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Discover The Right Way To Lose Fat In 2 Weeks

A lot of people that are looking to shed weight, want to do it rapidly. They are most likely to speak the question: Can I drop weight in two weeks. We are a world of fast fixes these days. So is it possible to shed fat in 2 weeks time?

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Discover The Right Way To Lose Fat In 2 Weeks

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  1. PNC Global.org & http://howloseweightin2weeks.org Proudly Presents How To Lose Weight In 2 Weeks! How To Lose Weight In 2 Weeks!

  2. Let's Talk About • To discuss Can You Lose Weight(FAT) In 2 Weeks! • How did we get so FAT? • How does our body burn FAT? • What we can do going forward to lose FAT! • 3 steps that women can take to lose WEIGHT & FAT! • 3 steps that man can take to lose WEIGHT & FAT! http://howloseweightin2weeks.org

  3. What Happened & Why We Are Here • To lose unwanted weight and become physically fit • Most people that are wanting to drop pounds, want to do it quickly. • So is it possible to lose pounds in 2 weeks time? • Without a DOUBT! is the response for the inquiry. • You are not gonna go from 200lbs to 150 in 2 weeks though. • How many years did it take you in order to put on this extra weight? • The typical response is going to be "quite a few years”. • Lets take a look at how we can lose some weight in two weeks! • http://howloseweightin2weeks.org

  4. How We Get FAT! • Provided you don't have impracticable goals you can lose some fat. • If your goal is to drop a large amount of FAT it will require sometime to arrive at your goal. • Don't allow that to scare you, long range goals are GOOD • We sit down 2 or 3 x each day and ingest food(calories). • Many of us snack during the day on extra foods(calories). • We breathe in air, we walk, we blink, we digest etc. which burns calories • Calories consumed - energy burned= excess calories(FAT gain) or a shortage(FAT loss). http://howloseweightin2weeks.org

  5. Losing FAT Solution • The normal adult male requires a daily calorie consumption of 2,000 to 2,400 calories per day • The average woman 1,500 to 1,800 calories each day • Whenever we are able to eat 500 less calories than required we will burn FAT! • Add a bit of daily activity to this for getting things working better. What say a brisk 30-60 minute daily walk. • So here is an easy pounds loss plan that you should abide by going forward: http://howloseweightin2weeks.org

  6. Recommendation for the ladies • Keep your calories down in between 1k and 1,200(try and get this with meat, vegetables n fresh fruits) • Steer clear of empty calories • work out for no less than Thirty minutes a day at a level which causes you to sweat • STAY FOCUSED! • Go to http://howloseweightin2weeks.orgfor more quality ideas to reach your FAT and WEIGHT loss goals

  7. Recommendation for the men • Keep your caloric intake down between 1,500 and 1,700(attempt to get this with meat, greens n fruit) • Stay clear of empty calories(bread, fried potatoes, doughnuts for example) • Work out for not less than 30 minutes a day at a level which causes you sweat • Stay FOCUSED! • Go to http://howloseweightin2weeks.org for more quality ideas to reach your FAT and WEIGHT loss goals

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