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Why should every women choose organic cotton based pads

Switch to organic cotton based pads for your good health and wellbeing since organic cotton is not harmful to the skin and internal organs. Take a deep breath during the tough times. Invest in yourself and preserve the planet.

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Why should every women choose organic cotton based pads

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  1. Why should every women choose organic cotton based pads? Women are most sensitive and vulnerable during their periods. It is excruciating for her to deal with cramps and general weakness on top of constant itching, rashes, and changing her sanitary pad every 3-4 hours to avoid infections. During those 3-5 days, the vaginal area is the most vulnerable, and the synthetic menstrual pads available in the market do not help either. Organic cotton based pads have become increasingly popular in recent years, as they are natural and biodegradable. 1.Synthetic pads are bad for our vaginal health If you think about it, the average woman wears a pad for 6.25 years of her life, which is quite a long time. Most women complain about skin issues during their period. Regular pads consist primarily of plastic, which can cause UTIs, yeast infections, rashes, allergies, and painful periods. According to studies, synthetic pads contain chemicals that can penetrate the vaginal skin and directly enter the bloodstream, causing miscarriages, abnormal births and even cervical cancer. Moreover, 26% of all pesticides come from cotton pads. In addition to the constant flow and heat, friction between the pad's synthetic top sheet and raw skin can lead to irritation and rashes. The majority of us doesn’t know these alarming facts and forget to change our pads every five hours so that the body

  2. can breathe easily. In addition to being safe to use during those 3-5 days, organic cotton menstrual pads also assure your body of no unpleasant side effects. 2.Plastic pads relentlessly pollute the environment Organic cotton menstrual pads are the future. They not only take care of your body but also protect the environment. We're sure you've all seen that viral picture of Mumbai's Juhu Beach covered in plastic waste. Plastic pollution is indeed a severe threat that the World Environment Day 2018 campaign had only one tagline: Beat Plastic Pollution. In India, 9000 tones of sanitary napkin waste are dumped in landfills each year, with no chance of decomposition for over 450-500 years. Pads made of organic material decompose within two years, which is great news for Mother Earth. 3.There is a risk of disease from synthetic pads in India There is a possibility that synthetic pads can lead to cervical cancer since it is one of the most common cancers among Indian women (cystic cancer accounts for more than 23% of all cancers, with breast cancer being the highest at 27%). Researchers have found a direct connection between HPV infections (Human papillomavirus - direct cause of cervical cancer) and poor menstrual health. 4.Educating women about menstrual hygiene products is essential During their menstrual days, rural women still use saris, husks, rags, leaves, mud, ash, or newspapers. Upon finishing a cycle, they wash the clothes and reuse them next month. It is both unhygienic and damaging to the vaginal area. When the clothing is ready for next month, it still contains soap, detergent, and bacteria that grew while it was left outside to dry. About 70% of women in India suffer from reproductive tract infections, and 23% of schoolgirls drop out once they begin menstruating. Women should take advantage of the availability of newer, safer, and technologically advanced organic, biodegradable cheapest sanitary pads in India to protect their bodies while menstruating. Now is the time to make the switch as a woman and as a member of the Earth. Make the first change at home and on your body. Home begins with your body and then your environment. Switch to organic menstrual pads that are biodegradable and organic to see how much your body appreciates them. This top sheet will be

  3. soft and comfortable for you, preventing you from performing your daily tasks and you will not have to worry about plastic pollution. Summary Switch to organic cotton-based pads for your good health and wellbeing since organic cotton is not harmful to the skin and internal organs. Take a deep breath during the tough times. Invest in yourself and preserve the planet.

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