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Explore the sequence and mechanics of spiritual death based on Ephesians 4:18, revealing the futility of worldly pursuits, the darkening of understanding, and alienation from God due to ignorance and hardened hearts.
Hypocrites and BackslidersLesson 29 Spiritual Death
Spiritual Death • This I say, therefore, and testify in the Lord, that you should no longer walk as the Gentiles also walk, in the futility of their mind, 18 being darkened in their understanding, alienated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them due to the hardness of their hearts, 19 because they have become callous and have abandoned themselves to licentiousness for the greedy practice of every type of impurity. LWBC 04-06-08
Spiritual Death - Mechanics • 1. Vanity (Futility) of the Mind - Noun • 2. Understanding (Appraisal Process) Darkened - Verb • 3. Alienated from the Life from God • 4. Ignorance in them • 5. Heart Hardened - Verb • 6. Past Feeling • 7. Lascivious • 8. Unclean • 9. Greedy LWBC 04-06-08
Futility Greediness Darkened Uncleanness Alienated Unbeliever Lasciviousness Ignorant Unfeeling The Unbeliever 9 LWBC 04-06-08
Spiritual Death Sequence? • The question becomes, "What is the sequence of events in this verse, and, the Spiritual Death description?" • Which comes first? • There are a myriad of candidates included in this verse, so let's examine them: LWBC 04-06-08
Vanity Callous Darkened Ignorant Hardened Alienated Greedy Lascivious Unclean Alienated LWBC 04-06-08
Alienated Darkened Callous Ignorant Hardened Futility Greedy Lascivious Unclean Futility LWBC 04-06-08
Vanity Darkened Callous Alienated Hardened Ignorant Greedy Lascivious Unclean Ignorant LWBC 04-06-08
Vanity Alienated Darkened Ignorant Hardened Callous Greedy Lascivious Unclean Callous LWBC 04-06-08
Vanity Callous Darkened Ignorant Alienated Hardened Greedy Lascivious Unclean Hardened LWBC 04-06-08
Vanity Callous Darkened Ignorant Hardened Lascivious Greedy Alienated xUnclean Lasciviousness LWBC 04-06-08
Vanity Callous Darkened Ignorant Hardened Unclean Greedy Alienated Lascivious Uncleanness LWBC 04-06-08
Vanity Callous Darkened Ignorant Hardened Greedy Lascivious Alienated Unclean Greediness LWBC 04-06-08
Vanity Callous Alienated Ignorant Hardened Darkened Greedy Lascivious Unclean Darkened LWBC 04-06-08
Mechanics - ケεριケατέω • 17 This, then, I say, and I testify in the Lord; ye are no more to walk, • walk = ケεριケατέω: to conduct your inner and outer life • verb, third person, singular, present, active, indicative • "you are no more to keep on conducting your inner and outer life…" LWBC 04-06-08
Mechanics - ματαιότης • in the futility ματαιότης: • futility, emptiness, disappointment • noun, feminine, singular, dative LWBC 04-06-08
Mechanics - ματαιότης • The apostle emphasizes a very important point, namely, that all those endeavors which the Gentiles put forth in order to attain happiness end in disappointment. - Hendriksen • "futility: the futility of idol-worship as well as the emptiness of human endeavours which sought to bring lasting satisfaction" - O'Brien, Peter Thomas LWBC 04-06-08
Mechanics - ματαιότης • All this chasing after riches, honor, mirth, etc., is nothing but “a striving after wind” (Eccles. 1:7, 8; 3:9). • Their mind or intellect is fruitless. • It produces naught that can satisfy. - Hendriksen • Futility is a vacuum of satisfaction and accomplishment. LWBC 04-06-08
Mechanics - νοῦς • of their mind,νοῦς: • mind, understanding, reason • noun, masculine, singular, genitive • Genitive of source • "going on in their mind" LWBC 04-06-08
Spiritual Death: Eph 4:18 • 18being darkened in their understanding, alienated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them, because of the hardness of their heart; LWBC 04-06-08
Mechanics - σκοτόω • 18 being darkened σκοτόω: to darken • verb, perfect, passive, participle, masculine, plural, nominative LWBC 04-06-08
Mechanics - σκοτόω • The whole range of meaning may be understood in terms of the basic sense: darkness, not in connection with its optical effect,9 but experienced as an enveloping sphere and described in its significance for existence, i.e., as a hindrance to movement and action, to foresight, as the sphere of objective peril and subjective anxiety. (Kittell) LWBC 04-06-08
Mechanics - σκοτόω • For the Greek sight is quite simply the possibility of life and self-orientation in it. • 1. Darkness is concealment, obscurity, secrecy, deception; …it is a lack of knowledge or insight. • Darkness denotes the whole range of what is harmful, or evil-in the sense of the threat to life, of what is bad for me, as well as in that of moral evil, or fatal. • It is characterized by captiviy, evil and wickedness. LWBC 04-06-08
Eph 4:18 - Darkness • Ephesians 1:18 (AMP) • 18 By having the eyes of your heart flooded with light, so that you can know and understand the hope to which He has called you, and how rich is His glorious inheritance in the saints (His set-apart ones), LWBC 04-06-08
Understanding - O'Brien • The desperate condition of Gentiles outside of Christ is now depicted in terms of their being darkened in their understanding. • It is noteworthy that the apostle goes out of his way to emphasize the perceptive and mental dimension in the human estrangement from God. LWBC 04-06-08
Mechanics - διάνοια • in the understanding, διάνοια: the mind, disposition, thought • noun, feminine, singular, dative • Being darkened is something that took place in the past but has continuing effect.121 • The “understanding” or power of discursive reasoning had been affected by sin. • “Professing themselves to be wise, they become fools” (Rom. 1:22). LWBC 04-06-08
The Event Perception Appraisal Filter Representation Cognitive Response The Volitional Interlude Emotional Reaction Rational Emotional The General Sequence of Thinking SC Attribution Mood Beliefs Attitude Knowledge OR LWBC 04-06-08
The Volitional Interlude The “Disobedience” Reaction The “Obedience” Response Representation Appraisal Filter The Event Communion Separation Perception The Obedience/Disobedience Sequence of Thinking OR LWBC 04-06-08
The Volitional Interlude The “Disobedience” Reaction The “Obedience” Response Appraisal Process Representation The Event Communion Separation Perception The Sequence of Pre-Fall Understanding SC Attribution Mood Beliefs Attitude Knowledge Divine Viewpoint The Appraisal Process OR LWBC 04-06-08
Believer Appraisal Elements Divine Viewpoint Knowledge Self Concept Attribution Attitude Mood Beliefs LWBC 04-06-08
Unbeliever Appraisal Elements Divine Viewpoint Knowledge Self Concept Attribution Attitude Mood Beliefs LWBC 04-06-08
The Volitional Interlude The “Insatiability” Reaction The “Divine Establishment” Response Representation Appraisal Filter The Event Establishment Blessing Uncleanness Perception The Sequence of Post-Fall Understanding SC Attribution Mood Beliefs Attitude Knowledge Divine Viewpoint "Their Understanding became Darkened" ______________ OR LWBC 04-06-08
Mechanics - ἀケαλλοτριόω • being alienated ἀケαλλοτριόω: to alienate, estrange • verb, perfect, passive, participle, masculine, plural, nominative • 19 Because that which is known of God is manifest among them, for God did manifest it to them, 20for the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world, by the things made being understood, are plainly seen, both His eternal power and Godheadムto their being inexcusable; 21because, having known God they did not glorify Him as God, nor gave thanks… LWBC 04-06-08
Mechanics - ζωή • from the life of God, ζωή: life • noun, feminine, singular, genitive • Genitive of source • "from the life God provides" LWBC 04-06-08
Mechanics - ἄγνοια • because of the ignorance that is in them, ἄγνοια: • ignorance • noun, feminine, singular, accusative • Romans 1:28 "And, according as they did not approve of having God in knowledge, God gave them up to a disapproved mind, to do the things not seemly;" LWBC 04-06-08
Eph 4:18 - alienated • They are described as being alienated, described by απατριολα = to be alienated from an ultimate source; to be estranged. • It means also, “to shut out from one’s fellowship and intimacy.” • Expositors says: “Being in a state of moral darkness, they also become alienated from the true life.” The life of God is the life that God provides. LWBC 04-06-08
Mechanics - ἄγνοια • Their state of alienation197 from his life was because of the ignorance that is in them. • To know God means to be in a close personal relationship with him. • Knowledge has to do with an obedient and grateful response of the whole person, not simply intellectual assent. • This darkening and alienation can be traced to their culpable ignorance, a condition they had brought upon themselves by hardening their hearts against the will of God. LWBC 04-06-08
Mechanics - ἄγνοια • The Gentiles’ inability to understand the light of God’s truth is no excuse for their broken relationship with him. • Indeed, the additional words, ‘[the ignorance] that is in them’, show that the responsibility is not finally due to external factors. • The blame falls squarely on their shoulders. • O'Brien, Peter Thomas: The Letter to the Ephesians. Grand Rapids, Mich. : W.B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1999 (The Pillar New Testament Commentary), S. 321 LWBC 04-06-08
Mechanics - ἄγνοια • Likewise, ‘ignorance’198 is a failure to be grateful and obedient. It describes someone’s total stance, and this includes emotions, will, and action, not just one’s mental response. • Not to know the Lord is to ignore him, to say ‘no’ to his demands. • Such ignorance is culpable. • It is not an excuse for sin, though it is often understood this way in contemporary thought. LWBC 04-06-08
Eph 4:18 - Ignorance • 1 Thessalonians 4:5 (AMP) • 5 Not [to be used] in the passion of lust like the heathen, who are ignorant of the true God and have no knowledge of His will, LWBC 04-06-08
Eph 4:18 - Ignorance • 1 John 5:20 (AMP) • 20 And we [have seen and] know [positively] that the Son of God has [actually] come to this world and has given us understanding and insight [progressively] to perceive (recognize) and come to know better and more clearly Him Who is true; and we are in Him Who is true—in His Son Jesus Christ (the Messiah). This [Man] is the true God and Life eternal. LWBC 04-06-08
Mechanics - ケώρωσις • because of the hardness ケώρωσις: • a covering with a callous, fig. blindness • noun, feminine, singular, accusative • "Because of the calcium buildup" • Hardness = stubbornness or resisting LWBC 04-06-08
Mechanics - καρδία • of their heart, καρδία: • heart • noun, feminine, singular, genitive • The action part of the soul - the "doing and being" area; where I have made my decision and stand on it. LWBC 04-06-08
Spiritual Death • Hebrews 8:10 (AMP) • 10 For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the Lord: I will imprint My laws upon their minds, even upon their innermost thoughts and understanding, and engrave them upon their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people. LWBC 04-06-08
Mechanics - ケώρωσις • By constantly saying “No” to God’s voice in conscience and in the lessons which nature and history had provided, they had at last become hard as stone, dead to all responsiveness to that which is good and uplifting; not, however, dead to all feeling and all desire. - Hendriksen LWBC 04-06-08
Mechanics - ケώρωσις • Romans 1:28 And, according as they did not approve of having God in knowledge, God gave them up to a disapproved mind, to do the things not seemly; LWBC 04-06-08