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CloudEthernet Forum

CloudEthernet Forum. Overview. Cloud Services Market. CEF has similar ambitions for CloudEthernet. CEF wants open standards CloudEthernet. MEF drove $50B Carrier Ethernet market. CloudEthernet will help grow Cloud Services market to $200B by 2016.

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CloudEthernet Forum

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Presentation Transcript

  1. CloudEthernet Forum Overview

  2. Cloud Services Market CEF has similar ambitions for CloudEthernet CEF wants open standards CloudEthernet MEF drove $50B Carrier Ethernet market CloudEthernet will help grow Cloud Services market to $200B by 2016

  3. Cloud Ethernet Forum Members

  4. Obstacles for Cloud Services Growth

  5. Why Ethernet for Cloud?

  6. Problem: Interoperability Users / Consumers: Individual, Home, Branch, Campus

  7. Solution: Opencloud Project (Test Environment)

  8. CEF Fundamentals

  9. OpenCloud Reference Architecture Data Center Tester Carrier Ethernet Enterprise VM … Intra-DC network Access network Tester App / VM VM B SDN A NFV C SDN NFV D Data Center Tester VM B … Intra-DC network VM SDN NFV C Cloud Network Service

  10. OpenCloud Project V A S P A + USE CASES Automated Service Chaining Open Application Performance Mgmt Open Network Analytics Unified Virtual Networks Open Multi-Tenant Data Centers Easier VM Mobility Development CloudEthernet Reference Architecture (1.0) Adopted by: Cloud Service Providers Data Center Operators Cloud Carriers

  11. CloudEthernet Structure President James Walker Technical Working Groups Open Standards & Use Cases Chairman Jeffrey Schmitz Founding Board Technical Co-Chairs Virtualization Automation Security Programmability Analytics Marketing Co-Chairs

  12. Why Join The CloudEthernet Forum?

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