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Welcome to North Eugene

Welcome to North Eugene. 8 th Grade Preview Night, 2013. Welcome to North Eugene. 8 th Grade Preview Night, 2013. AGENDA: Until 6:30 Jazz Band Auditorium 6:30 Introductions Auditorium Presentation Auditorium 7:15 Student Panel Auditorium 7:30 Table Talk Glass Lounge

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Welcome to North Eugene

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome to North Eugene 8th Grade Preview Night, 2013

  2. Welcome to North Eugene 8th Grade Preview Night, 2013 AGENDA: Until 6:30 Jazz Band Auditorium 6:30 Introductions Auditorium Presentation Auditorium 7:15 Student Panel Auditorium 7:30 Table Talk Glass Lounge Please enjoy refreshments throughout the night provided by our Culinary students!

  3. With the end results always in mind… Portrait for a Graduate: Vision and Values • A student graduating from North Eugene will be... • College ready • Employable • An effective communicator • Culturally competent • A team member • A good citizen • Information literate • A problem solver • Healthy

  4. North Eugene High School Values Excellence, Equity and Personalization • Academic Excellence • Commitment to Equity • Personalization through Student Centered-Instruction

  5. Our Commitment to You Excellence, Equity and Personalization • Your student will: • Graduate college and career ready. • Experience a safe and supportive environment. • Engage in highly rigorous coursework. • Develop strong peer and teacher relationships.

  6. North’s Unique Offerings Excellence, Equity and Personalization • An integrated and articulated Social Studies/Language Arts block to support in-depth learning, enhanced relationships and equitable outcomes. • College preparatory Math, Science and World Language options. • Unique and relevant elective classes for all students.

  7. North’s Unique Offerings Excellence, Equity and Personalization • An International Baccalaureate Diploma Program, Advanced Placement courses and College Now courses. • An active and involved student body. • Open Academic Time

  8. Every 9th and 10th grade student will… Excellence, Equity and Personalization • Share similar core academic experiences across the curriculum– important for building community. • Have a variety of elective course options from which to choose. • Be prepared for more rigorous coursework in the upper grades. • Experience college visitations. • Create a plan for high school and post secondary options.

  9. Every 11th and 12th grade student will... Excellence, Equity and Personalization • Participate in International Baccalaureate curriculum in Language Arts and Social Studies. • Choose one of several pathways to focus coursework and engage in college and career readiness. • Experience college visitations. • Work with a counselor to finalize a plan for high school and post-secondary success.

  10. Integrated Social Studies/Language Arts block to support in-depth learning. Excellence, Equity and Personalization • Vertically and horizontally articulated curriculum to provide a consistent and rigorous experience for all students. • All 11th and 12th grade students will have access to IB curriculum. • A/B schedule that allows groups of students to cohort and teachers to loop which develops strong relationships and high levels of academic achievement.

  11. Excellence, Equity and Personalization in Integrated Language Arts and Social Studies Excellence, Equity and Personalization • North has demonstrated tremendous growth in the areas of writing and reading on OAKS benchmarks: • Passing rate in writing 2007/2008 – 52% • Passing rate in reading 2007/2008 – 52% • Passing rate in writing 2011/2012 – 75% • Passing rate in reading 2011/2012 – 87%

  12. Math at North Eugene Excellence, Equity and Personalization • College Preparatory Math Courses: • Algebra I • Geometry • Transitions Algebra • Advanced Algebra • Pre-Calculus (IB/College Now) • AP Calculus • Probability and Statistics • Math Essential Skills (Support Course)

  13. Science at North Eugene Excellence, Equity and Personalization 9th Grade: Integrated Science 10th Grade: Biology 11th/12th Grade: Chemistry Horticulture & Botany Genetics & Microbiology College Now (CN) Physics AP/IB Biology AP/IB (CN) Chemistry

  14. World Language at North Eugene Excellence, Equity and Personalization What are the language offerings? Spanish: Levels 1-5 (AP/IB) Japanese: Levels 1-5 (AP/IB)* *Immersion students take an appropriate level class together. American Sign Language: Levels 1 - 3

  15. We provide access to electives for all students. Excellence, Equity and Personalization • Elective options include: • Woods/Metals: The only school with both! • Culinary: Potential for advanced study! • Performing and Applied Arts: Digital, Drawing, Painting, Ceramics, Theatre, Concert Band, Pep Band, Jazz Band, Choir, Guitar • Child Development: Our pre-school!

  16. We provide an International Baccalaureate education for all students. Creating a better and more peaceful world… • All students will take IB Literature and IB History in grades 11/12. • Students will have access to IB courses in every subject area: Literature, History, Science, Math, World Language and electives.

  17. We provide an International Baccalaureate education for all students (cont’d). Creating a better and more peaceful world… • Students can pursue certificate tests or the full diploma. • All IB classes are designated on students’ transcripts– an important distinction for post-secondary options.

  18. Advanced Placement and College Now Excellence, Equity and Personalization • Other options exist in AP and CN! • AP: Students enrolled in AP courses may test in May. Many colleges offer credits for scores of 4 or higher. • College Now: Dual credit available (North and LCC) for no cost to students and most credits are transferable to a 4-year college.

  19. We provide support for all students to achieve at high levels. Excellence, Equity and Personalization • AVID • Student cohorts • Teacher teams • Library/Computer Labs • Virtual high school courses • Credit recovery courses • PRIDE • OAT • Technology

  20. We provide support for all students to achieve at high levels. Excellence, Equity and Personalization • What additional supports exist? • Four counselors • Four administrators • Four Special Educators • Family Resource Center • Family and Community Liaison • Connection to University of Oregon • College and Career Center • School-to-Career Coordinator • ASPIRE

  21. What classes will a 9th grader take? Integration, Support and Acceleration Required Courses Language Arts Social Studies Integrated Science Algebra I (or higher) Additional electives for a full schedule World Language Music Academic Support FACS Woods/Metals Art Health PE

  22. We have an active and involved student body! Clubs, Sports, and Activities

  23. Let’s hear from our students! Student life: Academics, Clubs and Sports

  24. We want you to join us next year! SCHOOL CHOICE DEADLINES: In-district March 22 Out-of district April 1 District website: http://www.4j.lane.edu/instruction/schoolchoice North Eugene Front Office: 541-790-4500

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