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23 Life Lessons with New York Furniture Hardware Designer – Lisa Jarvis

When I think Lisa Jarvis, I first think sweet soul, the light of the world, passionate human being. Then I think VOGUE! Then I can’t help but think of her amazing furniture hardware.<br><br>Additionally, when I just want a laugh, I call Lisa. She’s the one person that I know that can crow better than any rooster, ribbit like a frog, bark like a dog, and probably perfectly imitate any other animal that you throw at her. Not to mention, her southern dialect is down near puuuuurrrfect! And her British accent isn’t too bad either. BUT, to see the southern drawl coming from Anna Wintour’s wish-a-like is downright hilllllarious! Plus, she’s super talented and inspiring not to mention amazing at her bread butter = furniture hardware. She’s truly a designer and architect’s hidden secret and best friend. <br>

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23 Life Lessons with New York Furniture Hardware Designer – Lisa Jarvis

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 23 Life Lessons with New York Furniture Hardware Designer – Lisa Jarvis When I think Lisa Jarvis, I first think sweet soul, the light of the world, passionate human being. Then I think VOGUE! Then I can’t help but think of her amazing furniture hardware. Additionally, when I just want a laugh, I call Lisa. She’s the one person that I know that can crow better than any rooster, ribbit like a frog, bark like a dog, and probably perfectly imitate any other animal that you throw at her. Not to mention, her southern dialect is down near puuuuurrrfect! And her British accent isn’t too bad either. BUT, to see the southern drawl coming from Anna Wintour’s wish-a-like is downright hilllllarious! Plus, she’s super talented and inspiring not to mention amazing at her bread + butter = furniture hardware. She’s truly a designer and architect’s hidden secret and best friend. If you enjoy this read a tenth as much as I do hearing Lisa’s stories, you’re in for a treat. Here she is in her own words….

  2. 1.) PSTR: Lisa, aside from being the world’s most spectacular cabinet + furniture hardware designer, you are such a high fashion fashionista! For starters, you must tell us where your rockin’ wardrobe originates! Lisa: My entire style was co-opted by the designers of old Hollywood. I was/am an old movie lover and as a child learned both fashion and interior design (and my speaking style — rapid and clear enunciation!) by osmosis. Glued to the black and white in my bedroom, I believed this was the way the real world should be: Glamorous. 2.) PSTR: You pose like a fashion model! We’re all wondering… have you ever modeled or did you ever desire a career in modeling? Lisa: When I was 17, I submitted a portfolio of photos I had art directed to several agencies in my hometown of L.A. No go… the standard then was simple. The measurement of your leg from the kneecap to the ankle. I was short by two inches and so, was shown the door. I patterned myself after my heroines —- Claudette Colbert, Carole Lombard and Jean Arthur. Now, they had style 3.) PSTR: Exactly how did you get into designing furniture + cabinet hardware? Lisa: I have designed furniture for myself and friends for 40 years. When my husband prompted me to start a furniture company, I did. Two weeks before the launch of that venture — whoops — no hardware. My darling then said, “Draw something. I’ll get it made in time’ The Barre and the Lily were my first attempt and continue to be huge sellers. The furniture company is long gone and the hardware increases monthly. 4.) PSTR: Do you like to collaborate with others? If so, tell us how a furniture or cabinet hardware collaboration with another architect or designer works? Lisa:I collaborate by happily creating custom hardware and other items. It’s simple, really. Either a client wants to resize one of my current designs, which only requires a new CAD drawing and mold from one of the foundries I work with or, often a designer will sketch an idea on a napkin or send a couple of photos and I extrapolate from there. It’s NOT crazy expensive. I want my art to be in the world, not “under glass” somewhere.

  3. 5.) PSTR: What projects have you worked on or designers that you’ve worked with that are you most proud of? Lisa:I am such a new company, I haven’t had a lot of opportunities yet to expand my vision outside of what I (truly) do for myself. But I have been flattered to work with Campion Platt, Darrin Varden, Clive Christian, Donna Moss, Denise McGaha, Michelle Workman (an early adopter!), Century Furniture, Oomph, and so on. I would love to be able to give all of the wonderful people I work with a shout out. Maybe next interview — smile Read Complete Post Here...

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