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Aerobics. What are the effects of getting too little oxygen? What is respiration?. Exercise . What type of fuel is required by the body?. The body changes food into a form which can be carried around the body. This substance is called GLUCOSE. . Glucose contains energy. .

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Aerobics What are the effects of getting too little oxygen? What is respiration?

  2. Exercise ......

  3. What type of fuel is required by the body? The body changes food into a form which can be carried around the body. This substance is called GLUCOSE. Glucose contains energy. When glucose reacts with oxygen a LOT of energy is produced. Some of this energy is released as heat while the rest is used by the cells. The cells do NOT catch fire.

  4. What is respiration? FOOD (GLUCOSE) + + + CARBON DIOXIDE OXYGEN WATER ENERGY from digestive system from breathing system waste product exhaled waste product exhaled USEFUL! RESPIRATION is the process which releases energy from food. This is NOT the same as breathing. We can now write out the full equation for RESPIRATION. Combustion is different because it is NOT a controlled reaction. Respiration IS a controlled reaction which SLOWLY releases energy from food in the CELLS.

  5. Aerobic Respiration Glucose + oxygen Carbon dioxide + water + ENERGY Glucose Lactic acid + a little energy When the body can supply the cells with the oxygen and food that they need, We say it is performing AEROBIC respiration. The equation for this is: Anaerobic Respiration When the body CANNOT supply the cells with the oxygen and food that they need, then the body must perform anaerobic respiration. The release of energy WITHOUT oxygen:

  6. Inhalation (When we breathe in we inhale)

  7. The Alveoli Oxygen makes its way into thousands of special air sacs collectively called the ALVEOLI. The outside of the alveoli is covered with tiny blood vessels.

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