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Egyptian Youth in Urban and Virtual Spaces

Explore the dynamics of Egyptian youth in urban and virtual spaces through the lens of anthropology, focusing on cultural constructions, cosmopolitanism, new movements, and decentralized leadership structures. Discover how social media plays a crucial role in facilitating communication and engagement among youth, transcending ideological boundaries and drawing in new participants. Gain insights into the ways virtual and urban spaces intersect to foster creativity, identity exploration, and community building. This study, based on fieldwork in Egypt, offers a unique perspective on the evolution of youth culture in the Middle East.

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Egyptian Youth in Urban and Virtual Spaces

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Egyptian Youth in Urban and Virtual Spaces Mark Allen Peterson Miami University

  2. Fieldwork in Egypt1998-2002, 2005, 2010

  3. What I have to say today is based on “anthropology at a distance” But informed by Prior fieldwork Discussions with friends in Egypt Social media


  5. “Youth”

  6. Youth is… A life stage A cultural construction

  7. Cosmopolitans

  8. New Youth Movements New and independent  Flexible, decentralized structured and fluid leadership.  The movements are “trans-ideological”.  Drew in large numbers of participants who had never before engaged in public political acts. Depend to a great extent on social media for communication. From Shehata 2011.

  9. Virtual Spaces

  10. Overcoming isolation Bringing people together Trying out identities

  11. Urban Spaces

  12. Creativity http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AdKjMiKqVrc&feature=player_embedded

  13. Liminality

  14. Antistructure

  15. Communitas

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