Prítomný čas I am a happy. Prítomný prieb. Čas I am swimming in thepool. I don´tplayhockey. I am notdriving a car. Can i swim ? Are yousleeping?When do i do my homework ? Where are youjumping ?Minulý čas Theywere on holiday. Minulý prieb. Čas I wassleeping .I wasn´t a student. I wasn´tplaying a basketball. Was i in ny ? Was I drinking ? Wheredid i write a test? Whenwas I eating ? Predprítomný čas I havedrivena car. I haven´t done my homework. Has heridden a bike? Whenhave I sung ?Budúci čas I willgohome. I won´tbuild a house.Will I bite anapple? Whatwill i sing ?Budúci čas I am goingto gotoschool. I am notgoing to drive a car. Ishegoing to begototheusa ?Whereishedriving on thecar ? Michaela Burzalová 9.C