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I am Mr. Espinosa. Beginning Winds and Percussion Class.
I am Mr. Espinosa Beginning Winds and Percussion Class • I would like to welcome you to the wonderful world of music. I'm looking forward to educating your child on what music performance has to offer both you and your child. I look forward to meeting you and answering any of your questions or concerns.
Goals: The goals of the beginning winds and percussion class are to introduce the students to performing on band instruments. They will learn how to read and perform music in an ensemble as well as individually. They will progress as musicians and continue their musical endeavors by auditioning for the advance band. Subject content: The content included in the beginning winds and percussion class is reading and writing of melodic and rhythmic notation, technique, posture, musicality. Warm-ups, individual and ensemble playing will be exercised everyday for consistency. There will be weekly evaluation tests and pop performance tests if I see fit. Each semester the final exam will consist of performing at a concert. So don’t miss it! Since this course is designed as a year course, next semester will consist of performing band literature and improving as performers. The following is a description of the course outline, the goals and expectations and rules of the Beginning Winds and Percussion class.
Required materials: An instrument-rented, purchased or from Nobel, you may not stay in the class without one. Woodwind players will need to purchase a box of reeds to start(#1 1/2 or 2 ). Kits are sold at any of the music stores listed by Mr. Espinosa. They contain some cork grease, a swab, etc… for the clarinet or saxophone. Flute will need a cleaning cloth, metal care polishing cloth and cleaning rod. Brass players will need a cleaning kit which includes valve oil, a snake and slide grease etc… Percussion players will need one or two pairs of 5B drumsticks and a metronome. A percussion bell kit can be purchased at a music store. Recommended materials: Mouthpiece for clarinets, saxophones and brass players. A metronome and chromatic tuner are required second semester. What will I Need?
Students must be in their assigned seats when the bell rings. Once roll has been taken, students will grab their assigned instrument, a music stand and assemble into concert formation in 5 minutes. Rehearse/tune Swab out instruments Put instruments away properly Put music stands away properly Straighten chairs Remain seated until Mr. Espinosa dismisses you Daily Procedures Set - Up Clean - Up
Tardy policy • Tardies will be dealt with by the current Nobel policy.
The work habits grade includes: Posture, (sitting up straight, feet flat on the floor!) Punctuality, (getting to class on time) Promptness in preparation for rehearsal (getting stand, chair and instrument out in an orderly and prompt fashion). The cooperation grade includes: The cooperation grade is based on a point system. I will award the students 10 points a day. If the student has good work habits and contributes to the progress of the rehearsal by not talking, participating and listening to instruction, then the student will keep the 50 points a week. However, if the student breaks any of the classroom rules a point will be deducted for every offense cited. Points will be tallied up after each grading period and E's, S's and U's will be given out accordingly. Points cannot be made up! If a student is disciplined for disrupting a rehearsal more than once in a week, he or she will receive a "U" cooperation for the entire grading period. Work Habits/Cooperation
Grading Scale: 100% to 90% = A 89% to 80 % = B 79% to 70% = C 69% to 60% = D 59% and below is a FAIL Grade points: Performance Tests = 100 points Written Tests = 100 points Performing Concerts = 500 points each date TBA Daily Participation = 50 points Homework (Practice logs) = 20 points per week Grading scale and manifest
Classroom Rules • You may talk only when permitted by teacher. • You may not throw objects of any kind.* • You may not eat candy, food, and chew gum or drink liquids in the music classroom.* • You may only touch the instrument that is assigned to you. • You may only practice or perform on your instrument; No mistreating the instruments. • You are to respect others, especially their right to learn.* • The teacher, not by the bell will dismiss you from the class.* • Be seated before the tardy bell rings.* • Come prepared to class.* • Keep the music room clean and orderly. (Straighten chairs and put stands away) * = Nobel School Rules
Thank You, and Welcome Mr Espinosa
Don’t forget to print out this page and return the tear-off signed by you and your parents. You will not be allowed to participate in class without one! • I have read and understand the rules and expectations of Mr. Espinosa’s musicclass. I will be responsible and treat my instrument with care. If it should break, please inform Mr. Espinosa immediately so that he can recommend what needs to be done. -------------------------------------------Tear-off------------------------------------------------- What period does your child have music?________ _________________ _________ _________________ _________ Student (Print) Date Parent (Print) Date _________________ _________ _________________ _________ Student (Sign) Date Parent (Sign) Date Thanks