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IFSPalooza. March 28, 2013 Kansas Department of Health and Environment Kansas Inservice Training System. Palooza : an all-out crazy party; partying at one place with a ton of people like there's no tomorrow. party on down at the IFSPalooza !. Why are we here?.
IFSPalooza March 28, 2013 Kansas Department of Health and Environment Kansas Inservice Training System
Palooza:an all-out crazy party; partying at one place with a ton of people like there's no tomorrow
Why are we here? • Participants will understand how the IFSP process can streamline the work they do. • Participants will become familiar with the IFSP Guidance Document and be able to use it to improve their ability to complete the IFSP process
Why are we here? • Participants will understand how to complete the IFSP line by line for compliance. • Participants will understand how the specific parts of the IFSP link together to promote quality IFSP practices.
Why are we here? • Participants will understand how the IFSP links to the Mission and Key Principles.
Mission and Key Principles Mission: Part C early intervention builds upon and provides supports and resources to assist family members and caregivers to enhance children’s learning and development through everyday learning opportunities.
Mission and Key Principles Key Principles: Infants and toddlers learn best through everyday experiences and interactions with familiar people in familiar contexts. All families, with the necessary supports and resources, can enhance their children’s learning and development. The primary role of a service provider in early intervention is to work with and support family members and caregivers in children’s lives.
Mission and Key Principles Key Principles: The early intervention process, from initial contacts through transition, must be dynamic and individualized to reflect the child’s and family members’ preferences, learning styles and cultural beliefs. Interventions with young children and family members must be based on explicit principles, validated practices, best available research, and relevant laws and regulations. The family’s priorities, needs and interests are addressed most appropriately by a primary provider who represents and receives team and community support.
Mission and Key Principles Key Principles: • IFSP outcomes must be functional and based on children’s and families’ needs and family-identified priorities.
Have you Ever? • Stand up • Get into a circle around the room • Listen to the question • Step into the middle if you have ever….
Agenda 10:00 IFSP Guidance Document Introduction Design 10:30 Break 10:40 Digging into the Document 12:30 Lunch 1:30 Back to work 2:45 Break 3:55 Back to work 4:00 Wrap up and Questions 4:30 Home for recovery!
Setting the Stage An IFSP more than a sheet of paper… It’s a process! IT’s all in how you approach it!
Setting the Stage • Participant Expectations • Positive Attitude • Quality is Important! • A new start • Don’t just do the same thing you have always done, but with a new form • Active Learning • take responsibility for your own learning • you get out of this what you put into it
Setting the Stage • Parking Lot
Setting the Stage • What People are saying • We want to hear from you!
What people are saying! Local tiny-k Coordinator “The new IFSP has given staff an opportunity to really see how the levels of development and priorities of the family can provide extremely functional, measureable goals for child and family.”
IFSP Guidance Document • Introduction • Kansas Infant Toddler Services has created this IFSP Guidance Document to assist local tiny-k program in completing the IFSP process using the Statewide IFSP.
IFSP Guidance Document • Introduction • The IFSP is MORE than jus paperwork! It is a PROCESS! • The form is just a way to document discussions with families. • It guides local tiny-k program teams through a process that will lead to meaningful outcomes for children and families based upon daily routines and activities.
IFSP Guidance Document • Introduction • IFSP form updates • Periodically, KDHE will update the IFSP form and accompanying documents. • Always check the KS ITS website before starting a new IFSP for the most up to date forms. This will ensure the use of the correct forms.
IFSP Guidance Document • Introduction • Linking the IFSP with the Infant Toddler Database • For blanks occurring in the IFSP document, please use N/A when you don’t need to fill out the information or if it doesn’t apply. Or 00/00/00 for numeric blanks.
IFSP Guidance Document • Design – • Each section of this document is based upon a page of the IFSP • Within each section you will find the following information • Purpose of the IFSP Page • Numbered Line-by-Line Guidance for completing the IFSP Page • Image of the IFSP demonstrating the Guidance • Tips • Kansas Shape highlighting special considerations or examples
Each IFSP must be INDIVIDUAIZED. The examples provided can be used to stimulate your thinking and conversations with team members. The examples CANNOT be used as a formula or prescribed way to write that section of the IFSP. IFSP Guidance Document
What people are saying! Parent “I love the way my tiny-k program works. Even thoughyou have age limit for your services, you still show families a path to the future help. That was definitely a lot for families in need.”
IFSP Cover Page This page has been added so that each local tiny-k program can design their own cover page. You may include a photo of the child or family as desired.
Child and Family Information • This page serves as the place to capture a variety of required demographic information about the child and family that will be entered into the ITS Database as well as information on the IFSP dates and timelines
Child and Family Information Much of the information on this page can be completed upon referral or at any time before the IFSP meeting. If the information is recorded before the IFSP meeting, it should be reviewed with the family for accuracy at the meeting.
Child and Family Information The IFSP must be conducted in the family’s native language except when not feasible.
Child and Family Information • Important Dates
Child and Family Information • The 6-month review does not require a new IFSP to be developed. Simply add to the existing IFSP. • The Annual does require a new form to be developed.
What people are saying! 2 Special Education Directors “When can we get a statewide IEP?”
Eligibility for Part C Services and Family Service Coordinator Information This page records the eligibility of the child for Part C services. It also serve as the area to record the Family Service Coordinator Information
Summary of Relevant Health Status As with all information, it is important to note where you obtained the information. (i.e., Medical Records, Parent Report, WIC etc…)
Summary of Relevant Health Status Primary Care Information Insurance Information New Forms Child Health Information
Summary of Relevant Health Status Vision Screening http://www.kdheks.gov/bfh/download/VisionGuidelines2004.pdf
Summary of Relevant Health Status Hearing Screening http://www.ksits.org/download/Hearing_Guidelines.pdf
Summary of Relevant Health Status Nutrition Screening PEACH http://www.ohiohelpmegrow.org/~/media/HelpMeGrow/ASSETS/Files/Professionals%20Gallery/HMG%20Home%20Visiting/Peach%20Instructions.ashx http://hpcswf.com/downloads/PEACH%20Survey%20English.pdf
What people are saying! Provider “I had a very nice talk with a Developmental Pediatrician out of KU med in Wichita. He said the descriptive part of the IFSP was very helpful. Our conversation was great! Over 40 minutes on a Friday evening. Anyway, I’m glad that he felt the IFSP gave him some good information.”
My Child’s Story The Family Services Coordinator can gather and record this information from conversations with the family and through the assessment process. It must be reviewed for accuracy at the IFSP Meeting
My Child’s Story Early Childhood Outcomes
My Child’s Story Hitting all of the Developmental Domains
My Child’s Story Example: Mateo loves to take a bath washing his face, hands and feet all by himself.
My Child’s Story Reflection Time
My Child’s Story • Reflection Time • Review Sample IFSPs • How have I been writing my child’s Story? • What do I need to change? • What tools make this process easier? • One thing I will do differently.
What people are saying! Parent “Oh my goodness, I see my child on paper, not what he can or can’t do.”
Family Concerns, Resources, Priorities First and Foremost: Build a positive relationship with each family. Take the time necessary to get to know the family on your first visit. Sometimes we get so focused on filing out the paperwork, we forget what is meaningful for the family
Family Concerns, Resources, Priorities Summary of Family Concerns – Name of Assessment Tool! You have more than one tool in your toolbox to choose from!
Family Concerns, Resources, Priorities Priorities of the Family Which priority will the family choose?
Family Concerns, Resources, Priorities Strengths & Resources of the Family
Family Concerns, Resources, Priorities What else would be helpful?