable alternative for non-waterfront owners.

  10. Letter to Oyster Advisory Commission • Follow-up to October 18 meeting. • Requested by some commission members. • Provides more detailed recommendations. • Raises awareness of Patuxent 20/20 Plans

  11. Motivation for Letter • Regulations for restoration of oyster reefs: • Support harvest of edible oysters • Protect industry from outbreak of disease • No allowance for use of oyster reefs to improve of water quality. • OAC intends to use increased spat from expanded Horn Point facility in new reefs. • Models discussed for restoration did not create optimal reef habitat for oysters.

  12. Key Points • Add restoration of water quality to objectives for oyster reef restoration. • Modify reef construction to enhance habitat for oysters (mound vs. “platter”). • Limit clam harvesting near oyster beds.

  13. Key Points (continued) • Put restoration reefs in shallower water. • Make oyster aquaculture easier. • Add Patuxent River to list of proof-of-concept candidates for new OAC-supported reefs.

  14. Letter Well Received • Supported informally by CBF, CBL and Morgan State/ERC scientists. • Triggered invitation to attend Maryland/ Virginia meeting on oysters in December.

  15. Valuable PRC Opportunity Reinforces candidacy of Patuxent River as site for a new OAC reef: • Patuxent 20/20 Plan offers prospect of improved water quality that will enhance prospect for successful oyster restoration. • Pax selection for “proof-of-concept” reef would strengthen argument with officials for commitments to PRK/PRC 20/20 Plan.

  16. SMOCS Cleaning pollution from local waters – one oyster at a time. The Southern Maryland Oyster Cultivation Societywww.smocs.org

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