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Chapter 1 Introduction to Simulation Modeling

Discover the paradigm creating simplified representations of complex systems to observe behavior over time for enhanced design and performance. Learn about different model classifications - Physical (Prototypes), Analytical (Mathematical), Computer (Monte Carlo Simulation), Descriptive (Performance Analysis), and Prescriptive (Optimization). Explore typical uses, from improving manufacturing processes to enhancing healthcare operations.

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Chapter 1 Introduction to Simulation Modeling

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Chapter 1 Introduction to Simulation Modeling T. Altiok and B. Melamed

  2. Simulation Modeling • Paradigm that creates simplified representations of complex systems • Generates system histories and observes system behavior and statistics over time • Goals are understanding system performance and improving system design Chapter 1 Introduction to Simulation Modeling

  3. System vs. Its Model • Simplification • Abstraction • Assumptions Model Real System Chapter 1 Introduction to Simulation Modeling

  4. Physical (prototypes) Analytical (mathematical) Computer (Monte Carlo Simulation) Descriptive (performance analysis) Prescriptive (optimization) Model Classification Chapter 1 Introduction to Simulation Modeling

  5. Physical (Prototypes) Chapter 1 Introduction to Simulation Modeling

  6. Analytical (Mathematical) Single Stage Queuing Model Chapter 1 Introduction to Simulation Modeling

  7. Computer (Monte Carlo Simulation) Chapter 1 Introduction to Simulation Modeling

  8. Descriptive(Performance analysis) Simulation vs. Real World Chapter 1 Introduction to Simulation Modeling

  9. Prescriptive (Optimization) Chapter 1 Introduction to Simulation Modeling

  10. Typical Uses of Simulation • Estimating a set of productivity measures in production systems, inventory systems, manufacturing processes, materials handling and logistics operations. • Designing and planning the capacity of computer systems and communication networks so as to minimize response times. • Conducting war games to train military personnel or to evaluate the efficacy of proposed military operations • Evaluating and improving maritime port operations, such as container ports or bulk-material marine terminals (coal, oil or minerals), so as to find ways of reducing vessel port times. • Improving health care operations, financial and banking operations, transportation systems and airports, among many others. Chapter 1 Introduction to Simulation Modeling

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