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Pinanacle is India's 1st real estate portal that is driven by customer-generated content. This new-age real estate portal addresses the gaps that prevail in the real estate market by bringing in the customer's perspective through detailed reviews and ratings. Offering a wide range of solutions and services to all the stakeholders in the real estate community, Pinanacle serves as the one-stop destination for tenants, owners and brands.
➢HOW TO MAKE A HOME CONTEMPORARY: A home can be serene and charming but also a modernist masterpiece. You can improve on the original design; flatten the roof, reduce the slant of the walls and also add windows that provided varied perspectives of the scenery outside. Windows frame the scenery, treetops and the sky outside. Make little dream houses that inspire self-expression and personal freedom. A home shows its energy, its artistic spirit and fresh sculptural forms. If you are tasked to renovate and re-design the home for re-sale, it should be a labor of love. You have to extract the essence of the original design and build on that. The essence of the house should be whimsy that are for play. You can do fun things with them. To keep with that vision, update the architecture to make it the perfect modern escape from the work and all stresses. Try some of these improvements to your home. 1.Honor yet improve the original Some homes have great bones, but feel small. Cleanse the palette by painting all the interior surfaces white which will make the house feel bigger and brighter. It will make the interiors crisp and tactile and allow the architecture to shine. Decorate the home with both vintage and contemporary furnishings to breathe new life into the house and bring it up to date. 2. Add modern amenities Pay careful attention to kitchen and bathrooms to make the home feel more harmonious. Utilize white, glass and stone throughout, and transform the kitchen with custom wood cabinets, nautical hardware and white counters. Create a spa-like experience in the baths, with white tiles and glazed floors. You can add angular windows to allow for a private view of the trees which would add to the feeling of being in a sanctuary. 3. Incorporate nature, create views
Balancing architecture with nature is key for peace of mind. Stain the outside dark to blend it with nature to navigate your eye to go to all of the elements that make it unique. Work with landscape designer to rework the grounds to create serene vistas from the house. 4. Dedicate or create a space to relax For ultimate relaxation, add a pool to the property, complete with its own bath and space for extra storage. Place by the pool Design Within Reach with reclining patio chairs and tea tables. 5. Consider the future Leave room for further customization. Someone could buy your home and fall in love with it as is, or, someone could build a larger main house, allowing the original house to become a fabulous guest house. Pleasure and play should be essential to the design of the home. ➢WHEN BUYING IS BETTER THAN RENTING: Owning a home is something that every responsible and ready Indian has dreamt of. Responsible in the sense that you are ready for the ownership responsibilities. Ready in terms of finance and analysis that it requires before you take this important decision. If answer to both the questions above is a resounding YES then buying a home is for you. But then there is the argument in favor of renting. Whether you should rent or buy is a difficult question that can only be answered after considering a lot a factors. However there are some clear pointers, in which case an individual should begin to get biased IN FAVOUR of buying. What are those? Rad on… 1) Great Indian Dream: Well, let’s admit, it is probably our “Great Indian Dream”. Owning a house has been a dream and a matter of pride (once the dream materializes) for most of us, either consciously or sub-consciously. Buying a house not only provides an emotional contentment but also a sense of security as you now have a few less issues to deal with (nagging landlords, greedy brokers to name a few), which goes on to creating a peaceful life for the owner. At Pinnacle Homes we take pride in listing the best properties for sale in the choicest of locations. Save yourself the hassles of physically searching properties and narrow down your search using our SMART SEARCH facility. 2) Create an Asset & Leave a Legacy: Some people never get comfortable with the idea of paying the bill i.e. rent amount. Imagining that it’s the amount that goes in someone else's pocket, something that could have been saved propels them to own a house rather than paying the rent. By doing so
not only they are creating a large asset but also have a chance to pass on their legacy to the future generation, an argument that can not be countered. We give you a chance to build your asset by making profit even at time of buying. Go through our website and opt for properties to buy that have been posted after careful price inspection and market analysis, so that you do not have to burn a hole in your pocket. What's more you can buy a property in another city/state simply by a click of a mouse. Now you don't have to be an onlooker. You too can participate in the real-estate rally of the booming cities across the country, thanks to Pinnacle Homes and watch the value of your asset increase exponentially over time. 3) Family First: Parents, Grand-Parents, Kids, Siblings and Pets. An apartment cannot be a home to everyone. The space and personalization that some families demand can only come by way of own property. Sadly, renting may not only constraint the space that’s on offer but also may put sanctions on how that space can be utilized, something that’s not present in case of owned property. Whether you are in country or based out of India, buying a property for your loved ones, courtesy Pinnacle Homes, is fairly easy and trouble-free. Even though there is no thumb rule to who should buy and who should rent but if you happen to fall under the above category it makes more sense for you to buy your own house. Worried about where to find right property. Don’t be. You are already at the right place. Our exclusive list of carefully selected properties have been thoroughly analyzed for price, condition and amenities. We help you choose your dream home minus the stress of physically visiting each and every property, only to be disheartened by the false advertisements and nagging brokers. Click on…Your dream home is waiting for you. ➢WHEN NOT TO BUY A HOME - AND RENT INSTEAD Whether to rent a house or to buy one instead has been an intriguing question for almost every Indian working out of his/her home town. In fact, this can be considered as the single most important decision that one might have to make in their lifetime (apart from marriage of course...ehhmm). However, we get amused seeing how only a few people take a rational approach while taking this essential decision. What majority of people do is let their emotions, obligations and worst of all, societal pressure drive their decision. At Pinnacle Homes, not only we are going to help you introspect whether you should own a home or are better off renting, but we will go a step ahead and provide you one stop solution of finding your dream home, right here on our all-inclusive property website. Let’s start. You fall in the category of people who will do a great favor to themselves if they rent a property if… 1.You can’t arrange for down payment: As simple as it can be. No money no honey. If you are going to struggle to pay for the
down payment, chances are you are going to struggle even more with EMIs, registration charges etc. It is not a wise decision to comprise your lifestyle drastically for a single asset. What you should instead do is rush to the Rent section on our website and rent a similar or better property, minus the pressure of down payments. 2.You move a lot: If you are not certain about your next posting, or if you are an MNC professional chasing the foreign dream, then renting is for you. People who relocate often are better off renting simply because they can’t commit to a single location and hence a single property. Our advice: scan through our website and choose from the most popular localities in all the major cities of India. No matter where you are, we have the right home for rent for you. 3. You Don't understand the current market: Now we do not exactly expect you to predict the economic cycle, but buying a house when the real-estate market is not in good health can prove to be a counter-productive move. Another indicator to watch out for is the interest rate cycle. Better than locking your money in a high interest transaction is to rent the same (or better) accommodation without worrying about the market condition. Pinnacle Homes provide the best accommodations available for rent across different locations. Hundreds of home-owners have listed their own property on our website for renting, thereby establishing a trust that is hard to find elsewhere. 4. You don’t need it: Period. Not everyone is ready to take the responsibility of owning a home. Specially younger people who have just started on their professional journey. Do not let peer pressure or false notions (home is a single largest asset, well so is 1000 stocks of a blue-chip company) steer you towards buying, if you yourself aren’t ready yet. Instead impress your friends and provide for your family with the swanky new address that are listed on our website. A simple click and the best of the renting world is on your screen. Convinced of renting a property? Great. Take the next step and go through our exclusive list of flats, homes and villas for rent in the city of your choice. From luxurious offerings to economic ones, we have property for rent as per the need of every individual. Happy searching. For more Information: Click Here