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Sustainable social development within the field of urban planning in a Swedish context. A casestudy on the creation of a new neighborhood in a midsized Swedish city By Axel Ågren. A socially sustainable neighborhood comes to life. Axel Ågren
Sustainable social development within the field of urban planning in a Swedish context A casestudy on the creation of a new neighborhood in a midsized Swedish city By Axel Ågren
A sociallysustainableneighborhoodcomes to life • Axel Ågren • Master in social and welfare studies, Linköping University, Sweden • Masters thesis on sociallysustainable urban development
Research questions • How is the term sociallysustainable urban development filled with content? • How is the relation betweenphysicalplanning and social life viewedupon? • What perceptions constitute the basis for urban renewal?
Method • Litterature, documents and reports • 6 interviews, with politicians, social workers, and urban planners • Attendedseminars, workshops and conferences with urban planning as the topic
Urban planning and Swedish welfare • 1930s, Alva and Gunnar Myrdal ”Folkhemmet”, in English ”The peoples’ home” (1933) • Emphasized the importance of improvinghomes in Sweden • Betterhomes, shouldresult in betterlifes • ”Lort Sverige”, ”Dirt Sweden”, Ludvig Nordstrom(1938) • Prevention of overcrowdedhouses • Housing and urban planningbecame a welfareissue
Million programme • Late 1960s the housing standard waslow and population wasexpected to increase • The idea of building 1 million modern apartments becamereality • This politicalprojectwasnamed ”miljonprogrammet”
Million programme • These apartments and entire areas werebulit in the outskirts of larger and averagesizedcities • Spawl is seen as synonymous with million programmewhere the city is growing apart
Million programme • The apartments werebuiltrapily • Little attentionwaspaid to the outsideenvironment and toomany apartments werebuilt • These areas weredepopulated, and stigmatized by media and politicians.
Segregation in Sweden • The ”miljonprogram” neighborhoodsbecameassociated with negative attributessuch as criminality, unemployment and poverty • Alsoassociated with a passive inhabitants and lack of unity, or community
Segregation in Sweden • A longing for the ”old society” with activeinhabitants with strong feeling of unitywithin the community
Segregation in Sweden today • Researchers, politicians and media all agree that segregation is increasing and causing an unequal society • How to prevent this through urban planning?
Sociallysustainable urban development • Sociallysustainable urban development is nowpromoted by goverments, politicians, reseachers and localauthorities • Promoting a mix in housingopportunities, shops and leisureactivitieswithin the neighborhood is believed to enablemeetings and encouragediversity
Sociallysustainable urban development • Improvedinfrastructurebetweenneighborhoods and increaseddiversity are believed to prevent segregation and decreasingenvironmental harm
Sociallysustainable urban development • Spawl is seen as very import to prevent and understood as unsustainable • A sustainableneighborhood is everything that the million programme not is • A greaterunitywithin the city and urban life is seen as the solution
Sociallysustainable urban development • Mixed, diverse and wellconnected city is considered to be the solution for problems with democracy, segregation and social exclusion
Underlying ideals • Ideals of meetings, diversitythrough urban planning are similar to ideals from the New urbanisticmovement and the work of Richard Florida: ”Creativeclass” • These urban areas are thought as attractive and promotinggrowth
Underlying ideals • The ”creativeclass”, lives in the city centre, has unregular and highlyskilledjobs, and indulge in cultural life • Some positive aspects, howeverit´s an exclusiveperspective with focus on growthratherthanequity
Underlying ideals • Ideal that urban life as the motor of growth and futuredevelopment • Urban life is the norm for social life
Conclusions • Focus on what is happening evenoutside of the central parts of cities. • Questions of democracy in urban development of great importance
Conclusions • Importantissue is to continueraising the question; ”for who we are planning the city?” • Important to understand social life in different parts of the city, not solelydividingcitiesinto ”good” or ”bad” areas
Conclusions • Social dimensions important to consider, ratherthanfinished ”solutions” for how urban life should be • Is planning for growth in the mixed and wellconnected city the solution for a moreequal society?
Thank you for your time! • Contact: axel.agren@gmail.com • Telephone: +46 735 593 920