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Africa In An Age of Transition

Africa In An Age of Transition. The Slave Trade. The demand for slaves increased dramatically with the discovery of the Americas in the 1490s. The Slave Trade. During the 16 th century, plantations that grew sugar cane were set up in Brazil and on islands in the Caribbean

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Africa In An Age of Transition

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Africa In An Age of Transition

  2. The Slave Trade • The demand for slaves increased dramatically with the discovery of the Americas in the 1490s.

  3. The Slave Trade • During the 16th century, plantationsthat grew sugar cane were set up in Brazil and on islands in the Caribbean • African slaves were then shipped there to work on the plantations

  4. Growth of the Slave Trade • In 1518, a Spanish ship carried the first boatload of slaves directly from Africa to the Americas • During the next two centuries, as many as ten million African slaves were brought to the Americas

  5. The Middle Passage • The journey from Africa to the Americas became known as the Middle Passage • Many slaves died on the journey • Those who arrived often died because they had little immunity to diseases

  6. Sources of Slaveshttp://www.history.com/shows/mankind-the-story-of-all-of-us/videos/african-slave-trade • Before European involvement, most slaves in Africa were prisoners of war • As the demand for slaves increased, more civilians fell victim to kidnappings and raids • local rulers became concerned about the impact of the slave trade on their societies

  7. Effects of the Slave Trade • The slave trade led to the depopulation of some areas • It also took the youngest and strongest men and women from many communities

  8. Effects of the Slave Trade • The need for constant supply of slaves led to increased warfare in Africa

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