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Expert Group Meeting on SDG Economic Indicators in Africa 14-16 November 2017, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Analysis of the deprivation level of the Mozambican population using the 2011 Demographic Health Survey Data Carlos Creva Singano. Introduction / Context
Expert Group Meeting on SDG Economic Indicators in Africa14-16 November 2017, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Analysis of the deprivation level of the Mozambican population using the 2011 Demographic Health Survey Data Carlos Creva Singano
Introduction/Context Indicators, UnityofAnalyseandSources Methodology/Aproach Dificults, Chalengesandrecomendations Outline of Presentation
INE-Mozambique was created in 1996; Before this period was the National Directorate of Statistics; From 1996 to 2017, Statistics of Mozambique carried out the following statistical operations: - 1996 Demographic and Health Survey - 2000, Core Welfare Indicators Questionnaire, hh Survey, cwiq; - 2001 Survey on Sexual Behavior of Youth and Adolescents 15-24 years; - 2002/03; 2008/9; 2014/15- Income and Expenditure Survey - 2003, 2008, 2011 Demographic and Health Survey - 2005, 2005 –Survey on HIV/AIDS Prevalence Introduction/Context
- 2008, 2016 Malaria Prevalence Survey; - 2008; 2013 Labor Force Survey - 2008 MICS Multi Cluster Survey Indicators - 2017/18 TB Survey - Others Survey requested by Government of Mozambique With the exception of 1996 DHS, all others Survey are Representative for each 11 province, National, National Urban and Rural. INE/National Statistic Office did conduct the following Census : - 1997, 2007; 2017 Census of Housing and Population; - 1999, Agricultural Census - 2002; 2008; 2016 Census of Enterprises/companies Introduction/Context (Cont)
7.1.1 Proportion of population with access to electricity (Source, 2011 Demographic and Health Surveys -2011 DHS); 7.1.2 Proportion of population with primary reliance on clean fuels and technology (Source, 2011 Demographic and Health Surveys –2011 DHS) 8.6.1 Proportion of youth (aged 15-24 years) not in education, employment or training (Source, 2011 Demographic and Health Surveys –2011 DHS)); Indicators, Unity of Analyse and Sources
8.5.2 Unemployment rate, by sex, age and persons with disabilities (2013 Labor Force Survey, 2013 LFS) -UA: People in age of labor (7 Y and old) 8.7.1 Proportion and number of children aged 5-17 years engaged in child labor, by sex that you are going to (2013 Labor Force Survey, 2013 LFS). -UA: People in age 5-17 Years Indicators, Unity of Analyse and Sources
These indicators have been calculated, and sources (data bases) are available; The indicators were disaggregated by the main domains of analysis: 11 provinces, National, National Rural and National Urban; They were also disaggregated by sex and specific age groups; The quality measures (CV, confidence intervals and Deffs) associated with the estimates were calculated. The indicators8.5.2 (National Urban); 7.1.1 (National Rural) were not publicated because their CVs were above 34%; Indicators, Unity of Analyse and Sources
Data and estimates of same Survey are comparable over time (use same conceps and definition, same statistical population and estimators); Indicators, Unity of Analyse and Sources
In 2010 the Ministry of Finance and INE/ National Statistic Office use the CENSUS data 2007 to computer MPI –Mozambican, using Alkire Foster Methodology; Some of Indicators calculated (like 7.1.1;7.1.2) are included in SDG; Indicators, Unity of Analyse and Sources
Literature review on aspects of prevention; Consult national (Ministries, academics, research institutions, etc) and international users (World Bank, International Monetary Fund, Embassies, other donors) on the data; Use international Definition (ILO, UNECA, WHO); Use of statistical procedures / Estimators/formulas Econometric modeling; Use of the Alkire Foster methodology in indicators based on 2011 DHS data; Methodology/Aproach
In many cases, when surveys are drawn outside the National Statistical Office, are there no field supervision and Sampling Errors are not calculated; Few statisticians with in-depth knowledge of statistical procedures; Financing to increase sample coverage / representativeness Demographers with little experience in calculating indicators; Need for training in advanced statistical techniques; Need for training on design of indicators and USE of software like STATA, R(and other recommended by ECA/SDG) Dificults, Chalenges and recomendations
Thank you for your attention. Tatenda Kanimambo