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This study investigates the bioaccessibility and release kinetics of metal(loids) in geo-dusts from mine tailings, focusing on the effect of molecular speciation. In vitro bioassays and spectroscopy techniques are used to predict bioaccessibility. Conclusions highlight the importance of understanding the fate and transport of earth materials and their health effects.
Combining molecular-scale speciation with in vitro bioassays to interrogate the bioaccessibility of As in mine tailings Robert Root PhD robroot.az@gmail.com Sept. 3, 2013
Introduction • Problem • Characterizing bioaccessibility of • fugative dust from mine waste • Procedures and results • Bioassay • Spectroscopy and imaging • Predicting bioaccessibility • Conclusions
Introduction • Problem • Characterizing bioaccessibility of • fugative dust from mine waste • Procedures and results • Bioassay • Spectroscopy and imaging • Predicting bioaccessibility • Conclusions 28 August 2013 3
Toxicological Geochemistry • Interdisciplinary approach to investigating Earth Materials • Mineral dusts • Arsenic poisoning • Valley Fever • Asbestosis • Radiation poisoning • Understanding of the health effects resulting from occupational and environmental exposures to a wide variety of earth materials • Fate and transport • Exposure • Bioavailability iron/metal(loid) dusts rift valley fever asbestos 4 4
Routes of Exposure Human Interaction with Earth Materials • Inhalation • Ingestion • Dermal absorption Airborne Particles >100 um fall out of the air quickly <1um can stay suspended for years <150 um can enter the mouth and nose Respirable particles <10 um pass to the lungs <2.5 um pass deeply into the lung. Cilia trapped particles are subsequently swallowed Physiological interactions are strongly influenced by the physical and chemical properties of the toxin
in vitro Bioaccessibility metal(loid) released in syn. bio-fluid (mg) Bioaccessibility (%) = x 100% metal(loid) present in tailings sample (mg) • Bioaccessibility Solubility Concentration + time (dose) Surface area Solubility constant ionic strength, f(I) & common ion Temperature Environment (pH, pe)
Introduction • Problem • Characterizing bioaccessibility of • fugative dust from mine waste • Procedures and results • Bioassay • Spectroscopy and imaging • Predicting bioaccessibility • Conclusions
Confluence of Environmental Issues PM-10 Nonattainment 2010 Mine Workers 2010 www.epa.gov www.cdc.gov As in DW Drought None Contiguous Drought www.USDA.gov www.USGS.gov
Fugative Mine Dusts • Tailings piles are disproportionately in arid regions; • 5x109 tons of tailings worldwide; • 700 million kg of metals in mine tailings; • >95-99% of ore becomes tailings; • Mineable ore ca. 0.2% at metal of interest; • Sulfide tailings are the main source of heavy metals • Just in AZ 60k – 100k abandoned/inactive mines;
Sulfide ore body discovered in 1880 • En echelon schist replacement • 3250 ft deep and 40 miles of shafts • Most of AZ Pb & Zn, #1 Ag, #3 Au • Closed 1967
Research Questions How does molecular speciation affect the bioaccessibility and release kinetics of metal(loids) in geo-dusts from mine tailings? Is there a predictable link between the molecular species and bioaccessibility? 12
Introduction • Problem • Characterizing bioaccessibility of • fugative dust from mine waste • Procedures and results • Bioassays • Spectroscopy and imaging • Predicting bioaccessibility • Conclusions
In vitro studies of synthetic body fluid extractions are bench scale techniques • The synergetic use of X-ray techniques and in vitro extractions offers unique molecular scale access to toxic release Assumptions: Bioavailable < Bioaccessible < Total Concentration Fate of fugitive dust is a multiple scale process redox - biochem precip. - nucleation saltation - weathering Process Scale transport nm km atomic particle field molecular
Modified from US EPA Bioavailable Pb 0.15 g dust (n=3) Centrifuge Bio-fluid solids supernatant 1 h 24 h Mine dust mixed 1:100 solid:solution Shake 30s – 7d 37oC Dark 48 h Splits for speciation Aqueous: bioaccessible Target Extractant Gastric fluid 0.4 M glycine, dark at 37°C, pH 1.5 with HCl Lung Alveolar Gamble’s solution, dark at 37°C, pH 7.4
Bioaccessible Arsenic Efflorescent salts formed from the percolation of irrigation water through IK mine tailings: <75 mm Surface crust (top 1 cm) formed at the IK tailings site : <150 mm Bulk tailings (top 25 cm) homogenized and <150 mm
In vitro Bioaccessibility [Total mg kg-1], (Max %BAc) Gastric Bioassay (pH 1.7) Tailings Rel. BAc Efflorescent Salt << << << [As] = 2570 (25.3%) [Pb] = 3180 (18.2%) [Fe] = 124,000(33%) [As] = 1.56 (84.9%) [Pb] = 6.0 (66.7%) [Fe] = 7,200 (68.8%) Alveolar Bioassay (pH 7.4) < << << [As] = 2570 (2.2%) [Pb] = 3180 (0.17%) [Fe] = 124,000(0.15%) [As] = 1.56 (8.9%) [Pb] = 6.0 (100.%) [Fe] = 7,200 (20.8%) 17
Speciation and target organ Mineral solubility product (K) Used to predict solubility and stability of contaminant and sorbents Thermodynamic equilibrium= K Instantaneous concentration Q K < Q = (super)saturated, expect precipitation K > Q = under saturated, expect dissolution 19 19
Fe and As species • In vitro Extractions bioaccessible • Synchrotron X-ray • XRD crystallite (um) • XRF crystallite (nm) • XAS molecular (Å)
Arsenic Speciation As(V) As(III)
Fe XAS speciation hours SO4 salts and Fh dissolved first, As is mostly associated with Fh Dissolution of Fh does not rel. all the As A 20 precipitation of an amorphous FeAsSO4 Fh surface sites are reduced As competes with SO4 in SC Jar and FeAsSO4 Low pH promotes ppt of FeAsSO4, May not occur in high pH intestinal bioassay
Multiple energy X-ray fluorescence (ME)μXRF iron-rich grain
ME-μXRF mapping Fe XANES As XANES Combine images collected at specific energies to create a multi-species image 11869 -As 11872 -As 11875 -As 11880 -As 40mm As(V) Sulfide
GI t0 unreacted surface tailings Ferrihydrite Jarosite Pyrite • As(V) is mostly associated with ferrihydrite, EXAFS showed innersphere complex • Jarosite and pyrite are present but not strongly associated with As. mXANES
GI t0.5hsurface tailings • As is all As(V) and still associated with ferrihydrite; • Jarosite and Fh are less isolated in ~30 μm grains • Pyrite present but not assoc. with As. mXANES
GI t48hsurface tailings • No Ferrihydrite; • As(V) assoc. with Jar or an Jar(am) phase and FeAsS; • Jar(am) looks similar to reported ferric arsenate (Savage et al., 2005); • Pyrite and arsenopyrite observed mXANES
Unique findings from Gastric Bioassay by X-ray Techniques • XRD - Gastric fluid dissolves sulfates jarosite • XRD – FeSO4 and am. phases precip. in lung bioassay • XANES - As species does not change in vitro • EXAFS - Fe mineralogy changes in vitro • ME- mXRF – As is strongly assoc. with Fh, not assoc. with pyrite. Fe minerals change: Fh dissolves and a new Fex(AsO4 )y(SO4)z mineral precipitation.
SEM gastric Pyrite No (As) Fe(OH)3 Gastric reacted 48h Fe(OH)3 Fe:As = 15 Unreacted tailings
SEM alveolar Unreacted tailings New “needle” morphologies Alveolar reacted 48h
Introduction • Problem • Characterizing bioaccessibility of • fugative dust from mine waste • Procedures and results • Bioassay • Spectroscopy and imaging • Predicting bioaccessibility • Conclusions
Findings: gastric fluid • The in vitro gastric BAc As is ~25% and Fe is ~30%; • High surface area phases are removed first; • Ferrihydrite is removed by 48 hours; • it has a high affinity for As, but As is not all released; • As in the gastric fluid for 100h, but decrease at 7 d (168h) • Loss of jarosite and no new crystalline phases; • An amorphous phase with FeAsO4 forms – scavenging As.
Findings: alveolar fluid • The in vitro alveolar BAc As is ~2% and Fe is ~0.2% • Pb bioaccessibility is very low • The Fe and As are not congruently released • At 7 days, [As]>[Fe] in SAF • As release increases continuously for up to 7 days, • Expected to continue as no new Fe-Ox surfaces formed • Neophases are formed that precipitates Fe-SO4 surfaces 37
Use Speciation to Predict Solubilities toxin in solid phase precip. toxin kinetic ctrl Bioaccessible nontoxic From O’Day 1999
Potential Arsenic “vectors” Efflorescent salt with substituted/adsorbed AsV Ferrihydrite with adsorbed AsV (esp. GI) Jarosite with substituted AsV Arsenopyrite Bioaccessibility Pathway Toxin Human 39
Introduction • Problem • Characterizing bioaccessibility of • fugative dust from mine waste • Procedures and results • Bioassay • Spectroscopy and imaging • Predicting bioaccessibility • Conclusions
Conclusions • The bioavailability of metals in tailings is controlled by metal speciation, not total mass concentration; • Secondary mineral precipitation (incl. ferric- and alumino-hydroxy sulfates and ferric arsenates) may play an important role in the availability of contaminants; • Tailings in arid and semi-arid climates may present a greater human health risk associated with direct particulate exposure. • Follow up aim • Combine in vitro extraction studies with in situ molecular-scale spectroscopic studies to constrain in silicomodels • to create predictive assessment of bioavailability. 41
Acknowledgements Many Thanks: Prof Jon Chorover SRP co-PI (geochemist) Nazune Menka PhD Student Steve Schuchardt Site owner Mary Kay Amistadi Director of ALEC Laboratory Corin Hammond PhD Candidate Juliana Gil PhD Student Prof Eduardo Saez SRP co-PI (As transport -dust) Prof Qin Chen Director NIEHS Training Grant Prof Clark Lantz Assoc SRP Dir and VP for Res. Prof Jay Gandolfi Previous SPR Director Prof Raina Maier SPR Director NIEHS Grant R01 ES017079 NIEHS Toxicology postdoc training T32 ES007091-31