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Certification and recertification of dentists in Latvia. A.Bigestans MD,DDS,MOS RCSEd. What is an experience?. And the answer is to feel the difference . Theoretical basis – Practical skills How to control them? How to improve them?. Dentists. General Specialists Orthodontists
Certification and recertification of dentists in Latvia. A.Bigestans MD,DDS,MOS RCSEd.
What is an experience? And the answer is to feel the difference . Theoretical basis – Practical skills How to control them? How to improve them?
Dentists GeneralSpecialists Orthodontists Prosthetic Endodontic specialists Pediatric Periodontic
Certification .In the 2 years time we have theoretical exam - multiple choice questions plus practical part consisting of patient analysis , questions about theoretical and practical matters. Recertification. During 5 years time dentists have to collect 250 credit points.100 of them gained in the courses determined by LDA , others visiting courses organized by companies producing dental materials , congreses , hands on courses , taking part with presentations during different meetings.( active and passive part )
Myths and reality. - Problems with legislators - residency in general dentistry -Recently changed law about that and accepted proposal to have a certificate after graduation of university ( increased role of LDA at students final exams , establishment of summer training for students after 3 and 4 year of studies , more credit points for practical classes. ) -Whether is it enough to have only one registra for dentists due to the fact of increased amount of foreigh students at the university -Those 250 credit points are enough to keep the level of our dentists and how much of them showed be acquired in the way we pointed out . What do we have to change in our system ???
Thank You for your kind attention !And always there is a place for improvement !Nobody is perfect. Sigulda , 2011.