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BMW CleanEnergy. CARB ZEV Technology Symposium.

Explore the evolution of hydrogen as a near-zero emission vehicle fuel by Dr. Edgar Berger at the BMW Clean Energy Symposium. Discover the challenges and requirements for transitioning to hydrogen in the transportation sector, driven by air quality concerns, ZEV mandates, and global warming issues post-Kyoto Protocol. Delve into BMW's energy strategy focusing on H2-powered vehicles for a sustainable future. Learn about the development targets for H2 powertrains and efficiency dynamics to achieve near-zero emissions. Gain insights into BMW's H2 internal combustion engine concepts, power output potentials, and emission levels. Understand the potential for charged H2 engines and operating strategies for effective NOx control. Experience the efficiency and emissions benefits of BMW's H2 ICE technology in the 7 Series. Get an overview of operating points, exhaust gas emissions, and tailpipe emissions for H2 ICE vehicles. Embrace electrification and energy management solutions for H2 drivetrains to optimize performance and sustainability.

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BMW CleanEnergy. CARB ZEV Technology Symposium.

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  1. BMW CleanEnergy. CARBZEV Technology Symposium. BMW Hydrogen Near Zero Emission Vehicle development. Dr. Edgar Berger.

  2. BMW CleanEnergy.Fossil fuels as momentary event. Discovery of fire End of last ice age Industrial revolution Energy consumption of fossil fuels -400.000 -10.000 -8.000 -6.000 -4.000 -2.000 0 2.000 4.000 Years

  3. Challenges on the Way to Hydrogen.Requirements in transportation sector. Air Quality  ZEV Mandate 1960’s + Hydrogen Powered Vehicles Global Warming  Kyoto Protocol 1990’s + Energy Security 2000’s +

  4. BMW Energy Strategy. Short-term and long-term solutions. CO2 Today Future (renewable) crude oil: ratio H:C = 2.2-2.6 hydrogen: ratio H:C = Long-term goal: Development of competitive and Sustainable products: BMW CleanEnergy  H2-vehicles Short- and mid-term targets: reduction of fuel consumption Gasoline: e.g. VALVETRONIC, BMW DI Diesel: e.g. Common-Rail 2. generation

  5. BMW CleanEnergy: H2 ICE. Targets H2 powertrain development. Efficient dynamics: - efficiency - power output - weight/volume • - Near Zero Emissions • cost efficient engine production • open issue: H2 storage

  6. Hydrogen internal combustion engine.Engine concepts and power output potentials. Gasoline PFI H2-PFI H2-DI charged H2-PFI charged H2-DI H2 H2 fuel vapour H2 H2 air air air air air 296 ml 704 ml mix. /mix.0 x 84 % 420 ml 1000 ml mix. /mix.0 x 120 % 420 ml 1000 ml 120 % 17 ml 983 ml 100 % 296 ml 704 ml 84 % Fuel volume Air Volume Calorific valueof mixture hVol = 1, λ= 1, VH = 1000 ml

  7. BMW CleanEnergy: H2 ICE. Technical data H2 7 series. 6l-V12 mono-fuel > 190 kW > 390 Nm „NZEV“ Power [kW] Torque [Nm] Emission level 6l-V12 bi-fuel 190 kW 390 Nm EU 4 Engine and performance 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 0 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 190 kW at 5000 min-1 390 Nm at 4000 min-1 Power [kW] Engine torque [Nm] 300 Nm at 3000 min-1 150 kW at 5800 min-1 Current V12 H2 engine Predecessor V12 H2 Current V12 H2 engine Predecessor V12 H2 0 2000 4000 6000 0 2000 4000 6000 Engine speed [min-1] Engine speed [min-1]

  8. Potential charged H2DI H2DI H2 air Charged H2PFI and H2DI H2PFI H2PFI, charged H2DI H2 H2 air air BMW CleanEnergy: H2 ICE. Potentials specific power output / torque. Potential charged diesel engine Charged gasoline engine Charged diesel engine Specific Torque [Nm/dm3] Naturally aspirated gasoline engine Naturally aspirated diesel engine Specific Power Output [kW/dm3]

  9. l<1 - BMW CleanEnergy: H2 ICE. Operating strategy V12 H2-mode. NOx-Emissions with Hydrogen (lambda-range) exhaust aftertreatment NOx negligible Quantitative Load control Torque NOx [ppm] l>>1 lean operation NOx negligible Qualitative Load control Engine Speed 100 0 1.0 7.0 l l „Lean Operation“ „TWC“ Masked out area Lambda-areas used for engine operation

  10. full load l = 1 HC [ppm] CO [ppm] NOX [ppm] H2(l=1) 5 0 2000 part load l >> 1 HC [ppm] CO [ppm] NOX [ppm] H2(l>>1) < 1 0 < 1 BMW CleanEnergy: H2 ICE. Emissions 7 series H2V12. Operating points Exhaust gas emissions before catalytic converter TWC HC [ppm] CO [ppm] NOX [ppm] HC [ppm] CO [ppm] NOX [ppm] H2(l=1) H2(l>>1) Tailpipe emissions < 1 0 < 1 < 1 0 < 1

  11. BMW CleanEnergy: H2 ICE. Tailpipe emissions 7 Series H2 in FTP 75 drive cycle. FTP75 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 NMOG CO NOx 100 % Limit (SULEV II) FTP 75 test cycle 0.02 g/mile 1.0 g/mile 0.01 g/mile Speed [km/h] 10 % < 1 % < 1 % 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Time [sec] 7 Series mono-fuel (NZEV) Full load Part load

  12. hi= 35.1 % hi= 30.1 % hi= 38.2 % BMW CleanEnergy: H2 ICE. Efficiency at partial load. 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Efficiency [%] Gasoline Engine (λ = 1, throttled) Diesel Engine with EGR H2-Engine (λ = 4) unburned fuel non-ideal heat release wall heat charge exchange indicated efficiency n = 2000 min-1, wi = 0.27 kJ/dm3

  13. Electrification of H2 drivetrains. Energy management. Secondary Energy Converter Primary Energy Primary Energy Converter Secondary Energy Storage Functions Driving Accelerating Suspension Heating Cooling Braking Steering Eng. Cooling... H2 Engine Thermal Energy Mechanical Energy Electrical Energy Electr. Energy Electrical Motor Hydraulic Energy Pump Pneumatic Energy Compressor

  14. Electrification of H2 drivetrains. Energy management. Secondary Energy Converter Primary Energy Primary Energy Converter Secondary Energy Storage Functions Driving Accelerating Suspension Heating Cooling Braking Steering Eng. Cooling... H2 Engine Thermal Energy Mechanical Energy Electrical Energy Electr. Energy Electrical Motor Hydraulic Energy Pump Pneumatic Energy Compressor

  15. Electrification of H2 drivetrains. Hybrid powertrain systems:Recuperation. Secondary Energy Converter Primary Energy Primary Energy Converter Secondary Energy Storage Functions Driving Accelerating Suspension Heating Cooling Braking Steering Eng. Cooling... H2 Engine Thermal Energy Mechanical Energy Electrical Energy Electr. Energy Electrical Motor Hydraulic Energy Pump Pneumatic Energy Compressor

  16. Electrification of H2 drivetrains. Hybrid powertrain systems:Assisting/Electric driving. Secondary Energy Converter Primary Energy Primary Energy Converter Secondary Energy Storage Functions Driving Accelerating Suspension Heating Cooling Braking Steering Eng. Cooling... H2 Engine Thermal Energy Mechanical Energy Electrical Energy Electr. Energy Electrical Motor Hydraulic Energy Pump Pneumatic Energy Compressor

  17. Future option for electrification of drivetrains. Advanced energy management. Secondary Energy Converter Primary Energy Primary Energy Converter Secondary Energy Storage Functions Driving Accelerating Suspension Heating Cooling Braking Steering Eng. Cooling... H2 Engine Thermal Energy Mechanical Energy i.e. small fuel cell Electrical Energy Electr. Energy Electrical Motor Hydraulic Energy Pump Pneumatic Energy Compressor

  18. Electrification of H2 drivetrains. Advanced energy management. Secondary Energy Converter Primary Energy Primary Energy Converter Secondary Energy Storage Functions Driving Accelerating Suspension Heating Cooling Braking Steering Eng. Cooling... H2 Engine Thermal Energy Mechanical Energy i.e. small fuel cell Electrical Energy Electr. Energy Electrical Motor Hydraulic Energy Pump Pneumatic Energy Compressor

  19. Electrification of H2 drivetrains. Advanced energy management. Secondary Energy Converter Primary Energy Primary Energy Converter Secondary Energy Storage Functions Driving Accelerating Suspension Heating Cooling Braking Steering Eng. Cooling... H2 Engine Thermal Energy Mechanical Energy i.e. small fuel cell Electrical Energy Electr. Energy Electrical Motor Hydraulic Energy Pump Pneumatic Energy Compressor

  20. Electrification of H2 drivetrains. Efficiency characteristics for advanced energy management example with small fuel cell. 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 max. efficiency el. drive with small fuel cell max. efficiency of H2 combustion engines max. efficiency of hybrid in combination with a small fuel cell performance envelope with lower combustion efficiency max. efficiency [%] 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 engine performance [% of rated power]

  21. reduced vehicle properties & customer benefits BMW CleanEnergy: H2 ICE. Potential fuel consumption of NZEVs in NEDC. Future generations Current generation Next generations Compact Midsize Vehicle class Midsize Compact - Large ~1,8 t ~2,0 t ~1,9 t ~2,2 t - ~2,5 t Vehicle weight inline 6 inline 4 inline 4 - inline 6 6l-V12 Engine >200kW >140 kW >180 kW >120 kW Power output - >185 kW ICE + advanced energy management ICE + powertrain energy management consumption (kg H2/100km) ICE 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 consumption depending on vehicle configuration

  22. BMW Powertrain Strategy.ZEV gold standard - chances and barriers. New challenges for ZEV requires broader long-term view for solutions that meet: • wide market acceptance and affordability • clean air goals and provide a sustainable mobility future • efficient usage of all available resources The development of a viable future hydrogen infrastructure corresponding with customer-acceptable hydrogen vehicle population can meet these requirements, but hydrogen is not yet sufficiently available. Air Quality  ZEV Mandate Global Warming  Kyoto Protocol Energy Security

  23. BMW Powertrain Strategy.ZEV-Technology Hydrogen Vehicle Powertrain Option. H2 ICE powertrains ZEV-Technology requirements  (Near) Zero Emission Vehicle  * high fuel economy  high power density  relatively low costs of production  proven durability • Broadening the scope of ZEV mandate to facilitate different technology options • Future challenge: build-up a H2 infrastructure •  need to review ZEV mandate *H2 ICE + advanced energy management

  24. BMW CleanEnergy: H2 ICE. Conclusion. • 7 Series with bi-fuel engine:  first H2 vehicle in production development •  customer oriented vehicle concept with fall back gasoline mode • 7 Series mono-fuel as NZEV: •  emissions far below SULEVII level - very low emissions in l>>1 operation - very low emissions after TWC in l=1 operation •  potential: near zero emission with H2 mode • Next generations hydrogen vehicles: •  customer friendly integration of storage system •  near zero emission •  increased power density and fuel efficiency • advanced hydrogen vehicle energy-management

  25. Thanks for your attention.

  26. Material properties of Hydrogen.Comparison with gasoline. *stoichiometric air/fuel ratio

  27. H2 combustion process. Examples forirregular Combustions at l=1. 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Cylinder Pressure [MPa] Cylinder Pressure [MPa] 80 60 40 20 0 - 20 - 40 -60 80 60 40 20 0 - 20 - 40 -60 Crank Angle [°CA] Crank Angle [°CA] engine knock regular combustion Pre-ignition regular combustion

  28. H2 combustion process. Combustion process development. AVL VISIOKNOCK pre-ignition • Measures: • engine design • minimisation of residual gas • choice of materials • - injection timing and duration • - ignition timing Regular engine operation

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