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**Certified CMD-LBE of San Francisco (CMD021910059)01**<br>TechnoStruct's services result in better-engineered buildings delivered on-time and on-budget by means of engineering design optimization, design-conflict minimization, shrinking the margin for errors & omissions; and at the same time, producing precise and synchronized engineering documents. The company’s VDC offerings ensure efficient processes, improved collaboration, better-informed decisions and accelerated understanding of the design and input data.For More Info Visit:-http://technostruct.com/
Assembling Dreams IntoReality... Engineering BIMImplementation BIMCoordination BIMProduction Certified CMD-LBE of San Francisco(CMD02191000159)
TechnoStruct your local BIMpartners... TechnoStruct, LLCis an emerging name in the Design & Construction technology space, providing localized Engineering and BIM/VDC services to players across the Constructionspectrum. SalientFeatures TechnoStruct's services result in better-engineered buildings delivered on- time and on-budget by means of engineering design optimization, design- Local Team: California-based VDC/BIM conflict minimization, shrinking the margin for errors & omissions; andat Services firm serving the Design & Construction the same time, producing precise and synchronized engineeringdocuments. space in USA/Europe and other globalmarkets The company’s VDC offerings ensure efficient processes,improved Turn-Around-Time: TechnoStruct promises collaboration, better-informed decisions and accelerated understandingof quick turn-around-time on deliverables. Our the design and inputdata. primary office being in San Francisco, CA; we haveregionalofficesinIrvineandDallas,where TechnoStruct’s Project Managers/Coordinators/Engineers participate in our engineers are trained in US codestoprovide projectcoordinationmeetingsbyeitherbeingpresentonsiteorviaweb- additional support. Some of our teamsworkin meetings. TechnoStruct believes in creating partnerships and sharing 3 different time shifts with proper overlap to responsibilities. With the company’s substantial cross-sector experience and facilitate fast turn around and proper a team of qualified professionals, it offers a unique delivery mechanism, informationexchange. cutting into client geography, while also enabling the implementationof US Codes: We understand US design and global industry bestpractices. construction and familiar with CA local codes as our staff are educated and trained in theUS. Coordination: We not only create clash- TechnoStruct has been making inroads into some of the mostprestigious projects in the North California region, including Google Bayview project,Apple batches, we attend coordination meetingsand Headquarters, SFO International Airport Extension, Transbay Transit Center,New run throughthe clashes with eachproject Stanford Hospital, Lucile Packard Children Hospital (LPCH), Ford Researchand stakeholder. We help coordinate withthe Innovation Center, Kaiser Permanente Medical Buildings, to name a few. Withits Design Consultants as well as with theTrade unique processes distinguishing it from other competition, TechnoStruct iswell Contractors. Experience: Wide experience in Construction poisedtobethepowerhousebrandthat youwerealwayslookingtopartnerwith in the American Design & Constructionspace. andDesign. Constructability Analysis: We provide a BIM constructability report along with the clash batches, based on the experience of our Engineers working on the project. These issues can be FM related, Design related, Material efficiency related, missing elements related,etc. Certified CMD-LBE of San Francisco(CMD02191000159)
CapabilityStatement TechnoStruct is a professional engineering firm specializingin engineering and design for industrial, commercial, high-tech manufacturing, co-generation, solar power and water infrastructure projects. An LBE of San Francisco, our vision isto provide focused engineering design and hands- on field support to our clients. Our core competencies include designof traditional and renewable energy Electrical EngineeringSolutions facilities; distribution andsubstation TechnoStruct, LLC We offer all aspects of electrical and control system designand infrastructure; tenantimprovements construction services to the commercial, manufacturing and industrial sectors.We for officebuildings/semi-conductor are proficient in power distribution, protective relaying coordination and arc-flash industry, water pumping, andwater/ safety; including but not limitedto: wastewater treatmentfacilities. Power Distribution (12kV, 480V, 208Vsystems) Commercial/industrial/institutional/pharmaceuticaldesign TenantImprovements Industrial SystemsDesign SubstationDesign Water Pumping StationDesign Emergency SystemDesign Lighting Design Title 24Calculation Power SystemAnalysis Short CircuitAnalysis Relay CoordinationStudies Arc FlashStudy Energy efficiencyimprovements EquipmentSpecification Constructiondocuments Construction Services Code analysis Permitting Preventative maintenance and operationprocedures Certified CMD-LBE of San Francisco(CMD02191000159)
CapabilityStatement TechnoStruct is a professional engineering firm specializingin engineering and design for industrial, commercial, high-tech manufacturing, co-generation, solar power and water infrastructure projects. An LBE of San Francisco, our vision isto provide focused engineering design and hands- onfieldsupporttoourclients. Some ofour Engineering Services Mechanical EngineeringSolutions include: TechnoStruct provides complete mechanical engineering services, fromfeasibility LEEDCertification, EnergyStar, studies and systems analysis to schematic design, design development,contract GreenPoint Rated, DOE Zero documents, and engineering support during bidding and construction. Our areaof Energy Ready Energy Efficient and Sustainable expertise includes, but is not limited to, thefollowing: Designs Heating, Ventilation, AirConditioning ASHRAE 90.1,90.2 Calculations Air Filtration and Indoor AirQuality California Title24 Energy Humidification andDehumidification PerformanceMethod Calculations Industrial ExhaustSystems Feasibility Studies Thermal Insulation and BuildingEnvelope Conceptual and Schematic Designs Clean Rooms,Laboratories Hospital, Medical, and Bio-PharmaceuticalFacilities Central Utility Chiller/BoilerPlants Chilled Water /Hydronic Hot Water Systems Industrial Refrigeration andControls Hot & Cold Water PlumbingDistribution Sanitary Waste and VentSystems Gray Water Waste PlumbingSystems GreaseInterceptors Storm Water DrainSystems Oil/SandSeparators Fire Sprinkler WaterPumps Sewage Ejector /Dewatering Pumps HVACControls Building Automation and EnergyManagement Title 24 Energy ComplianceDocumentation Certified CMD-LBE of San Francisco(CMD02191000159)
CapabilityStatement TechnoStruct is a professional engineering firm specializingin engineering and design for industrial, commercial, high-tech manufacturing, co-generation, solar power and water infrastructure projects. An LBE of San Francisco, our vision isto provide focused engineering design and hands- onfieldsupporttoourclients. Some ofour Engineering Services Plumbing & FP EngineeringSolutions include: TechnoStruct’s Residential and Commercial Plumbing/Fire ProtectionDesign SystemsEngineering professionalsarehighlyskilledintheinnovativedesign,specificationandinspection ValueEngineering of plumbing systems of varied size and complexity. Let us design anefficient BudgetaryCostEstimates plumbing system for your project. We use CPC and UPC in our design. A snapshotis Code Studies andCodeReviews asfollows: TechnicalDueDiligence Domestic Cold and Hot WaterSystems PeerReviews Water Heater Size Calculation, andSelection ComparativeAnalyses Domestic Waste and VentSystems Strategic Planning Fuel Gas PipingSystems Forensic Engineering andExpert Stormwater, Roof DrainageSystems ConsultingServices Sump Pump, and Booster Pump design andselection Grease Interceptor/TrapSizing Isometric riserdiagrams Coordinate with public utilities in order tofacilitate the design and construction of thework Performance or complete design anddocumentation Building and occupancyevaluation Building and constructioncoordination Hydrauliccalculations Seismic bracecalculations Codecompliance Cost estimating and valueengineering Bidevaluation Planreview Submittalreview Title 24 ComplianceDocumentation Certified CMD-LBE of San Francisco(CMD02191000159)
BIM/VDCSolutions BIMImplementation BIMCoordination BIMProduction Creating BIMImplementationPlan EngineeringDesignSupport BIM modeling at designand BIM Managementthroughproject Onsite BIMcoordination construction stages lifecycle Construction, fabrication, shopand Creation of standardsandBIM Leadingcoordinationmeetings spooldrawings workflow Working with tradepartnersto Preparing SD, DD and CD setsfor Company/projectspecificRevit make designchanges Design firms content Quantityscheduling Assistance/creationofproject Geometric &non-geometricclash 4D construction sequencing templates andRevitfamilies batching andconflictmanagement Revit contentcreation Company-specificcustom Setting up and managementofRFI Laser scanning for QC automation protocols Trimble pointgeneration Setting upprojectcollaboration Sustainabilityinputs platforms likeA360 Glue, Constructability analysis SharePoint, FTPsite,etc. Creating pre-conschedule Setting up initial projectfiles(grid As-builts coordination line file, project base point,etc.) Projectclose-out Certified CMD-LBE of San Francisco(CMD02191000159)
CapabilityStatement BIMElectrical TechnoStruct is the frontrunner inthe TechnoStruct’s specialization is in Electrical services. We have worked onlargeto Building Information Modeling(BIM) small projects with extremely complex Electrical services andcoordinationthereof. and Virtual Design & Construction Some of the salient reasons behind TechnoStruct’s success arethefollowing: (VDC) services space inUSA. We understand Electrical design and construction and familiar with CAlocal Our BIM Engineers andCoordinators codes as our staff are educated and trained in theUS. have extensive and strategicexperience We help create initial detailing like Electrical Circuit calculation,LowVoltage in National and Multinational Design and Normal Voltage conduit layout design, light circuiting design, etc.Thishelps and Construction firms. Tapping into our clients tonot waste time preparing a product from scratch. Rather, theycan this rich and experience, we have redline on the initial drawings we provide based on contract drawings.Wealso created our unique QC and Delivery help in designing/preparing IFC package for Power, LightandTelecom. processes, which are then modifiedto We understand Design aspects like Power and light circuit design, Conduit adapt or each client’s andproject’s routing, Lighting connection design (Lurton control system, etc.), Title24,etc. requirements. Certified CMD-LBE of San Francisco(CMD02191000159)
CapabilityStatement BIMMechanical TechnoStruct is the frontrunner inthe TechnoStruct has a strong team on Mechanical BIM Engineersandmodelers,who Building Information Modeling(BIM) have successfully supported in some of the largest projects in USA. Some ofthe and Virtual Design & Construction reasons of such success areasfollows: (VDC) services space inUSA. We understand Mechanical design, construction and are also familiarwith Our BIM Engineers andCoordinators codes like ASHRAE and SMACNA. as our staff are educated and trained in the have extensive and strategicexperience US. in National and Multinational Design We help create initial design for Mechanical systems like, heatload calculations, and Construction firms. Tapping into Duct Sizing, Heating, Cooling & Ventilation Schematics, etc. Thishelps our this rich and experience, we have clients to not waste time preparing a product from scratch. Rather, theycan created our unique QC and Delivery redline on the initial drawings we provide based on the design requirementsof processes, which are then modifiedto the project. We also help in designing/preparingIFCpackage. adapt or each client’s andproject’s We help in preparing Equipment general arrangement plan (AHU, Chiller,CT, requirements. Pumps, etc.), Heating, Cooling & Ventilation Schematics & Air Flow Diagrams, etc. Preparing prefab/spool drawings and quantitysheets. Certified CMD-LBE of San Francisco(CMD02191000159)
CapabilityStatement BIM Plumbing &FP TechnoStruct is the frontrunner inthe TechnoStruct has worked on multiple project in the Mechanical domain; eitherasa Building Information Modeling(BIM) standalone discipline-based service or as part of the overall MEPFmodelingsupport. and Virtual Design & Construction Some of the features of this team’s overall strength isasfollows: (VDC) services space inUSA. We understand Plumbing design and construction and familiar with CAlocal Our BIM Engineers andCoordinators codes as our staff are educated and trained in theUS. have extensive and strategicexperience We help create initial design for Fire protection systems like, DomesticHot in National and Multinational Design Water heating system and sewer systems, etc. This helps our clients tonot and Construction firms. Tapping into waste time preparing a product from scratch. Rather, they can redlineonthe this rich and experience, we have initial drawings we provide based on contract drawings. We also help in created our unique QC and Delivery designing/preparing IFCpackage. processes, which are then modifiedto We understand Design aspects like Riser diagrams, sewer slopes and adapt or each client’s andproject’s Undergroundutilities,etc. requirements. Certified CMD-LBE of San Francisco(CMD02191000159)
CapabilityStatement BIM Architecture &Structure TechnoStruct is the frontrunner inthe TechnoStruct’s Architecture/Structure team has been part ofcomplex Design Building Information Modeling(BIM) Support projects; working as an extended arm of the Design firms. Someofthe and Virtual Design & Construction Architectural/Structural services provided arethefollowing: (VDC) services space inUSA. BIM TransitionSupport Our BIM Engineers andCoordinators PDF / Paper to BIMConversion have extensive and strategicexperience CAD toBIM in National and Multinational Design PermitSet Drawings and Construction firms. Tapping into SD to DD to CDUsing BIMModel this rich and experience, we have Design CoordinationBetweenASMEPF created our unique QC and Delivery Quantityand Schedules processes, which are then modifiedto As-BuiltModel adapt or each client’s andproject’s requirements. Certified CMD-LBE of San Francisco(CMD02191000159)
CapabilityStatement Laser Scanning andBIM TechnoStruct is the frontrunner inthe In the construction process, real-time quality control and early defectsdetection are Building Information Modeling(BIM) still the most significant approach to reducing project schedule and costoverrun. and Virtual Design & Construction Current approaches for quality control on construction sites aretime-consumingand (VDC) services space in USA. ineffectivesincetheyonlyprovidedataatspecificlocationsandtimestorepresent Our BIM Engineers andCoordinators the work in place, which limit a quality manager’s abilities to easily identifyand have extensive and strategicexperience manage defects. The solution lies in an integrated system of BuildingInformation in National and Multinational Design Modelling (BIM) and Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) to come upwithreal-time and Construction firms. Tapping into onsite quality information collecting and processing for construction quality this rich and experience, we have control. Using a variety of instruments, we capture existing conditions -topography, created our unique QC and Delivery buildings, exterior/interior spaces, etc. - in highly accurate detail that allows for2d processes, which are then modified to and 3d measurement. These measurements form the basis for analysis, design, adapt or each client’s and project’s documentation, and quality control. We do this using the fastest,mostaccurate, requirements. non-contact instruments known, literally at light speed. Our capture process can be used for a project as small as a residential home, or as large as an entireuniversity campus. The data we capture can be re-used and updated without limit and is easily integrated into many different software platforms. Some of the services providedin this category is asfollows: 2d and 3d digitalreplication BIM Models from LiDAR point clouddata As-built documentation in Revit/AutoCAD from scanned point clouddata Beneficial for Renovation, Refurbishment / Retrofitting of existing structures High accuracy/ tolerance models generated Tracing and surface restructuring from point clouddata 3D BIM models from point cloud captured by adrone Certified CMD-LBE of San Francisco(CMD02191000159)
TechnoStruct’s Unique QA/QCWorkflow Time QCTeam ProductionTeam # ofFilesin QCServer 9:00AM TaskAssigned 0 12:00PMProgressfilestoredinQCServer1 12:30PM 1st review usingQC Checklist 0 1:00PM Errors documentedand redlines placed inQCserver Modeler in notifiedof redlines 1 3:00PMProgressfilestoredinQCServer2 3:30PM 2nd review using QC Checklist 1 4:00PM Identified errorsare documented Modeler in notifiedof redlines 2 6:00PMFinaldeliverablesavedinQCServer3 If notcorrected 6:15PM1st&2ndsetredlinesQCpersonmakeCorrectiondone1 reviewed modeler correctover GTM FinalQC 6:30PM 0 Errorsdocumented 6:45PMErrorscorrected0 7:00PM QC Lead signs off thefinal delivery FinalDeliverey 1 Certified CMD-LBE of San Francisco(CMD02191000159) Correctiondone
Select ProjectsPortfolio Healthcare Lucile PackardChildren’sHospital Gilead Sciences NB357 &324 Kaiser PermanenteSantaRosa Stanford RedwoodCity Corporate/Institutional AppleHeadquarters Ford Research and InnovationCenter UC Davis Jess Jackson and WineryBuilding Infrastructure SFO Terminal1Redevelopment TransbayTransitCenter SF W-side RecycledWaterTreatment SFO—Terminal1C Cultural/Educational AlbanyHighSchool TheVillageSchool Museum ofContemporaryArt 1055 PineAAU Hospitality WynnBostonHarbor Europa Village HotelandWinery 100 LasOlas Residential Metropolitan atFlaglerVillage TheMarkSarasota 1990 Folsom St,MissionDistrict 5000 NorthOcean Certified CMD-LBE of San Francisco(CMD02191000159)
We are here tohelp... Certified CMD-LBE of San Francisco(CMD02191000159) ContactUs 1290 Old Bayshore Highway, Suite273 Burlingame, CA94010 57Courant Irvine, CA92618 2140 Channel Islands Drive Allen, TX75013 (732)208-9732 (917)477-7348 inquiry@technostruct.com Www.technostruct.com