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The March 2007 Campus Climate Survey and Other Campus Surveys: Selected Comparisons

The March 2007 Campus Climate Survey and Other Campus Surveys: Selected Comparisons. Presentation to the Board of Trustees September 28, 2007. Four Surveys:. Previous NCA Campus Survey (1998) National Higher Education Research Institute Survey—Faculty and Administration (HERI, Fall 2004 ).

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The March 2007 Campus Climate Survey and Other Campus Surveys: Selected Comparisons

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The March 2007 Campus Climate Survey and Other Campus Surveys: Selected Comparisons Presentation to the Board of Trustees September 28, 2007

  2. Four Surveys: • Previous NCA Campus Survey (1998) • National Higher Education Research Institute Survey—Faculty and Administration (HERI, Fall 2004 )

  3. Four Surveys: • Board of Trustees Self-Assessment Survey (October-November 2006) • HLC Campus Climate Survey—All YSU Employee Groups (March 2007)

  4. Context: • Questions on 2007 CC Survey based partially on HLC criteria, especially • Criterion 1: Mission and Integrity • Criterion 2: Preparing for the Future/Governance/Environmental Scanning • Criterion 4: Acquisition/Application of Knowledge

  5. Context, Cont’d: • Questions on 2007 CC Survey also based on • HLC “cross-cutting themes”: • “Learning-Focused” Organization • “Future-Oriented” Organization • “Connected” Organization • “Distinctive” Organization • concerns the NCA identified in 1998, especially the need to increase diversity • areas for which YSU requested expertise on the 2008 site team

  6. Keep in Mind: • A single topic may relate to multiple criteria and/or themes—e.g., diversity items relate to: • Criterion 1: Mission and Integrity • Criterion 4: Acquisition/Application of Knowledge (General Education) • “Connected” Organization • “Distinctive” Organization

  7. Keep in Mind, Cont’d: • Some questions on the 2007 CC survey are repeated from, or similar to, questions on previous three surveys • Questions are worded differently on the four surveys; not identical, but similarities and overlaps

  8. Keep in Mind, Cont’d: • Any one survey represents a point in time; results and perceptions might be different today • Campus climate surveys may show “response bias”: people who feel strongly are more likely to respond • Surveys are only one source of information for a self-study

  9. Response Rates 2007 HLC 1998 NCA • 1,098 surveys distributed • 477 individuals returned survey = 43% • 1,109 surveys distributed • 500 individuals returned survey = 45%

  10. Response Rates 2004 HERI 2006 BoT • 385 surveys distributed • 182 individuals returned survey = 47.3% • 11 surveys distributed • 10 individuals returned survey = 90.9%

  11. 2007: How Representative?

  12. Mission/Distinctiveness

  13. 1.The University’s statements of mission, vision, core values, and organizational priorities, taken together, clearly and broadly define the organization’s mission. (Criterion 1a and Distinctive Organization) • 100% of Trustees: Agree

  14. 3. I support YSU’s mission.(Criterion 1c) • Trustees: 100% Agree

  15. 4. The activities and commitments of YSU are congruent with its mission. (Criterion 1c et al.)

  16. The board regularly considers YSU’s mission . . . when it discusses key issues; allocates resources; and/or approves new initiatives: • Trustees: 100% Agree

  17. Diversity

  18. 35. It is very important for students to gain knowledge of and appreciation for racial/ethnic groups other than their own. (Criterion 1b and e; 4c et al.; Connected Organization; 1998 Concern) • HERI: • 52.5% indicated that it is “very important or essential” to “enhance students’ knowledge of and appreciation for other racial/ethnic groups.”

  19. 34. Helping to promote racial understanding is a very important or essential personal goal for me. (Criterion 1b and e; Connected Organization; 1998 Concern) • HERI: • 42.1% indicated that “helping to promote racial understanding” is a “very important or essential” personal goal.

  20. 33. Increasing the representation of minorities among faculty and staff is a high priority at YSU. (Criterion 1b and e; Connected Organization; 1998 Concern)

  21. HERI: • 54.6% indicated that “to increase the representation of minorities in the faculty and administration” is a “high” or “highest” priority at YSU. • 1998 NCA Survey: • 62% agreed that YSU needed to “continue rigorous efforts to diversify the student body, faculty, and staff.”

  22. 32. There is considerable campus racial conflict at YSU.* (Criterion 1b and e; Connected Organization; 1998 Concern) * “Disagree” Scores Preferable

  23. 30. There is respect at YSU for expression of diverse values and beliefs. (Criterion 1b and e; Connected Organization; 1998 Concern)

  24. Relationships/Connectedness

  25. 26. Faculty and support staff have positive work relationships with each other. (Connected Organization)

  26. 17. My immediate supervisor understands my concerns. (Criterion 1b and e; Connected Organization)

  27. 5. The University honors the dignity and worth of individuals.(Criterion 1b; Connected Organization)

  28. 24. Individuals in my work group (e.g., faculty or staff) are sufficiently involved in campus decision-making. (Criteria 1e and 2a; Connected Organization; Future-Oriented Organization)

  29. 27. During the past year and a half, steps have been taken to improve relationships and morale. (Criterion 1b and e; Connected Organization) • 50% of Trustees indicated that the “Board takes steps to learn about and improve faculty and staff morale.”

  30. 13-15. The Board of Trustees understands . . .

  31. 42. I feel that my work at YSU is appreciated. (Criterion 1d; Connected Organization)

  32. CC 2007: “During the past two years, I have considered leaving YSU for another Institution”: • 52.8% Agree • 2004 HERI: “During the past two years, have you considered leaving this institution for another?”: • YSU Faculty 33.3% Yes • Public 4-Yr Colleges 42.9% Yes • CC 2007: “During the past two years, have you applied for a position at another higher education institution?”: • 17.2% Yes

  33. 36. Overall, I am satisfied with my job here at YSU. • HERI: 77.8% “Satisfactory” or “Very Satisfactory”

  34. Learning-FocusedOrganization

  35. 9. Within financial constraints, the University provides its employees reasonable opportunities for professional development and training. (Criterion 4a; Learning-Focused Organization)

  36. 6-8. The University’s planning and patterns of financial allocation show that YSU values learning . . . (Criterion 4a; Learning-Focused Organization)

  37. 40. Interaction among students and faculty is a high priority at YSU.

  38. Learning-Focused Organization: • “Organizational learning . . . requires carefully listening to multiple constituencies.” • Higher Learning Commission Handbook of Accreditation

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