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SharpSocial Review demo - $22,700 bonus. Review in Detail of SharpSocial and Premium BONUSES of SharpSocial: http://crownreviews.com/sharpsocial-review-bonus<br>SharpSocial is world’s first and only real artificial intelligence powered Facebook & YouTube user engagement web-app. Send custom reply & private messages based on Angry, Happy, Confused, emotional states of user comments and much more!<br>http://crownreviews.com/sharpsocial-review-bonus<br>SharpSocial<br>SharpSocial review<br>SharpSocial review and bonus <br>SharpSocial reviews <br>SharpSocial reviews and bonuses<br>SharpSocial discount <br>SharpSocial bonus <br>SharpSocial bonuses <br>SharpSocial review and discount <br>SharpSocial review in detail<br>SharpSocial ultimate review <br>SharpSocial coupon <br>SharpSocial demo <br>SharpSocial demo review <br>SharpSocial huge discount <br>SharpSocial discount coupon
SharpSocial– World’s First SocialResponder • Allows You To Analyse People’s Emotions On Facebook And Youtube And Turn TheirComments IntoCash! • SharpSocial is world’s first and only real artificial intelligence powered Facebook & YouTube user engagement web-app. Send custom reply & private messages based on Angry, Happy, Confused, emotional states of user comments and muchmore! • http://crownreviews.com/sharpsocial-review-bonus • What IsSharpSocial? • Now you can see what your audience is feeling and send targeted response to all al them at the push of abutton • Just imagine thepossibilities… • Protect your reputation – send support messages to people who are feeling angry or confused and shut down negatively before itescalates • Turn neutral followers into buyers – send coupons to “knock people off thefence” • Convert confused fans into paying customers – send FAQ’s, additionalinfo, • customer support links other content to convert the confused intocash • Leverage happy customers – send a share or referral request to anyonewho’s • feeling happy about yourbrand • Throw away those stuffy, complicated analytics tools! • SharpSocial gives you all the juicy date you’d expect from a world-class analytics tool… but with one HUGE advantage, it shows you the sentiment and emotional status of anybody who mentions or interacts with you online, so you can respond appropriately and immediately, right form your dashboard instead of sending the same canned reply to everyone like otherdo.
How DoesSharpSocialWork? Special Features of SharpSocialreview: SharpSocial is easier to use than most analyticstools… Dashboard shows snapshot of your social media channels -.quickly see how people are interacting with you across Facebook andYouTube Content drilldown — detailed analytics show bow your content is palominoacross Facebook and YouTube and people’s sentiment & emotional reactionstool Dominate Facebook with next-level marketingtechnology... See how your overall peptic performing - view overall page performance, page impressions, engagement, reactions and pagedemographics Categorize reactions by Peoples sentiment-group Kook by their positive, negative or neutralinteractions Reply to Individual comments, or reply to everybody based on how they feel in one go • send targeted, instant messages to a single person or an entire group of people who are happy, sad, confused, angry or neutral towardsyou Bulk delete negative comments in a single dick - so you can quickly protect your reputation Turn YouTube into Your Own Lead Generating, Cash PumpingMachine... See how your channel is performing - including comments – group people by their positive, negative or neutralinteractions Categorize reactions by people's sentiment-group people by their positive, negative or neutralinteractions.
Reply to Individual video comments, or reply to everybody based on how they feel - send targeted, instant messages to a single person or an entire group of people who are happy, sad, confused, angry or neutral towardsyou. • How ItWorks: • SharpSocial uses IBM’ Watson machine learning and their intelligent social monitoring technology to categorize people’s comments and responses into positive, negative or neutral sentiments or emotions like happy, angry, sadetc. • It’s similar to the same technology used by the CIA to see how people feel on social media allowing you to see what people are feeling and swiftly intercept their comments and reactions with targeted responses to protect your reputation, clear up confusion, and turn comments intocash! • Step 1: Choose a social media account from yourdashboard • Step 2: See how people are reacting to you on social media – sort by positive, negative or neutralresponses • Step 3: Send a response and instantly send a public reply or private message to everybody who is either happy, sad, confused, angry or neutral about your post, your brand, or yourbusiness • Why Should You Get SharpSocialNow? • Are you tired of manually messaging everybody who interacts with you across Facebook and Youtube – wasting hours replying to handful ofcomments? • Not anymore…because with SharpSocial, it takes just one click to send a public or private message to hundreds, thousands or even millions of people who feel a certain way about you, your brand, or yourcontent! • SharpSocial is a brand new “CIA style” software sends automatic messages based on people’s emotional state, and allows you to rake in free traffic, ramp your sales and protect your reputation at the push of abutton. • See how your Facebook and Youtube audience feel about you – happy, sad, confused, angry orneutral • Send public replies or private messages to entire groups of people – basedon • how they’refeeling • Bulk delete negative comments in a single click – quickly protect yourreputation • See how your channel and content is performing – with beautiful, clean and easy analytics
Send targeted messages based on people’s emotions- no more lame chat bots or cannedreplies • Save hours of manually messaging groups of people who are angry, confused or happy towards you – just choose a group of people who feel a certain way, type a message, then hitsend! • It Has Never Been Easier To Protect Your Reputation, Generate Leads & SKYROCKET YourSales! • Stop being a slave to social media – let SharpSocial bring you more traffic, leads and sales the easyway! • Improve trust and customer service response times • Increase Facebook page responsivenessscore • Protect yourreputation • Turn negative comments intosales • Boostconversions • Uncover winningcontent • Separate yourself from thecompetition • 4 reasons why SharpSocial is so powerful and unique… • Get higher response rates – send targeted messages to people who feel a certain way and skyrocket your responserate! • Gain more trust – send super relevant replies and private messages and wave goodbye to robotic sounding chat bots and cannedreplied! • Send public replies or private messages – use public replies to protect your reputation and show great customer service and use private messages to deliver offers, sensitive info, phone numbers, download links, coupon codes or whatever youwant! • Not just for Facebook – analyse and mass message people across your Facebook and Youtube accounts, all from a singlescreen! • Can you afford to ignore and not useSharpSocial? • Can you afford to spend hours manually responding to everybody who mentions you, comments or your posts, or talks about you online? Sure, you can just ignore these people,nut… • You will lose thousands of potential sales – form people who were excited orconfused • about your content, but you didn’t follow up with them to close thesale. • Your reputation will get torn apart – from people who talk crap about you online,but • you didn’t see those comments, or you simply didn’t have time to respond to themall.
And that’swhy... Thousands of your competitors are using SharpSocial to turn comments intocash, protect their reputations, with trust and save a ton oftime… Isn’t it time you joined them? Every day, you’re losing sales, missing opportunities, or failing to deal with complaints and bad reviews – because you can’t keep track and just don’t have time to respond to themall. SharpSocial unearths all the positive, negative and neutral interactions with your business allowing you to quickly send targeted messages to thousands of people at once, win sales or simply protect your reputation at the push of abutton. And it won’t cost you hundreds per montheither! You can pay up to $439 per month for rep-management and social media management tools that analyse your content and schedule posts but they don’t show you your audience’s sentiments or emotions, or let you bulk reply to people based on their emotionalstate. SharpSocial does what most social media tools don’t-it shows you how your audience is reacting emotionally to your posts-and allows you to spend specific replies to thousands of people, based on how they’re feeling about you rightnow. I guarantee SharpSocial will help protect your reputation, generate more traffic and turn way more comments into cash, or you getfree!
Mark my word… SharpSocial is set to become one of the most powerful social media marketing tools you’ll see this year…and it’s going to revolutionize the way you get traffic, leads and sales on Facebook and Youtubeforever. But seeing is believing… so I want you to test drive it for yourself for 30 days, and see if you can prove mewrong. And if it doesn’t make it easier than ever to message thousands of people in a singleclick – publicity orprivately… Or allow you to send custom messages based on the emotional sentiment ofyour audience…so you can massively increase your responserate… Or quickly jump on negative or confused fans, followers or subscribers, and stop abad reputation dead in itstracks… Or just see what type of content is working for you, and how it’s making youraudience feel… There has never been a easier – and more affordable – time to start getting traffic and sales on Facebook and Youtube For the first time ever, you can finally see how people are feeling about you or your content on Facebook and Youtube, and turn their emotional reactions intocash! Don’t waste hours trying to reply to every single angry, confused or happy comment – let SharpSocial automatically send 100% targeted, customized responses – privately or publicly - and watch your reputation, traffic and sales go through theroof. Exclusive SharpSocialBonuses Bonus #1: MEMBERSPRO
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The economy goes up and down. Right now, it’s not doing so well. In fact, most would say it has tanked. Managing your costs is important to your growth and survival, and when the economy is performing poorly, it is even more of achallenge. Experts say that 58% of companies have a shortfall in leaders and many companies are actually cutting their development budget as part of their cost cutting measures. Before you make that cut, you might want to think long and hard about whether that’s the right choice for yourbusiness. When you take development away from the executives, it can be detrimental. Leading is actually special skill. A key leader can find a business coach a very helpful tool to navigate through the storm and continue to grow andprosper. Chances are more than 50% of your staff could benefit from business coaching and actually become motivated and energized again with a focus and a goal. Executive coaching involves working with the leaders of your company. These should be the people that are running in high gear. There are some key points where an executive coach can helpleaders. Conclusion If you’re tired of chat bots or manually trying to message everybody who interactswith you on social media, the SharpSocial was made foryou. It allows you to send customized messages to thousands of people at once, based onhow they’re reacting emotionally to you, your brand or your posts on Facebook andYoutube. Forget robotic sounding spam. SharpSocial allows you to send highly targeted responses – both publicly and privately – to everybody who interacts with you on Facebook 0r Youtube… making this one of the most powerful social media marketing tools you’ll everown! GET:http://crownreviews.com/sharpsocial-review-bonus SharpSocial, SharpSocial review, SharpSocial review and bonus, SharpSocial reviews, SharpSocial reviews and bonuses, SharpSocial discount, SharpSocial bonus, SharpSocial bonuses, SharpSocial review and discount, SharpSocial review in detail, SharpSocial ultimate review, SharpSocial demo, SharpSocial demo review, SharpSocial huge discount, SharpSocial discount coupon, SharpSocial download, Get SharpSocial, SharpSocial review demo and bonus, SharpSocial, SharpSocial review, SharpSocial review and bonus, SharpSocial reviews, SharpSocial reviews and bonuses, SharpSocialdiscount