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Analyse sémiotique simple de la musique

Analyse sémiotique simple de la musique. Philip Tagg www.tagg.org. P Tagg: Simple semiotics (Fr.). Modèle de communication. P Tagg: Simple semiotics (Fr.). partagé entre émetteur et récepteur. r é p e r t o i r e d e s y m b o l e s. seulement émetteur.

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Analyse sémiotique simple de la musique

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Analyse sémiotique simple de la musique Philip Taggwww.tagg.org P Tagg: Simple semiotics (Fr.)

  2. Modèle de communication P Tagg: Simple semiotics (Fr.) partagé entre émetteur et récepteur r é p e r t o i r e d e s y m b o l e s seulement émetteur seulement récepteur « incompétence »codale codage « inadéquat » réponse« inadéquate » « message voulu » Musique(canal) Émetteur Récepteur réponseadéquate ‘réponse« inadéquate » codage « inadéquat » contradiction codale seulement émetteur seulement récepteur n o r m e s s o c i o c u l t u r e l s partagés entre émetteur et récepteur

  3. P Tagg: Simple semiotics (Fr.) MCIO Matériau de comparaison interobjective OA Objet d’ analyse intertextuel,unimodal lientransmodal transmodal CCPM Champs de connnotation paramusicale(liés au MCIO) CCPM Champs de connnotation paramusicale(liés à l’OA)

  4. P Tagg: Simple semiotics (Fr.) Paramètres d’expression paramusicale • Son paramusical: claquer, cliqueter, craquer, crépiter, crier, carillon, jacasser, tapper, tic-tac, applaudir, hurler, siffler, bourdonner, bruire, ronronner, vrombir, grésiller, zoum!, birdsong, sound effects, crying, laughing, screaming, scraping, hitting, water, wind, thunder, etc. ad. inf. • Oral language: monologue, dialogue, commentary, voice-over, lyrics, accent/dialect, vocal type, prosody, type and speed of conversation/dialogue, &c... • Written language: programme or liner notes, promo copy, title credits, subtitles, written devices on stage, expression marks and other performance instructions, &c... • Visuals • font, graphic design, layout, painting, photo, sculpture, &c… • scenario, props, lighting, clothing, &c... • dramatic action, facial expressions, gestures, &c... • camera positions, cutting speed, editing technique, fades, pans, zooms, &c… • Movement: dance, dive, drive, fall, fly, glide, hit, hover, jump, kick, lie, ride, rise, run, slide, sit, stand, stroke, stumble, sway, swerve, wait, walk, &c... • (Re-)performance venue + concurrent activity: home, concert, club, TV, cinema, church, sports, dancing, riding, driving, restaurant, hotel, office, factory, circus, street, town, country, &c...

  5. P Tagg: Simple semiotics (Fr.) Parameters of musical expression (1) • instrumentational • number/type of voices/instruments • mechanical devices: mutes, pedals, stops, plectrum, string types, reed types, mouthpieces, bows, sticks, brushes, &c... • electro-acoustic devices: microphone types & techniques, loudspeakers, echo, reverb, delay, panning, filtering, mixers, amplifiers, equalisers, phasing, flanging, chorus, compression, distortion, vocoding, dubs, &c... • performance techniques: vibrato, tremolo, tremolando, glissando, portamento, pizzicato, sul ponte, picking, strum, &c... • timbral(timbre) • vocal: booming, breathy, clean, clear, cracked, crying, deep, gravelly, harsh, hoarse, howling, growling, guttural, husky, light, melismatic, muffled, piercing, plaintive, raucous, rich, screeching, shouting, shrill, sonorous, soothing, squeaky, squawking, strident, syllabics, thin, warbling, warm, wheezing, whooping, &c... • instrumental: as for vocal + blaring, bubbling, buzzing, chiming, clanking, clattering, crashing, grating, hissing, humming, jarring, muted, ringing, rumbling, scraping, stuttering, throbbing, tinkling, whirring, whistling, &c...

  6. P Tagg: Simple semiotics (Fr.) Parameters of musical expression (2) • temporal parameters • duration: [1] of piece and relationship of this duration to other connected aspects of communication (film, rite, sports event, dancing); [2] of sections within the piece • internal order/treatment of musical events: intros, cadences, bridges, continuations, interruptions, recurrences (reiterations, repeats, recaps), sequences &c… • pulse, tempo: [1] base rate; [2] surface rate. • rhythmic texture: polyrhythm, birhythm, monorhythm, &c... • metre (rhythmic grouping of pulse, time signature, etc.), e.g. simple, compound, symmetric, asymmetric, additive, divisive, &c... • accentuation, e.g. upbeat, downbeat, syncopation, regular,.

  7. P Tagg: Simple semiotics (Fr.) Parameters of musical expression (3) • tonal parameters • tuning system: how octave is divided, retuning, detuning, &c. • pitch range: average and total for each voice/part; ambitus, tessitura, &c. • tonal vocabulary: scale, mode, motifs, number and type of different pitches/notes • motivic/melodic contour: rising, falling, oscillating, arched, V-shaped, centric, wavy, terraced, tumbling strain, &c... • harmonic parameters • tonal centre (if any) • type of tonality: droned, modal, diatonic, tertial, quartal, bebop, impressionist, late romantic, twelve-tone, &c… • harmonic change as long and short term phenomenon, harmonic rhythm. • dynamics • loud  soft • sudden  gradual • constant  variable

  8. P Tagg: Simple semiotics (Fr.) Typologie simple de signes musicaux sonore: ressemble au son paramusical anaphone kinesthésique: ressemble au mouvement paramusical tactile: ressemble au grain paramusical synécdochede genre référence pars pro toto à 2 étapes: (1) à un idiome musical ‘étranger’; (2) de ce style à son contexte, culturel marqueur épisodique processus bref et unidirectionnel qui indique l’ordre ou l’importance relative des événements musicaux indicateurde style élément de structuration musicale typique du style de départ (de «chez soi»)

  9. Breughel: Massacre of the Innocents

  10. P Tagg: Simple semiotics (Fr.)

  11. P Tagg: Simple semiotics (Fr.) Palestrina: Missa Papae Marcelli Smetana: Vltava (Moldau)

  12. Monocentric musical positioning ‘stage’ ‘focal point’ ‘auditorium’ P Tagg: Simple semiotics (Fr.)

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