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Rest of the complete details related to Central Cottage Industries Vacancy such as qualification, age limit, Mode of Selection, process to Apply etc can be checked through the info well furnished below by the squad of http://recruitmentresult.com/central-cottage-industries-recruitment/
Application Form For Central Cottage Industries Recruitment 2016 Manager Posts Adv Please paste self attested recent passport size photograph APPLICATION FORMAT 1) All columns should be filled in block letters 2)Incomplete applications/applications without enclosures will be rejected 1. POST APPLIED FOR : _______________________________________ PLACE OF POSTING:________________________________________ 2. 3. 4. FULL NAME(BLOCKLETTERS) : ____________________________________ FATHER’S/HUSBAND’S NAME : ____________________________________ (a) DATE OF BIRTH : ____________________________________
(b) AGE : _______(YRS.)_______(MTS)______(DS) (As on the last date of receipt of application) 5. RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS : (a)CORRESPONDENCE: ____________________________________ ADDRESS ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Tele. No. _______________________ E-mail ID_______________________ (b) PERMANENT ADDRESS: Tele. No. _______________________ E-mail ID_______________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ 6. SEX : Male Female Trans Gender Married Unmarried 7. MARITAL STATUS : : 8. RELIGION 9. PRESENT OFFICE ADDRESS : ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ 10. CATEGORY (OBC) : (In case PWD, please mention the percentage & category of disability) ____________________________________ 11. (a) PRESENT POST HELD: ____________________________________ (b) DATE FROM WHICH HELD: ____________________________________ (c) NAME OF ORGANISATION: (d) SCALE OF PAY: (e)PRESENT BASIC PAY : ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ (f)TOTAL EMOLUMENTS : ____________________________________ DETAILS OF SERVICE SL.NAME OF THE NO.ORGANISATIONHELD POST SERVED FROM LENGTH OF SERVICE WHETHER REGULAR OR NOT NATURE OF DUTIES PERFORMED TO 13. SL. NO. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION : (including professional qualifications, if any): EXAM. INSTT./ SUBJECTS PASSED UNIVERSITY STUDIED YEAR PASSING OF% AGE OFDIVISION MARKS OBTAINED
14. PROFICIENCY IN COMPUTER APPLICATIONS ( IF ANY) : 15. ANY OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATION : DECLARATION: I HEREBY DECLARE THAT THE ABOVE STATEMENTS ARE TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF. IN THE EVENT ANY INFORMATION IS FOUND TO BE FALSE OR INCORRECT, MY CANDIDATURE MAY BE TERMINATED WITHOUT NOTICE. PLACE : SIGNATURE OF THE CANDIDATE DATE : INSTRUCTIONS 1)Applications giving full particulars along with self attested copies of Certificates/testimonials and a recent passport size photograph (non-returnable) should reach Addl. General Manager (HR/Admn.), Central Cottage Industries Corporation of India Ltd., Jawahar Vyapar Bhawan, Janpath, New Delhi-110001 by ordinary post only by 17.01.2016. Please superscribe envelope with the post applied for (including place of posting). 2)All such Candidates employed with Central/State Govt., PSUs etc. may forward their applications in the prescribed format through proper channel. 3)Outstation candidates called for interview will be given AC III tier train fare from the place of residence to place of interview by shortest route. Central Cottage Industries Recruitment 2016 Full Details http://recruitmentresult.com/central-cottage-industries-recruitment/