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IWM 2004 Tokyo, Japan Micropiles State of the Art Report Research and Practice Issues USA

This comprehensive report presents the latest research and practice on micropiles, including issues such as buckling, design specifications, steel and grout compatibility study, and other important topics. Available as a digital download or via email.

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IWM 2004 Tokyo, Japan Micropiles State of the Art Report Research and Practice Issues USA

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Presentation Transcript

  1. IWM 2004Tokyo, JapanMicropilesState of the Art ReportResearch and Practice Issues USA John R. Wolosick, P.E. Hayward Baker Inc. Atlanta, Georgia

  2. Results from ADSC/DFIMicropile CommitteeResearch InitiativeFunded by Industry Members

  3. Completed Research PublicationsBuckling of Micropiles – White Paper by Cadden & GomezAASHTO LRFD Design and Construction SpecificationsMicropile Steel and Grout Strain Compatibility StudyAvailable on CD or by Email

  4. AASHTOLRFDSpecification

  5. New Developments - Titan Bars

  6. Titan Drill Bit

  7. Bulk Cement and Portable Batch Plant

  8. Other Issues:Large 2 ½ inch Diameter GR 150 barsLarge 3 ½ inch Diameter GR 75 barsSteel Pipe Shortage and High Prices!Lack of 5 ½ , 7, and 9 5/8 inch Pipe

  9. The EndQuestions?

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