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Jade Stone: A Secret for Longer-Lasting Eyelash Extensions

Jade, this green gemstone, is not just limited to jewelry and sculpture. Today, its use in the world of beauty, especially in the field of eyelash extensions, has brought about a remarkable transformation. Many beauty salons and professional eyelash technicians in Shiraz consider jade stone as one of their essential tools.

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Jade Stone: A Secret for Longer-Lasting Eyelash Extensions

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  1. Jade Stone: A Secret for Longer-Lasting Eyelash Extensions Jade, this green gemstone, is not just limited to jewelry and sculpture. Today, its use in the world of beauty, especially in the field of eyelash extensions, has brought about a remarkable transformation. Many beauty salons and professional eyelash technicians in Shiraz consider jade stone as one of their essential tools. The most important use of jade stone in eyelash extensions is its ability to maintain the quality of the adhesive. The low temperature of the jade stone allows the eyelash glue to dry slowly, preventing it from hardening too quickly. This feature enables technicians to work with greater precision and speed, resulting in longer-lasting outcomes. Moreover, the smooth and non-porous surface of jade stone makes it very easy to clean. This way, technicians can continue their work without worrying about adhesive contamination. Additionally, using jade stone helps save on adhesive, as less glue is wasted on its surface. Many cultures regard jade as a symbol of luck and good fortune and use it to attract positive energy. https://www.majalesalamat.com/beauty/jade stone - extension/ - lash -

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