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Crisis Management: Definition, Categories, and Strategies

Understand the definition of crisis, its impact on organizations, and strategies for effective crisis management. Explore various crisis categories and their potential implications on businesses and reputation.

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Crisis Management: Definition, Categories, and Strategies

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  1. Pengenalan Pengurusan Krisis OrganisasiKuliah 1

  2. Definisi Krisis • Krisis dan Konflik • Cth: krisis ekonomi, krisis Kosovo, konflik Chetya • Krisis merangkumi: • Keadaan yang merbahaya seperti penyakit. Cth: H1N1 • Keadaan yang mengancam keamanan dan keselamatan • Kejadian yang boleh merosak atau memberi kesan terhadap keseluruhan organisasi/unit atau bahagian organisasi

  3. Definisi Krisis • Kejadian yang boleh mengugat kewujudan organisasi, produk yang dihasilkan, unit perniagaan atau kedudukan kewangan organisasi • Kejadian yang boleh menjejas kesihatan pengguna, pekerja, dan persekitaran masyarakat sekeliling • Kejadian/keadaan yang boleh merosakkan kepercayaan orang ramai terhadap organisasi, imej dan reputasi organisasi

  4. Definisi Krisis • Kejadian penting yang tidak dijangkakan dan memberi kesan negatif ke atas organisasi; kejadian yang berlaku dan kesan daripada kejadian tersebut boleh memberi kerosakan besar terhadap pekerja, produk, perkhidmatan, kewangan dan reputasi (Barton, 1993)

  5. Definisi Krisis • Krisis adalah satu masalah besar yang muncul secara tiba-tiba. • Lerbinger (1997) – krisis adalah sebagai kejadian yang membawa, atau berpotensi menjejaskan reputasi organisasi serta mengancam keuntungan, perkembangan, dan kewujudan organisasi (Lerbinger, 1997) • Krisis adalah keadaan atau masa yang tidak stabil di mana keputusan untuk berubah amat diperlukan sama ada memberi hasil yang positif yang diharapkan atau memberi kesan negatif kepada organisasi (Fink, 1986)

  6. Definisi Krisis • Gangguan secara fizikal yang memberi kesan kepada sistem secara keseluruhan, kepada andaian asas, dan kepada kewujudan organisasi (Pauchant dan Mitroff, 1992) • Menurut Pauchant dan Mitroff, krisis boleh memberi kesan terhadap kesahihan organisasi, boleh mengubah misi strategik organisasi dan juga mengganggu pandangan orang ramai terhadap organisasi. • Krisis adalah sesuatu yang relatif dan subjektif kerana maksud krisis bergantung kepada keperluan organisasi dan persekitaran • Krisis mempunyai kaitan terus dengan pencapaian matlamat organisasi

  7. Pengurusan Krisis (PK) • Pengurusan krisis adalah satu kaedah yang sistematik dan tersusun bagi menangani sesuatu krisis • PK membolehkan aktiviti harian organisasi sama ada mengeluarkan produk atau memberi perkhidmatan diteruskan • Sistem pengesanan awal dibuat dengan audit • Lebih kos-efektif kerana jimat kos – tidak memerlukan pasukan mengurus krisis yang besar

  8. Pengurusan Krisis (PK) • Menurut Littlejohn (1983) PK merujuk kepada penggunaan prinsip pengurusan yang dirangka bagi mengenalpasti, mengatasi dan mengurus krisis • Merangkumi pemilihan ahli pasukan, merangka pelan, memberi latihan, dan mengurus krisis

  9. Pengurusan Krisis (PK) • Menurut Littlejohn (1983) PK merujuk kepada penggunaan prinsip pengurusan yang dirangka bagi mengenalpasti, mengatasi dan mengurus krisis • Merangkumi pemilihan ahli pasukan, merangka pelan, memberi latihan, dan mengurus krisis

  10. Ciri-ciri Krisis Organisasi • Mempunyai unsur kejutan, tidak dijangkakan • Membuat organisasi hilang kawalan • Keadaan yang semakin membesar atau meruncing • Maklumat tidak cukup, maklumat bertentangan • Memerlukan jangkamasa membuat keputusan yang singkat • Mengugat kewujudan organisasi

  11. Ciri-ciri Krisis Organisasi • Berpotensi memberi kesan negatif • Situasi yang mempunyai risiko yang meningkat • Mendapat perhatian media dan kerajaan • Mengganggu aktiviti biasa organisasi • Merosakkan imej organisasi dan keupayaan organisasi

  12. Krisis • Berlaku secara tiba-tiba – krisis yang tidak dijangka seperti tindakan pihak pengganas merampas kapal terbang di India suatu ketika dahulu, World Trade Centre diserang pengganas, kes kapal terbang Air France terhempas dalam lautan, atau produk yang dicemari dengan bahan toksid atau racun seperti kes Tylenol, Johnson & Johnson.

  13. KEADAAN-KEADAAN YANG BOLEH MENYEBABKAN KRISIS • Kemalangan di tempat kerja • Khabar angin • Kematian mengejut eksekutif • Kesilapan teknologi • Ancaman/tindakan ganas pekerja yang tidak puas hati • Kerosakan disebabkan bencana alam • Boikot, piket, mogok • Sasaran pengambil-alihan • Kualiti produk • Tindakan undang-undang

  14. Jenis-jenis Krisis • Kegagalan komputer – Y2K • Pencemaran • Cubaan mengambil alih pengurusan syarikat • Salah guna wang syarikat • Kemalangan persekitaran – letupan logi nuklear • Tembak menembak atau jenayah di premis syarikat • Perletakan jawatan atau pemberhentian pengurusan syarikat secara tiba-tiba • Menarik balik produk dalam pasaran disebabkan pencemaran dll

  15. Jenis-jenis Krisis • Bantahan daripada masyarakat setempat atau persatuan pengguna • Iklan media yang dibuat oleh pihak lawan • Laporan negatif tentang produk dalam media atau jurnal perubatan • Lain-lain???

  16. KATEGORI KRISIS • Serangan luar terhadap ekonomi – perkara-perkara luaran yang menggugat keadaan ekonomi dan kewangan seperti peras ugut, rasuah, boikot, cubaan ambil alih syarikat. • Serangan luar terhadap maklumat – serangan dari luar terhadap maklumat penting dan sulit organisasi seperti kecurian maklumat dan khabar angin yang merosakkan. • Kerosakkan/kegagalan berfungsi – kilang tidak berfungsi disebabkan peralatan dan kemudahan rosak, dan pekerja yang mengahadapi tekanan, kesilapan manusia, kemudahan keselamatan dicerobohi.

  17. Faktor lain • “Psychopathology” atau tindakan tidak siuman – sabotaj, pencemaran produk, penculikan CEO organisasi, gangguan seksual. • Faktor sumber manusia (kemanusiaan) – pekerja yang tidak bersemangat, ketua organisasi yang sering bertukarganti, bahaya/ risiko di tempat kerja.

  18. Kesan krisis • Reputasi terjejas • Hilang kredibiliti, kepercayaan dan keyakinan terhadap organisasi • Hilang kesetiaan daripada pekerja • Menjejaskan jualan produk • Keuntungan kurang • Perlukan perbelanjaan tambahan • Perubahan pegawai • Produktiviti menurun

  19. PENGURUSAN KRISIS • Perlu penglibatan semua jabatan dalam organisasi. • Menggunakan sumber-sumber yang ada. • Pengurus yang boleh bertindak dalam keadaan tertekan (stress). • Pengurus yang mempunyai pengetahuan tentang teori dan aplikasi perlakuan organisasi, komunikasi organisasi, etika, strategi dan PR.

  20. Siapa yang terlibat? • Komponen pasukan mengurus krisis: * pentadbiran kanan- TP pentadbiran/operasi * operasi teknikal * hal ehwal awam * perhubungan awam * hal ehwal pelanggan * perhubungan pelabur * periklanan • Pasukan mengurus krisis perlu bersatu dan berupaya bekerja sebagai satu pasukan

  21. Kegagalan Mengurus Krisis • Kegagalan mengurus krisis kerana : * bercakap tanpa kuasa, tidak tahu budaya, prosedur, norma organisasi. (43%) * beri berdasarkan maklumat tidak betul yang diberi oleh pihak lain dalam organisasi. (27%) * mengambil tindakan yang merumitkan lagi krisis. Tindakan untuk membantu menyelesaikan krisis tetapi tidak dianggap begitu. (22%) • Apakah yang menyebabkan kegagalan organisasi menangani krisis?

  22. KENAPA KRISIS MENJADI SEMAKIN PENTING • Perubahan teknologi. • Kemunculan pendapat umum secara formal. • Kadar literasi yang meningkat.

  23. CRISIS # 1Faizal Tahir “SUPERMAN” Striptease • Show : 8TV Anniversary Concert • Channel : 8TV • Venue : Central Park Avenue, Bandar Utama • Time : 8.30 pm to 10.30 pm (prime time) • Date : Monday, 14 January 2008 • Airtime : LIVE telecast

  24. Who are involved? 􀂾 Faizal Tahir, local singer. 􀂾 8TV producers, crews and the group. 􀂾 Cause of crisis: deliberate act of striptease by Faizal Tahir for 7 minutes LIVE on air on Malaysian local broadcast station.

  25. Chronology: • Show was on 14 Jan ’08. Prime time. • News article (print media) was printed on the very next day and pictures of Faizal Tahir were circulating on the Net immediately. • SKMM (Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia) was alerted via media reports (newspaper), SKMM initiated own investigation on the case. The case also got the attention of JAKIM (Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia), KEKKWA (Ministry of Art, Culture and Heritage), Information Ministry and Lembaga Penapisan Filem (LPF). • Media Prima (MP) was alerted and the regulator asked for the recorded tape for investigation.

  26. Evaluation: • Evaluation of the recorded tape showed that FT had acted a planned strategy in duration of 7 minutes; taken off his jacket, his shirt, his belt and exposing a Superman logo on his bare chest. • SKMM has ruled out that the act as a deliberate act of striptease and a planned action. • It was a serious lapse of judgment by FT that it was lack of sensitivity of the community and inconsistent with local values.

  27. Consequences: • All approvals for 8TV for live concert/entertainment were revoked. The time frame was from 15 January to 15 April 2008 (3 months). • Enforcement action was taken. The station was compounded RM 50,000.00. • Affected the HR dept in terminating/suspending crews and staff involved. • The event gave high impact to the whole group and especially to Juara Lagu competition that was scheduled on 27 Jan ’08 (TV3).

  28. Steps taken by 8TV in handling the crisis: • COO of 8TV, Ahmad Izham, organized a Conference to clarify and explain the repercussions of the incident to public: • Sponsorships • HR- Manpower – crews/staff suspended/terminated • Future programs – i.e: Malaysian Idol and Chinese Spring Festival • Faizal Tahir was banned 3 months and ordered to exercise charity works. • Future show case will be recorded, edited and approved by LPF before airtime.

  29. Evaluation of the crisis management by 8TV: • Slow. The group took more than 1 day to “damage control” action to convey the messages to media. • 8TV is aware of expected crisis when airing a LIVE content. No measure of quality control was taken. No briefing and no training were given to crews especially cameramen. • The crisis had in fact brought Faizal Tahir name to rise but not to 8TV.

  30. CRISIS # 2Rosnah Mat Aris Insulted the Holy Prophet • Show : Sensasi • Channel : TV3 • Time : 11 pm to 12 midnight • Date : 30 January 2007 • Airtime : LIVE telecast

  31. Who are involved? • Rosnah Mat Aris, local actress. • TV3 producers, crews and the group. • Cause of crisis: Rosnah, the guest of Sensasi show, cited the Holy Prophet in insulting way when he married a much older woman, Khadijah.

  32. Chronology: • Show was on 30th Jan ’07. Sensasi is a gossip show that conducts interviews live sessions conducted by two hosts, Awal Ashaari and Intan Suraya. Began its episode on 26th Dec 06. Scheduled for a 13-episodes block. • News article (print media) was printed on the very next day and was circulating on the Net immediately. • Based on special reports by KEKWA, Jakim, Information Ministry and LPF, SKMM was called in to investigate the case. • Media Prima (MP) was alerted and the regulator asked for the recorded tape for investigation.

  33. Evaluation: • Evaluation of the recorded tape showed that Awal Ashaari started his interview session with Rosnah by introducing her public image to the audience as “matured blonde actress, had several relationships with younger men and also had acted a physical contact on her by touching her cheeks and made remarks about Botox injection”. • Later in the interview session, the host asked Rosnah about her opinion in having relationship with younger men when out of sudden conscious Rosnah had made remark of the Holy Prophet married an older woman name Khadijah and citing Khadijah as “tua nak mampos!” (old and near death). • It was a serious lapse of judgment by Rosnah Mat Aris that it was lack of sensitivity of the community and inconsistent with local values. • SKMM ruled out that this case as lack of aspiration values in religion and cultural. The lack of experience of the host in mediating the interview session had also given extra mileage in the case.

  34. Consequences: • The show, Sensasi, was terminated immediately after the episode. • SKMM terminated its LIVE airtime but allowed TV3 to continue the show by recording session. But TV3 chose to end the program immediately. • Affected the HR dept in terminating/suspending crews and staff involved. • The event gave high impact to the whole group and especially to Rosnah Mat Aris as an individual and her acting career. • The case induced controversial reports by media, religious groups and political parties. • Rosnah was only banned by the government broadcast station, RTM, for 1 year. • 8TV was compounded RM50,000.00 for breaching of license condition.

  35. Steps taken by TV3 in handling the crisis: • Almost nothing. TV3 only terminated the program and left Rosnah to deal with the crisis alone. Rosnah was left alone to make public apology on her own initiative through interviews with reporters. • Future show case will be recorded, edited and approved by LPF before airtime.

  36. Evaluation of the crisis management by TV3: • The group took more than 1 day to execute the “damage control” action to convey the messages to media. • TV3 left Rosnah to deal with the crisis alone. This showed a lack of professionalism by TV3. TV3 should instigate the crisis plan and elicit answers from Rosnah rather than leaving her answering questions from media alone. • This had caused more damage to herself and portraying bad image to the show. • The crisis had tarnished Rosnah’s name but TV3 remains as the leading Malay channel despite its “silent” way in treating the crisis. Question? Maybe it’s a way to deal with it?? • The program was lack of value, and the objective is to insult the guests. • Rosnah Mat Aris was in fact ridiculed and provoked by cynical questions that were lack of sensitivity.

  37. CRISIS # 3Adlin Aman Ramli and Saleem (Iklim) Drugs Remark • Show : AF4 week 3 concert • Channel : Astro RIA • Time : 9.00 pm to 11.00 pm(prime time) • Date : Sunday, 18 June 2006 • Airtime : LIVE Telecast

  38. Who are involved? • Adlin Aman Ramli : an actor assigned as permanent critic for AF4 concert and • Saleem : a local rock singer (Iklim), well-known for his drug abuse. • Astro RIA producer and Astro group • Cause of crisis: Adlin commented on Faizal Ramli (AF4 student) on his performance and insinuated a drug abuse remark to Saleem, guest artist for that show which Saleem felt it was targeted towards him.

  39. Chronology: • AF4 weekly concert - week 3. • Faizal Ramli (the student) was performing a popular song, “Blues Terengganu Kita” during his last performance. The original singer, Saleem, made a surprise appearance and sang along with him on stage. • Adlin then gave his comment on his performance by saying “ko jangan ambik dadah…isap ganja, ko kena ingat ini kalau nak berjaya…..” (You should never take drugs. You have to remember this if you want to be successful) which indirectly had offended Saleem. • Saleem demanded for an open apology by Adlin which will lead to him being sued if he fails to do so. • SKMM was alerted by media report to investigate the case and demanded that the program to be seized.

  40. Evaluation: • Evaluation of the recorded tape, SKMM found that the comments made by Adlin carried a negative insinuation to Saleem who had performed on stage with Faizal. • Adlin’s remarks were not scripted and he was being honest with his comments but it sounded harsh and carried double meaning. • Astro had taken steps to control critics’ comments by having briefing and providing guidelines. • Astro also had taken steps to prevent future breach in the future by instigated the crisis plan immediately in the show itself with the help of a professional host of the show. • The comments were personal in nature and do not have a criminal element or affects general sensitivity.

  41. Consequences: • Saleem made several controversial interviews with press expressing his disappointment with Adlin’s remark. • Media published the incident only on 20th June 2006 (2 days after the issue). • KEKKWA threatened to seize the whole program. • Steps taken by Astro in handling the crisis: • Measurements for damage control kicked-in immediately. Astro responded to the issue as positive message to the student as it was not scripted or intentional. • A meeting was arranged on 19 June by the group and held a PC between Adlin, Saleem and press. Adlin made a public apology during the PC. • The group also extended the public apology by Adlin in various shows that involved AF program that was Diari AF and during the following concert night. The producer had arranged for a live phone tele-conversation between Adlin and Saleem where Adlin apologized and Saleem accepted the apology.

  42. Evaluation of the crisis management by Astro RIA: • The group handled the damage control immediately and managed to control the press from publishing the news straight away. • Astro RIA worked hand-in-hand with Adlin to settle the crisis and provided him with positive back-up. • The crisis itself had brought Adlin’s name to rise.


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