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Include farm fresh milk in the diet of children

Farm fresh milk is the key source of calcium and as we all know that calcium aids in proper bone and teeth development. This is the key reason why infants are fed with a mono milk diet in their early years.

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Include farm fresh milk in the diet of children

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Include farm fresh milk in the diet of children

  2. Introduction • Country fresh milkis a major ingredient found in different types of dairy products. In our formative years, this milk serves as a major part of our diet. The nutrient content present in the fresh milk of the cows is truly unmatchable.  www.prideofcows.com

  3. Farm fresh milk is the key source of calcium • Farm fresh milk is the key source of calcium and as we all know that calcium aids in proper bone and teeth development. This is the key reason why infants are fed with a mono milk diet in their early years. • Calcium phosphate is one of the most vital elements of hydroxyapatite. it’s good for your toddlers. www.prideofcows.com

  4. Benefits of milk Cow milk also protects the colon cells in the body thereby preventing the risk of cancer. Studies show that cow milk even lowers the risk of migraines and headaches. It reduces the symptoms of PMS especially during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. www.prideofcows.com

  5. Important nutrient in Milk Protein is one of the many nutrients in milkthat is vital for human health. It is necessary for proper growth and muscle development. Hence, a lot of body builders and athletes drink milk on every day basis. www.prideofcows.com

  6. Country fresh milk of India These are some of the nutrients and benefits of country fresh milk, however there are people who claim to have received some allergic reactions post the consumption of pure cow milk. Some possible symptoms of the allergic reactions could be nasal congestion, skin rashes, itching, dizziness, swelling of lips amongst others. www.prideofcows.com

  7. Thank You www.prideofcows.com

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