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This article discusses the unnecessary words and expressions that PTE takers frequently integrate into their essays. Keep them off yours to achieve your grade goals. Learn more at https://jroozptereview.wordpress.com/2018/10/09/4-words-you-need-to-keep-off-your-pte-essays-part-1/
pteonlinereview@jroozreview.com | info@pteacademic.com.ph 4 Words You Need to Keep Off Your PTE Essays (Part 1) The key to getting a high score in the PTE writing exam is to keep your essays simple and concise. Remember this when you answer writing exercises during your PTE exam preparation online sessions. Structure your essay. Come up with an interesting introduction, a detailed body, and a compelling conclusion. Expound your key points. But, make sure you don’t go overboard with your descriptions and explanations. This article discusses the unnecessary words and expressions that PTE takers frequently integrate into their essays. Keep them off yours to achieve your grade goals. 1. Very “Very” is used to emphasize the extremity of an adjective or adverb. While there’s nothing wrong with using it in your essays, using strong and accurate adjectives will demonstrate your mastery of the language better.
Example: He came from a very well-to-do family. So, money wasn’t a problem for him. He came from a wealthyfamily. So, money wasn’t a problem for him, 2. Then “Then” is used to indicate a transition in a sequence of events. If you find it in your essays, you can either drop it entirely or replace it with the word “and.” Example: I opened my laptop, then I reviewed my notes from my last PTE online training session. Then I checked out my course syllabus to prepare for my next PTE class. I opened my laptop, and I reviewed my notes from my last PTE online training session. I checked out my course syllabus to prepare for my next PTE class. 3. Really Like “very,” “really” is used to highlight something in a passage. Avoid using it entirely or find another word that affirms your key point just as well. Example: She was really happy with the results of her PTE exam preparation online mock tests. She was thrilled with the results of her PTE exam preparation online mock tests. 4. Just This is one of those words that most people use despite the fact that it seldom contributes anything to their statements. Don’t use it if it serves no purpose to your essay. Example: He justleft the test items blank since he didn’t know the answer. He justleft the test items blank since he didn’t know the answer.
Keep a list of these terms with you during your PTE online training sessions. But, don’t consult it until after you finish writing and proofreading your essays. That way, you can determine the words and phrases that flew under your radar during your initial review. Keep an eye out for them on your future writing exercises. Ace the PTE writing exam! Avoid using these words and phrases in your essays. Enroll in one of our PTE review courses today to find out more ways to supercharge your test performance!