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Candy Retail Store Designs and Layouts

PickSweetique designs high-end Candy Display and candy kiosks systems for all nooks and crannies to mid-size shops to full-size Candy Retail Stores. 32 years of Innovation & Success. Proven ROI!

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Candy Retail Store Designs and Layouts

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Presentation Transcript

  1. CandyRetailStore Designs&Layouts

  2. Candy Retail Store Layouts PickSweetique develops custom Shop-in-Shop design and budget to expand your existing or to start up your new candy retail business

  3. Candy Retail kiosk Layouts Introducing Our Exclusive “Floating” Walk-Through High Capacity Bulk & Novelty Custom Candy Kiosk

  4. Candy Retail mall kiosk Layouts This walk-through kiosk, with a footprint of only 160 square feet, was designed for Westfield, the world leader in shopping centres

  5. Candy Retail kiosk Layouts Free standing customized Walk-Through kiosk layouts serve many guests at the same time and avoid “traffic congestion”

  6. Candy Retail Store Designs This marvel of innovative design and function has a footprint of only 160 sq. ft. including optional hand- and 3-compartment sinks A PickSweetique-designed candy kiosk at a Westfield mall

  7. Candy Retail kiosk Design The design options of PickSweetique’s candy and gift Shop-In-Shops offer opportunities for exciting and rewarding candy retail careers

  8. Candy Retail kiosk Design The “open” kiosk layout can display an unsurpassed product mix of approx. 220 bulk candies plus another 120 or so count products or any variation of this unequaled merchandising capacity

  9. Candy Retail kiosk Design Custom Pick & Mix Bulk Candy Kiosks & Displays

  10. About PickSweetique PickSweetique is the original inventor and hands-on operator of custom bulk and novelty candy stores in regional malls, and of modular candy kiosks, carts and portable candy displays. Thousands of start-up entrepreneurs and established candy retailers worldwide have benefited from our trend setting innovations and designs. Our experienced professionals will assist with your turnkey Pick & Mix candy project and help you to profit from one of the most popular products in the world. If you plan to start your own or to expand your existing candy business please use our “Free Consult” form and we will contact you to discuss how we can assist with your project.

  11. Contact Us Address8800 Bay Pines BoulevardSaint Petersburg, FL33709Phone: (908) 432-4242Mail at:kpp@picksweetique.comWebsite: www.picksweetique.com

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