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Birdhouse in a Bottle

Birdhouse in a Bottle. Genius Hour Project by Ava Warner. Ingredients needed in creating a “Birdhouse in a Bottle”. Two-liter bottle Duct tape (your choice of color and style) X- A cto knife Wire Black marker Rubbing alcohol and cotton balls

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Birdhouse in a Bottle

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Birdhouse in a Bottle Genius Hour Project by Ava Warner

  2. Ingredients needed in creating a “Birdhouse in a Bottle” • Two-liter bottle • Duct tape (your choice of color and style) • X-Acto knife • Wire • Black marker • Rubbing alcohol and cotton balls • Optional: stickers, colorful markers, puffy paint, etc.

  3. Steps to creating your birdhouse • Clean out your bottle with warm water/soap, making sure to scrub to get any remaining soda out • Use your rubbing alcohol to carefully remove any excess label or adhesive from the bottle • Use your black marker to mark where you are going to cut windows, entrances, and the “sun roof ”* depending on where you want them *Optional. Not necessary to the birdhouse.

  4. Carefully cut along your marker lines (using your X-Acto knife) to create windows and entrances • Use your tape to carefully cover every section of the bottle, only keeping openings and any section you wish to have clear duct tape-free • Take the wire, wrap it in duct tape, and secure underneath your entrance. You now have a bird perch! Now is the time to add any puffy paint or jewels to the outside of the birdhouse. I added a little trough to fill with birdseed on the inside  • Be proud of your work! • Hang up your birdhouse in your yard, preferably under a tree where you can see it from your house • Watch for your new family of birds!

  5. About my Genius Hour I chose to make a “Birdhouse in a Bottle” for my Genius Hour because I was trying to decide how I could reuse recyclable materials in a cool way. Then it hit me! Reuse it for nature! I had almost no difficulties in this project, except for getting scraped up by the knife and the cut plastic. However, I prevailed (covered the sharp edges with tape), and learned that sometimes, you have to struggle through to reach your awesome goal. Overall, I really enjoyed creating this birdhouse.

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