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Environmental Stewardship. ‘Environmental Stewardship is a simple term yet encompasses quite a lot. To many snowmobilers they have been practicing good stewardship practices for so long, most don’t even know they were doing it. Trail Stewardship
Environmental Stewardship • ‘Environmental Stewardship is a simple term yet encompasses quite a lot. To many snowmobilers they have been practicing good stewardship practices for so long, most don’t even know they were doing it.
Trail Stewardship • Preserving the integrity of our trails, so erosion doesn’t destroy them or harm near by water courses. It may be a simple as water bars across areas that may be adverse. In spots where it’s steeper one may actually have to install cross ditches depending on how much snow, or run off an area gets and the composition of the soils
Impacts • Riding through meadows may seem harmless, and with adequate snow cover it really is, so best management practices are to ride on no less than 30cm of snow. In wetter areas it may require more snow, to allow a bigger cushion for the plants and critters that live below.
Impacts • Meadows and wet lands are a very important part of our ecosystems most don’t think about when riding meadows and grasslands, the spreading of evasiveweeds, again enough snow cover ensures we won’t be spreading any weeds from area to area
Stewardship • also means helping look after animal species in our riding areas. • Habitat fragmentation and disturbance are the main concerns • Through best management practices these issues can and are being addressed.
Closures • Today we have some areas that are closed to our activities. Some of these areas used to be ‘Voluntary Closed’.
Closures • With Legislation there is no forgiveness! With legislation you trespass into a closed area and you can be charged, and a fine levied.
Signage • Clubs for many years have erected signs on trails, eg/ some indicating ‘closed areas’ or ‘sensitive areas’. • No matter what the sign says we must all respect what they stand for, “protection “
Signage • The BCSF worked with the provincial government to develop provincial sign standards in 2007! • These standards are complete with environmental signs too!
Commitment • Snowmobile club members being good stewards have erected signs, brushed trails, worked with many government ministries to develop agreements for the management of areas and trails for various reasons. Like wildlife, industrial activities and other users.
Cooperation • The BCSF worked with the BC Commercial Snowmobile Operators and Ministry of Environment on a complete Environmental Stewardship Manual for snowmobilers.
Cooperation • The BCSF with Ministry of Environment on the development of a Provincial Compliance & Enforcement form( 2008) • BCSF with Ministry of Environment developed a Provincial Stewardship Management Agreement template(2008)
Promotion • When you hear someone talking about the Environment, remember to tell them what you and your club do, make sure you tell them “Snowmobilers Do Care About our Environment” and ourStewardship practices prove it!
Volunteers • For many years snowmobilers have promoted caring for our environment have done so by promotion of actions. Trails, areas and cabins are maintained by volunteers from various snowmobile clubs.
Tips for a greener environment • To enhance our never ride alone campaign we promote: Haul your buddy. • (Using one vehicle instead of two, saves on fuels, lessons our carbon foot print)
Greener Choices • To enhance fuel economy, and reduce emissions, we encourage snowmobilers to: Tune your snowmobile yearly.(thus saving fuel and producing less harmful emissions).
Greener Choices • Manufacturers have ensured we have the quietist form of motorized sports, keep your exhaust system stock. • (Cause less noise pollution and lessons our impact on other users and wildlife).
Greener Choices • All clubs generate a load of paper from newsletters, magazines, and E-mails(when prinited) • Print less paper by: saving your e-mails to files and receiving your newsletterselectronically.(It saves tons of paper use recycle systems where available, it also cuts the costs of paper).
Greener Choices • Most clubs promote “Pack out what youpack in.” Clubs are encouraged to provide a separate garbage can at their cabins for recycling pop bottles or cans. Reduces the chance of litter and provides an alternate choice for snowmobilers. (may also provide a little revenue too)!
Greener Choices • Store your gas cans and fill your sleds in sites that will: not impact any water sources • Wipe up any spills you may have with a proper fuel soak pads.(We recommend all snowmobilers pack at least one soak pad)
Greener Choices • Grooming machines should always carry proper fuel soak pads and park the machine away from any water sources. • Use reusable containers for water or food while snowmobiling thus eliminating garbage all together!
Reducing our impact • Do not ride in areas that are closed to snowmobiling. • If caribou are encountered in your travels, turn off your engine, remain on the sled until the caribou have passed.
Reducing our impact • Do not approach the Caribou! • If caribou tracks are observed, do not follow! • To avoid damaging vegetation, ride only where the snow is greater than 30cm.
Reducing our impact • Check for local informational brochures/ maps, showing areas the caribou use and areas closed to snowmobiling. • Promote good stewardship practices, respect the areas, obey the signs and support your local snowmobile club, they work hard for your right to ride!
Reducing our impact • Promote good stewardship practices • Respect the areas • Obey the signs • Support your local snowmobile club, they work hard for your right to ride!
The British Columbia Snowmobile Federation is committed to help conserve the natural environment of British Columbia. The role of the BCSF is to promote good informed decisions we make which could affect the natural state of our environment. We will ensure that the natural environment shall always have access for snowmobilers, and that we preserve both the areas we ride and the naturalenvironment for future generations
For more information • WWW.OFFICE@BCSF.ORG • I-877-537-8716 • Box 400 Houston B.C VOJ-IZO