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Welcome. Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management leading to the CIPD's Advanced Level Diploma (the CIPD's highest academic qualification.). Introductions. Sue Shortland, CIPD Course Tutor and Programme Leader for P/T stream.Jackie Shoard, Course Administrator, Postgraduate Office.Dap
1. Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management Induction Part-time PG DIP HRM
2. Welcome
Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management leading to the CIPDs Advanced Level Diploma (the CIPDs highest academic qualification.)
3. Introductions Sue Shortland, CIPD Course Tutor and Programme Leader for P/T stream.
Jackie Shoard, Course Administrator, Postgraduate Office.
Dapo Coker, CIPD Professional Adviser.
4. Contact Details Sue Shortland
Room SH 321
Telephone: 0207 133 3829
e-mail: s.shortland@londonmet.ac.uk
Office hours: Thursday 1-2pm and 5-6pm
5. Contact Details Jackie Shoard
Postgraduate Office Room SH 126
Telephone: 0207 133 3922
e-mail: j.shoard@londonmet.ac.uk
Postgraduate Office opening hours:
Term time: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 9.30am-6pm; Wednesday 11am-6pm; Friday 9.30-5pm
University holidays: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9.30am-5pm; Wednesday 11am-5pm
6. CIPD Requirements
Four Cores
Leading, Managing and Developing People
HRM in Context
Investigating a Business Issue from an HR Perspective
Developing Skills for Business Leadership
+ Two Options
= CIPD Advanced Level Diploma
7. CIPD Awards The course is structured to provide exit points that provide levels of CIPD professional accreditation:
Completion of one 20 credit module or higher is equivalent and is accredited to the CIPD Advanced Award.
Completion of two core CIPD modules plus two further modules of 20 credits each (or higher); is accredited to the CIPD Advanced Certificate.
8. Structure of Course
The course consists of six taught modules. In Semester 1, there are also a Saturday team skills workshop (at the end of week 3 or 4), an afternoon AND evening labour markets and inequalities and assessment preparation session (in week 6) and a two-day (Friday and Saturday in week 11) block release to address business strategy, strategic HRM and exam preparation.
9. Semester 1: Cores HRP134N Contextualising Management (20 credits)
HRP135N Leading, Managing and Developing People (20 credits)
10. HRP134N Contextualising Management An understanding of HRM within an economic and legal framework - i.e. the external framework affecting decision-making - as well as internal frameworks such as finance and IT aspects of management - equivalent to CIPD's HRM in Context and some elements of CIPDs Developing Skills for Business Leadership.
11. HRP135N Leading, Managing and Developing People An understanding of the psychological aspects of leading and managing people, the varied managerial roles and activities within organisations and the drivers of organisational performance - equivalent to CIPD's Leading, Managing and Developing People, plus a large element of CIPDs Developing Skills for Business Leadership.
12. Semester 2: Designates Choice of 2 designated CIPD options:
HRP149N Managing and Maximising Organisational Talent (20 credits)
BLP106N Employment Law and Practice (20 credits)
HRP147N Learning and Talent Development (20 credits)
HRP146N Managing Employment Relations in Contemporary Organisations (20 credits)
HRP138N Leadership and Management Development (20 credits)
HRP061NOrganisations Design and Development (20 credits)
13. HRP149N Managing and Maximising Organisational Talent An understanding of personnel and HRM theoretical frameworks plus a focus on resourcing including recruitment, selection and diversity issues - equivalent to CIPD's Resourcing and Talent Management.
14. BLP106N Employment Law and Practice This module aims to provide an understanding of this complex area of law and of the importance of law and legal developments in the employment field. It will also enable students to critically analyse legal developments and evaluate their implications for employment practice equivalent to CIPDs Employment Law.
15. HRP147N Learning and Talent Development An understanding of learning theory and its application to training and development - equivalent to CIPD's Learning and Talent Development
16. HRP146N Managing Employment Relations in Contemporary Organisations An understanding of the employee relations aspects of managing people including both collective and individual relations issues and reward - equivalent to CIPD's Managing Employment Relations
17. HRP138N Leadership and Management Development The focus of this module is on the development of leadership and management in facilitating organisational, team and individual change and growth. It encompasses the development of leadership and management at all levels ranging from first line to senior managers and draws on the established body of knowledge and theory in leadership, management and L & D, in addition to the growing body of specialist knowledge in leadership and management development equivalent to CIPDs Leadership and Management Development.
18. HRP061N Organisations Design and Development This module aims to develop a critical understanding of the various approaches and principles related to organisation design and organisation development. A wide range of relevant concepts, theories and theoretical perspectives including those related to organisation culture, structure, the effective management of change and the learning organisation are explored to inform and critically evaluate organisational practice equivalent to CIPDs - Organisation Design and Organisation Development.
19. Semester 3: Cores HRP045N Consultancy, Change and Professional Development (10 credits)
HRP148N The Reflective Practitioner (30 credits)
20. HRP045N Consultancy, Change and Professional Development The module aims to draw theoretical concepts and practical considerations from within the course and relate these to the development of professional skills. It is an integrative module specifically related to achieve skills development in line with the CIPDs Developing Skills for Business Leadership and to practise requirement for continuing professional development via the production of a learning log.
21. HRP148N The Reflective Practitioner This module provides an action learning framework to the development and production of a management research report on a topic of the student's choice equivalent to CIPDs Investigating a Business Issue from an HR Perspective and some elements of CIPDs Developing Skills for Business Leadership.
22. Timetables Core Modules run on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 6-9.
Options are drawn from the Masters Programme and run at various times - contact the Postgraduate Office for information.
Option modules are subject to sufficient registrations.
23. Registration Please complete your:
Module Registration Form
Student Details Form
CIPD Information Form
24. Module Registration During your period of study, you will be asked to complete the Module Registration process for each forthcoming semester.
It is CRUCIAL that you do this by the required deadlines as class sizes are determined at these points and staffing and rooming are arranged accordingly.
If forms are not completed, class sizes may become too large and places cannot be guaranteed.
25. Skills Workshop and Block Release
There is ONE one-day team skills workshop held on Saturdays 9.30-4.30 in Stapleton House/Tower Building at the end of weeks 3 and 4 The date of your workshop (you are strongly advised to attend) will relate to the cohort in which you are studying HRP135N.
There is ONE afternoon AND evening labour markets, inequalities and assessment preparation session (2-5pm & 6-9pm in week 6, held in Stapleton House/Tower Building ). This will be held (you are strongly advised to attend) when you are studying HRP134N.
The two-day Block Release workshop is held 10-5 on Friday and 9.30-4.30 on Saturday in Stapleton House at the end of week 11. This is linked to HRP134N and HRP135N. Again you are strongly advised to attend. Venue to be announced.
26. Further Inductions and Briefings Library induction
CIPD induction
Management research report briefing
27. CPD Learning Logs All students are required to practise Continuing Professional Development (CPD).
Your learning and future action must be recorded in a learning log.
This is an ongoing requirement of the course and is assessed within HRP045N in your final semester.
28. Log access and entries Template is available from http://staffweb.londonmet.ac.uk/~shortlas
Entries covering a wide range of learning experiences over each semester from class, work, research, reading or other events
Leading to the formation of a personal development plan (PDP) of proposed future learning
Reflection on learning from management research report in the final semester
29. Entry Example