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Learning Intention. Students will be able to: Respond to task/action words in exam questions We know we can do this when: Students address exam questions with a style t ha t matches t he question requirement in both structure and wording . . Agenda.
Learning Intention • Students will be able to: • Respond to task/action words in exam questions • We know we can do this when: • Students address exam questions with a style that matches the question requirement in both structure and wording.
Agenda • Today we’ll run through the most challenging task words and map out how best to answer them. • We’ll look at what they require, model an answer, then attempt our own. • Compare • Discuss • Analyse • Evaluate
Compare • Bring together for noting the points of likeness and difference, e.g. compare management theory and practice • Similarities addressed, then differences(or more) • Concepts not explained in separate paragraphs • “Compare” words: • Whereas • Similarly • However • As oppose to…
Compare and contrast Maslow’s and Herzberg’s theories of motivation. • 4Marks
Discuss • Examine an issue or response and state arguments or opinions covering both sides of the issue or response covered in the stimulus material. • Often paired with another task word.
The Human Resource Manager of Southern Industries has identified a problem with staff in the maintenance phase of the employment cycle. He believes that staff performance can be improved by implementing more effective • • induction • • training and development. • Explain both induction and training and development. Discuss how these practices will assist in the effective management of staff. 6 Marks
Analyse Identify the main features then examine closely; examine in parts; show how the parts relate to the whole.
Question 1 In the chocolate industry, four large-scale organisations dominate the market, collectively accounting for 92% of all chocolate sales. Currently these four organisations compete on price. The smallest of the four organisations, Websters, is less able to take advantage of economies of scale than the three larger organisations. As a result, Websters has decided to focus on competing on quality rather than price to ensure its long-term success. Sam Webster, grandson of the founder of the business, is currently the CEO and has identified that numerous changes must be made. As the focus of Websters shifts to quality, it will need to measure quality as part of its operations management. A human resources audit has identified that the current staff do not have the necessary capabilities to implement this change. To allow the staff to develop the necessary capabilities, Mr Webster has identified two preferred options. • improve the capabilities of the current staff • purchase and import state-of-the-art equipment from Belgium While the purchase of equipment will be more expensive initially, it will improve productivity and reduce waste and carbon emissions in the longer term. Analyse the ethical and social responsibility issues associated with the two options (as stated on page 2) that Mr Webster is considering to develop the capabilities of the staff. (6 Marks)
Business ethics is the moral standards that govern the organisation’s practices and social responsibility is how the organisation intends to benefit the environment and the community at large, beyond the minimum legal requirements. • Mr Webster’s decision to focus on improving the capabilities of the current staff is both socially and ethically correct as he is showing value for his staff and not downsizing them for better options, instead giving them the chance to undertake training and improve their skills. This shows Mr Webster to respect his employees and will create a positive corporate culture amongst Webster’s staff. • Option two, to purchase and import machinery from Belgium may have some negative social responsibility issues attached. By importing machinery from other countries it means loss of business for Australian companies and workers and Websters may be reflected in a negative light for this outsourcing of materials. Another negative social responsibility issue that may occur is the consumer uncertainty in the manufacturing of the machine and whether it was done using environmentally friendly practices. However, a major positive ethical and socially responsible issue from the new technology is that it reduces waste and carbon emissions. This shows Websters to be actively limiting their negative impact on society and the environment and this may be an important factor in deterring customers from other brands to purchase Websters therefore social responsibility and ethical practices, while expensive initially, are often beneficial in the long run.
Evaluate • Apply a weighted criteria to the relative strengths and weaknesses of the arguments raised in the stimulus material, as well as provide your opinion. • Analyse + your opinion (verdict) with justification.
Q: Freda Campbell is setting up a new business in Melbourne that will manufacture and sell furniture. The business will use plantation timber and only ethically sourced inputs from abroad. Evaluate the contribution of such a large-scale organisation to the economy.