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Chapter 12: Gravitation

Chapter 12: Gravitation. Newton’s Law of Gravitation. Gravitational attraction. Note : Two particles of different mass exert equally strong gravitational force on each other. Gravitational Forces (I). M M. M M M E F G = G r 2.

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Chapter 12: Gravitation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Chapter 12: Gravitation Newton’s Law of Gravitation

  2. Gravitational attraction Note: Two particles of different mass exert equally strong gravitational force on each other

  3. Gravitational Forces (I) MM MM ME FG = G r 2 ‘‘AttractiveForce” ME

  4. Cavendish balance Cavendish(1798) announced that he has weighted the earth

  5. Average Density of the Earth g = 9.80 m/s2 RE = 6.37 x 106 m ME = 5.96 x 1024 kg • rE = 5.50 x 103 kg/m3 = 5.50 g/cm3 ~ 2 xrRock  ???

  6. The gravitational force is conservative Note: Work done is Path independent!

  7. Gravitational potential energy Note: The gravitational potential is zero at infinity

  8. Projectile

  9. Projectile

  10. Circular orbit

  11. Kepler’s Laws • Each planet moves in an elliptical orbit, with the sun at one focus of the ellipse • A line from the sun to a given planet sweeps out equal areas in equal times. • 3. The periods of the planets are proportional to the 3/2 powers of the major axis lengths of their orbits.

  12. Geometry of an ellipse

  13. Elliptical orbit

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