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Insight into Immunogenetics: Overview of Immune System, B and T Cells, Antibodies, Vaccinations, Allergies

Explore the intricate world of immunogenetics in this chapter covering the immune system's defense lines, B and T cells, antibody diversity, vaccinations, and allergies. Learn about innate and acquired immunity, lymphocytes in lymph nodes, antibody production, T cell receptor recognition, and allergic responses.

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Insight into Immunogenetics: Overview of Immune System, B and T Cells, Antibodies, Vaccinations, Allergies

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Immunogeneticschapter 22select topicspp. 611-620

  2. Topic Outline • Overview of the Immune System • 1st and 2nd lines of Defense • The Immune System • B cells • The antibody & antibody diversity • Vaccinations • Breast Feeding • Diagnostic applications • T cells • Allergies

  3. Lines of Defense 1st and 2nd lines • Physical and Chemical • Immune system 3rd line

  4. First line of defense

  5. Second line of defense • Inflammation • Phagocytic cells • complement

  6. 3rd line of defense“The Immune System”

  7. Summary Lines of Defense INNATE ACQUIRED

  8. Immune System B cells T cells

  9. Lymph nodes are contain high concentrations lymphocytes

  10. Let’s look more closely at the B lymphocytes

  11. B Cell: humoral or antibody mediated immunityANTIBODIES=IMMUNOGLOBULINS • Humoral Immunity • Matures in bone marrow • Moves to lymph nodes (& other locations) • Secretes antibodies “as plasma cell” • Also creates “memory” B cells B-lymphocyte


  13. Different classes of immunoglobulins or antibodies IgA IgM IgG IgE IgD

  14. Antibody Diversity • How do we acquire so many different types of antibodies? • Somatic recombination • Junctional diversity • hypermutations

  15. V J C Antibody genes are composed of segments

  16. Somatic Recombination • http://www.bio.davidson.edu/courses/Immunology/Flash/somaticrecomb.html

  17. How are vaccinations related to immunity? Active and Passive

  18. Active Vaccinations: AntibodyProduction Memory Cells!

  19. Onto T Cells The next part gets tricky

  20. All T cells require cell to cell contact

  21. CD8+ CD4+ http://highered.mcgraw-hill.com/sites/0072495855/student_view0/chapter24/animation__cytotoxic_t-cell_activity_against_target_cells__quiz_2_.html

  22. T Cells These are some of the General characteristics of the T Cell receptor for antigen recognition. VJC (D) + D in the beta chain

  23. Cytotoxic T Cell and MHC I Antigen presentation CD8+ cell

  24. Cytotoxic T cell= CD8+

  25. Cytotoxic T cell= CD8+

  26. Tissue Transplantation • MHC proteins differ between individuals

  27. The major histocompatibility complex • is a large group of genes on chromosome 6

  28. Helper T Cell and MHC II Antigen presentation

  29. B lymphocytes source of antibodies Overview of T lymphocytes

  30. Cancer cell being attacked by cytotoxic T cells After release of perforin

  31. Allergic Response I.

  32. AllergiesB cell also directly stimulated IgE

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